Fratboy College AU | Part 3

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A/N: Just got home from London and thought I should post the last part of this! 


Luke's head was bobbing up and down to the beat of the music while he walked down one of the hallways of the dorm house, his eyes searching around for an available toilet. To his surprise he hadn't seen Y/N all night, and to his own surprise he hadn't been drinking more than two beers. He wanted to proof something to her but it made it difficult to him because she was nowhere to be seen. He saw a door slight open and a smile appeared on his lips as he finally thought he find something available but his face expression changed when he saw you hovering over the toilet your hair all over your face. "Oh my god Y/N." Luke whispered over his breath before he hurried over to you and moved your almost dampen hair out of your face. "How much have you been drinking?" He asked confused, and you sighed while leaning your head against the cold porcelain of the toilet. "Too much." You mumbled and almost looked up at him teary. He stood up from kneeling down and emptied his red cup to replace it with water before he sat down next to you and made you drink to get the terrible taste away. "But why?" He asked and placed the glass on the floor when you had emptied it. "I don't really know." You admitted and looked up at him timidly with red eyes. Luke rubbed his hand up and down your back while he looked at you worried. "I can follow you home if you want." Looking up at him dazed you furrowed your eyebrow while staring at him intensely. It was almost like the eye color of his was different. Kindness was clear in it but also innocence. There was no doubt that he was not planning on doing anything to you. "Or carry you if necessary." He whispered and placed his cold lips against your burning forehead and gave it a lingering kiss. "Thank you." You said and wrapped your arms around his neck so he could help you up. And with that Luke finally got a satisfied smile on his face and you returned it. He finally felt like he could be himself towards you without having you to be harsh against him. "Just say if you need to throw up." He said while gently helping you out of the bathroom, your head nodding along appreciating his sweet help. "I will so scream if that happens." You muttered, barely keeping your eyes open as they fought the chance to not close. Luke nodded his head agreeing and his eyes landed on three of his dorm mates, all of them making rather inappropriate obscene movements. Normally Luke would wink and them and nod but this he didn't. He shook his head to their surprise before he headed out of the door, their jaws almost falling to the floor.


Waking up with a pounding headache and your stomach growling in a hurry of wanting to puke out the terrible chemicals you had forced it to accept was definitely not how you had predicted for this Sunday morning. With you resting in the bed fully clothed was neither a benefit for your harsh hangover, only making it worse and the feeling of dehydration and fever hit you like a brick wall when you sat up, looking to your right rather confused when it wasn't James back who faced you but Calum. He could feel how you had awoken and he almost forced himself to position himself in the bed so he had to look at you. "Feeling better?" He asked in a raspy morning voice, his mat hair falling into his eyes. You were too startled to even form out any words, but you nodded your head even though you didn't really knew what he was referring to. "You threw up at least 4 times since you went to bed. That's why you're wearing my jersey and your hair is in what I would call a German messy braid. You threw up everywhere, basically, including yourself and my bed." A disgusted look appeared on your exhausted features and Calum chuckled with a "Yeah.." in understanding. "Thank you.. For helping me last night. And not literally raping me. It's happy to see that not all of you fratboys are so disrespectful towards drunk girls." Your words made a guilty feeling run down his spine and he chewed on his bottom lip before responding, "I would never accept myself for doing something like that to you." It made a warm fuzzy feeling run down your smile. "That was a sweet compliment." Calum responded with a tired smile, closing his eyes again while resting his head again but they opened again when you slit out of his bed. "Do you happen to know where James is?" You asked, trying to combine your hair into something normal again but gave up and bowed forward to fold it together into a bun. Calum mumbled out a moan in response of no and you nodded your head even though he couldn't see it. "I'll try go out and see if I can find him then. Thank you again Cal. You're a nice person." Heading towards the door Calum cocked and eye open, watching as you gave him a small nod and hurried out of his bedroom, desperate to make sure that nobody had seen where you had been resting over the night and ready to go on a hunt for your boyfriend who was probably suffering through an even worse hangover.


