The Power Goes Out

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malazakova from Tumblr is afraid of the dark so she requested me to write this so I hope you enjoy Luke and Michael's! 


"What the fuck.." Luke mumbled, looking around in confuse before looking down at you wide eyed. Not less than a few seconds ago, both you and his lamp in the bedroom had been on and the TV in front of you guys had been going on for a while, but now everything had turned off, leaving a spooky silence cloud between you guys. "Oh no." You mumbled, feeling the darkness overwhelm you even though you knew was right beside you, and he could feel your body tense, which made him pull you into his side even more, placing a small kiss to your forehead. "It's just a power failure, no worries Y/N." He mumbled into your hairline, pressing a few more kisses. "I know. I just hate it." You mumbled, shrugging your shoulders. " I think I have a flashlight somewhere." Luke mumbled, reaching behind to open the drawer under his nightstand and pulling out a small flashlight. Luke turned it on and instantly there was a circle light spot on your wall, lightening up some of the room. "Romantic." You joked as Luke tried to get a grip of it, even dazzling you in the face with it. "Better than nothing right." He chuckled, holding it around you guys now so it was pointed towards you guys. "I think it's not only our house." You sat up more straight in the bed to take a look outside, the whole city seemed to have power failure. "It's probably just temporary, it will be back tomorrow." He said, flicking around with the light behind you. "Of course the light will be back tomorrow when the sun comes up!" You said in a laugh, silence falling over you guys as you looked out at the sky. "Y/N." Luke said in a more raspy quiet voice after some silence, making you look over at him bored before your eyes went wide and a hand coming up to your mouth to prevent the laughter that was ready to spill out from your lips. Luke had placed the flashlight under his chin so it was illuminating his face, making shadows around his face features and clearly trying to make him look scary. "What in the world are you doing?" You laughed, taking the flashlight away from him and placing it in your lap. "Just trying to scare you, but it's probably a bad time to do that." He said a little bit apologizing but you didn't seem to mind. Luke looked down at the flashlight and an idea popped into his head. "See." He chuckled, placing his hands in front of the flashlight and folding them together so it was making a butterfly in the reflection that was pointed towards the wall in front of your bed. "The dark isn't that scary always." "I guess.." You shrugged, totally entertained by the shadows he made. "You can even do it yourself." He said which made you move your fingers down to see them reflect as silhouettes, making different figures. "We can even work some out together." Luke placed his hands around yours so you made different figures, a giggle coming to your lips. If there was one person that could always put a smile on your face even when you were weakest, that would be Luke.  


Calum's hand were pressing the can he had wrapped around his fist to the point of almost letting the liquid flow out of its canister, his eyebrow furrowing by every second that passed by and his eyes glued to the TV screen in front of him. His body was tensing up more and more as he sat up straight in the couch, a groan coming from him before he almost shouted towards the screen, "You bloody idiot the ball was right in front of ya!" and an amount of beer flying from his can and onto the couch. Calum couldn't care though, just drying off some of the stain away with the blanket next to him and not taking his eyes off the screen as he took another sip from his beer. The football game on the screen was clearly making him loose his temper on not going the way it should've have. "Yes! Run faster you shitty little piece of failure in life!" Calum shouted once again with swears even though it was actually his team who had the ball now, heading towards the goal of the opposite team. "Fire the ball, fire it off!" He shouted getting more excited now as they came closer, but as the football player was ready to shoot the ball towards the goal, not only did the TV go off, but the whole house lost power, everything turning dark and Calum turning quiet in pure shock. "Y/N what the hell happened?" Calum shouted behind him before placing the can in front of him on the coffee table, standing up from the couch. He headed towards the kitchen in the darkness and was met by your small form almost looking like a shadow and almost at the point of giving him a shock. "Well the storm clearly took away our electricity." You said nodding your head towards the window as if it was obvious, Calum glancing outside where the weather was terrible, rain pouring down with force and thunder. He had been too focused on the game to even notice it. "Oh." He mumbled, looking down at you confused. "What do we do then?" He asked which you shrugged your shoulders at. Calum cocked a smirk as he looked down at you, biting his lip and pressing you against the counter, "We could always.." He mumbled, letting his lips brush over yours but he couldn't continue his process as you pushed him away. "Calum you're such a creep." You commented which made him laugh and lift his arms in surrender. "I'm only kidding." He laughed, kissing your forehead. "We could go play hide and seek." He suggested which made you furrow your eyebrows. "Around the house?" "It will just make the game more challenging." Calum giggled which made you nod your head. "Fine. You'll start. Count to 50 out loud." You requested and placed Calum's hands in front of his eyes to make sure that all visibility was gone before you sprinted somewhere else in the house and letting Calum finish counting, the two of you playing around in your house to kill time while the thunder outside kept on making noise and making the game a lot more creepier than expected.

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