Little Me | High School AU | Part 3

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W A R N I N G - T R I G G E R I N G


“….O, by this count I shall be much in years, Ere I again behold my Romeo!” You read out from the script, crossing your legs, waiting for the next replay. As the silent felt on both of you, you let out a frustrated sigh.  ”Luke did you even practice?” You questioned, letting your script fall from in front of your head, towards your lap. Looking down from his script, he ran a hand through his hair. “I did practice some.” He mumbled, sinking further down his chair. “Fine. What is your next line?” You asked, teasing clear in your voice. “I eh..” He fumbled with the words, looking up at you for help. “Farewell I will omit no opportunity. That may convey my greetings, love, to thee.” “Right.” Luke remembered, his mouth changing to a straight line. “If you don’t have any interest in acting, why did a boy like you choose to be in the play?” You asked, making him lean forward towards you. “Why did a girl with such a lack of outgoing radiance choose to play the part as Juliet?” He fired back making your eyebrow raise. “Touché.” You leaned forward as well. “ I guess I’m full of surprises just like a football jerk like you.” “Oh so were going this way I see?” Luke asked, his blue orbs burning into yours. As you was about to say something cruel back, a knock from the door made you both snap your head up towards it, seeing Mrs. Chanre opening it. “I hope my favorite couple is ready to practice on stage.” She cooed, looking hopefully at you both. “Yeah we are.” You smiled, standing up from your chair. “Right Luke?” You asked sugar sweetly, making him groan. As you went on stage, Mrs. Chanre freaked out about so many things, but both you and her were surprised to see that Luke actually remembered the lines to the songs you were performing on stage. After practicing lines and music, all the student went home expect two.


“Sorry I didn’t practice.” Luke mumbled behind you, as you sat at the end of the stage, looking out at the empty audience, at the exact same spot you guys met only 3 weeks ago. “It’s ok.” You shrugged, looking behind you. His tall frame hovered over you slightly, before taking a seat next to you. “Y/N can I ask you a question.” “Yeah.” You shrugged, removing your hair to the right side of your shoulder. “You’re such a quiet girl. Why did you choose to try out as the part as Juliet?” Luke asked making you chuckle. “Everyone has this theory about me. Everyone thinks I’m this absence quiet girl. I feel like I’m so much more than that. I wanna show the whole world that I actually got some talent inside of me. I know this seems very weird because of my part as Juliet, but I’ve got stage fright – or I used to.” You corrected, your mind memorizing back in kindergarten when you forgot the words as the part as Cinderella. “ I feel kind of the same way.” The words made you snap your head up in confusion. “You forgot your lines when you played Cinderella?” You asked in confusion, making him laugh. “God no… But I have a passion as well. Everyone thinks that I’m just a selfish womanizer jock who doesn’t do anything else than hook up with girls, go to parties and play football. I feel like I’m so much more than that. I really enjoy singing. But the other jocks just laugh at me when I mention it. Not some of them though. It was Michael’s idea getting me the part as Romeo.” Luke explained, making your eyes go wide in surprise. “Remember Michael the light guy?” He asked making you nod. “Him, two of the other jocks and I consider starting a band.” “That sounds awesome.” You smiled, making him smile as well. “Yeah I feel like it too. We’re working on some punk pop music.” “Isn’t Michael the one with pink fluffy hair?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. “Oh yeah.. So much for being punk.” Luke trailed of making you laugh as well. Again a silent felt over you, but now it wasn’t as tense as the last one. “How about we go practice at my house tomorrow?” Luke suddenly announced, making you smile. “Yeah that’s sounds good.” You smiled, standing up with your backpack. “See ya later football jerk.” You snickered making him groan, but wave anyways. 

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