He's Your Teacher | Part 3

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”Morning.” You greeted with a smile as you walked in through the classroom’s door. Mr. Hemmings looked up fast because of the sudden sound of your voice, his eyes widen as he looked you up and down. “Wait, what?” He asked confused with a smile, eyeing you as you walked over to your desk to place your bag and jacket. “The one and only Y/N Y/L/N are not only on time, but actually 15 minutes earlier in school.” He said acting fake gobsmocked, holding his hand in front of his mouth. “Ha ha ha.” You fake cheered before walking over to his desk, pushing his chair a little bit back for you to take a seat on his lap. He instantly wrapped his arms around your stomach, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “No but seriously, why did you arrive this early?” He asked pulling back slightly to look at you. You formed a small smile before leaning down to kiss his lips, making him smile into it. “Because of me?” He said wiggling his eyebrows, a giggle leaving your lips. “That may be correct.” He broke into a smile letting out a chuckle as well, admiring you as you looked over at his desk. “What are you doing?” You asked, making him roll the chair closer to the table, letting you see some corrected assignments. “I don’t think you should-“ He tried to make you not look at your assignment, yet just as he mentioned it you noticed your name on one of the papers, grabbing it before he could protest. A big red D was plastered with a red circle around it on the front page, your mouth changing to a straight line as you let out a small sigh. “You know I don’t do it to annoy you, it’s a part of my job to give the deserved grades.” He mumbled into your ear, leaving a kiss behind it making you relax more. “It doesn’t matter.” You mumbled throwing the paper onto the desk, your eyes scanning over the table. “Your name is Luke?” You suddenly asked, seeing a small bit of his driving license sticking out from his wallet, you reaching out for it to pull it out for a look. “Well, yea.” He answered watching you as you formed a small smile because of the picture on the card, probably from when he was 18-19. “Old picture. Don’t look at that.” He said reaching out to grab it out of your hand making you let out a laugh. He smiled at you before grabbing his phone to check the clock, his eyes widen as he noticed the time. “Students will be here any minute.” He almost panicked, pushing your thighs up so you could remove yourself from him, you starting to walk back to your desk but he stopped you. “Hey.” He said fast making you turn around in confuse but smiled slightly as he pouted his lips. Reaching down you gave him a small peck before taking a seat at your table, giving him a slight smirk as students started to arrive at the class room.


“Wait hold on a second, let me take a picture, you’re actually on time?” Y/BF/N commented as she came in through the classroom to the math class, looking at you suspiciously. You formed a small smile as she took a seat next to you, looking at you questionably. “Why’s that?” She asked pulling out a text book. “I had to uhm..-“You mumbled trying to find a good excuse but nothing came into your mind. Adam came all of the sudden into the class making your mouth speak before your brain. “I had to talk to Adam.” You lied mentally smacking yourself for saying it. “Adam?” She asked above a whisper looking at you curiously. Adam was your ex-boyfriend and you had broken contact completely, not wanting to have anything to do with each other. You nodded your head with a straight mouth line, kicking yourself for saying it. “It wasn’t that important though.” You reassured making her cock an eyebrow but not asking more questions as she looked up at him.


The rain was pouring down from outside the windows, lighting striking and puddles being formed deeper than what the lakes even were. You and Y/BF/N were walking with your jackets over your heads as students around you were heading towards the indoor gym hall since the teachers had announced that P.E would be removed to inside because of the terrible weather. “I’m in no mood for this.” You groaned trying to avoid the puddles because of your sneakers, jumping from puddle to puddle. “None of us does.” She laughed as one of the other teachers held the door for you to walk in, you heading towards the girls’ changing room. Girls were already stripping down their clothes, replacing their normal with gym clothes, you and Y/BF/N heading furthest away from them and to the end of the bench. “Since when did she join?” You asked more quietly, eyeing Miranda – one of the head cheerleaders - as she stood in front of the mirror only wearing small tight shorts and a sports bra, pulling her black hair into a high ponytail. Y/BF/N looked up from her bag to notice her as well, letting out a fake gagging noise. “I don’t know and I honestly don’t care.” She admitted taking off her shirt, you doing the same. You turned around to place your t shirt into your bag when Y/BF/N let out a gasp making you turn around quickly to look at her. “What’s wrong?!” You asked panicking eyeing her as she walked behind you again. “What happened?” She questioned, letting her finger tips run down the back of your spine, a small hiss coming from your lips. “Your back. There’s a massive bruise on it?” She asked making you knit your eyebrows in confusion, trying to recall what could’ve possibly caused it. Your eyes wandered over to where Miranda was hovering over her bag placed on the bench, your eyes suddenly widening by remembering how harsh you had landed on your back when Mr. Hood had changed position. “I uh.. Slipped on my stairs at home and landed on my back.” The explanation sounded more like a question but it was good enough for Y/BF/N, nodding her head at your words. “Looks harsh though.” She mumbled, giving a last look before she headed towards her bag again, changing into the gym clothes.

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