"I'm not like the guy you think I am!" The sound of Michael's voice yelled into your dorm room, making you almost drop the text book in your hand, seeing the boy frustrated as he held tightly onto the door handle. "Excuse me?" You asked confused, cocking an eyebrow at him as he approached you and kneeled down in front of you on the bed. "I'm not the person you think I am. Even though I know that you think I'm somehow sweet I know you still think I'm a stupid cunt who doesn't think of anything else but pussy." He said quick and without breathing. Your eyes went wide and you placed your book next to you on the mattress before turning around to look at him fully and crossed your legs. "Continue Michael." You requested and he formed a small smile and looked down at your lap. He grabbed your hand before intertwining your fingers. "How does this feel to you?" He asked while robbing his thumb up and down your fingers. "Nice.. Why?" You asked confused and he smiled even more. "This means that you're comfortable with me. That you actually don't think I'm a hideous person and not some kind of fool." He explained and you nodded your head, confused to where this was going. "All I'm saying is that I'm tired. Tired of being judged by the title that other persons give me. I know you will probably laugh at me but I'm really a nice guy. I'm just in a bad environment and that happens to some persons. I really enjoy spending time with my friends and I probably won't change them out. But if there's one thing I don't wanna expect, it's the fact that there's girl that makes me so intoxicated that I can't think of anything else but her. The fact that she doesn't wanna knowledge that I'm actually a nice person and wanna to so much to improve that to her. All I'm asking is for one favor Y/N." His hand remained linked with yours and you quivered an eyebrow before smiling down at him. "All I want is a date with you. Not as fratboy Michael who fucks and licks pussy all the time. But as Michael, the sweet guy you teach math skills." He looked pleading at you while talking and it made butterflies interrupt in your stomach. "Fine Clifford. I will go on a date with you." An award winning smile plastered on Michael's face and he leaned forward to place his lips against yours but you moved away. "I don't kiss on first dates." You smirked and he groaned but smiled anyways, wiggling his eyebrows at you happy.


"It doesn't look normal that I person like you sits out here." Ashton looked up from his red plastic cup that almost matched the redness of his eyes, his head not even wanting to move around, as he could recognize the voice clearly. "If the person doesn't feel like partying it's obvious that he won't be in there." He slurred with a grumble afterwards. You sighed and shook your head at him before approaching him from behind and took a seat next to him on the porch, the night sky clear in front of you. "Ashton Irwin not wanting to join a party? I feel like the whole crowd would gasp right now." Ashton looked up over at you with tired eyes, "You're very funny Y/N." "Sorry if I insulted you." You almost laughed and shook your head at him. It was clear on your clothes that you were drunk and Ashton could feel it. "I'm just sorry. You know, for being with Luke. I hope you know that I actually really like you but the hardcore attitudes are easier to use as a protection blanket." Ashton's head shut up and he looked at you daring as you started to yawn and leaned your head against his shoulder. "I think you're a great guy Ash. Even though you can be the biggest dick at times." Ashton placed the cup next to him confused and it was all like he sobered up. "What are you saying? You've been playing with my feelings for so long?" "I wouldn't say playing. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that you couldn't get what you pointed at. That I'm not an object you can seduce and buy." Ashton's whole body shook by your words and he looked down at you with a quivered an eyebrow. "What does that exactly mean?" He asked curious and you moved your head away from his shoulder. "That yes, I'm expecting us to be something later in the future but not now. You're clearly still mad about me and Luke and I don't want that to come between us. And I've expected us to have some kind of one night stand at some point. I just have to use a little bit more teasing before it happens. I know I'm a devil inside but it's funny you know." "So you're saying that there is a chance?" He asked and you nodded your head sloppily. "Of course. Take it when you can." You winked and stood up from the seat to go back inside, Ashton eyeing you from behind with a small smile as you tumbled into the crowded room again.

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