Pregnancy Series | The Baby Kicks For The First Time

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Your back was pressed against Liz’s front part of her legs from down her feet and up towards knees, her sitting on a chair behind you as you had your legs stretched out, sitting on the floor with Luke’s jacket under you for you to sit. Luke and the other boys were sitting a little further away from the two of you, sitting on High with acoustic instruments in their grip. A small crowd of fans were sitting in front of them, crowded together on the floor with their phones in their hands, making sure to record every single moment together with their idols. The boys started the intro to She Looks So Perfect, making you go reach in your pocket for your phone, but as Luke started singing the first verse, a weird feeling appeared in the side of your waist, not only happening once but a few times, making you look up at Liz in question. ”What’s wrong?” She asked immediately, looking at you worried. ”There’s something that feels like.. Cramps? I don’t know it feels weird.” You mumbled, your hands ghosting over the spots. Liz removed herself from her chair before kneeling beside you, her hands coming to your stomach. ”It’s the baby.” Liz exclaimed, a smile coming to her lips. ”It’s kicking?” You said in awe with shock plastered on your face, making Liz nod her head. ”I think it might be because of Luke’s voice.” By the sudden action from the two of you, Luke’s eyes widened in panic before he removed his microphone from his mouth, almost putting the guitar too harshly on the ground, sprinting down from his chair and in 4 big steps, he kneeled down in front of you, muttering out a fast ”What’s going on?”, looking up at you in curiosity. ”Feel.” Liz said, removing his hands from your belly and leaning back on the chair, Luke’s eyebrows furrowing as he stared at his mother for a few seconds, looking down at you afterwards with the same confused stared plastered on his beautiful features, his slim hands coming down to your stomach. You grabbed his hand and rotating it so it was placed on the place where the kicking were most active, his mouth opening wide before he looked up at his mom. ”Is this normal?” He looked dazed as both you and Liz started to fist into a bundle of laugher, grabbing everyone’s attention now. ”Luke, sweety, it’s the baby kicking.” Liz tried to keep her giggles inside with her hand by her son’s confused stare, now turning into a happier one. ”Oh my god.” He exclaimed, his hands moving around by the movement of his baby bundled inside your stomach. ”We think it was because of your voice.” You explained, lying back against Liz’s legs as you started to get used to the odd feeling. ”That’s.. Really cute.” Luke commented with an award winning smile on his lips, his mouth going down to your stomach. ”You like daddy’s voice huh? Maybe he should go up and sing some more songs for you then, but don’t be too violence, shouldn’t hurt your mommy.” Luke leaned back after he finished speaking, giving you a smile as he stood up again, and walking back towards his seat.


Turning on the warm water of your shower, your lifted your leg inside to feel and correct the right temperature, a smile coming to your lips as the perfect warmness landed on your feet, throwing the last piece article of clothing before jumping into the shower, letting the warm water run down your body as you reached out for the shampoo. The faint sound of Calum playing bass inside the bathroom was the only thing loud in the room mixed with the shower and it was calming you. It was just before you guys were going to bed, yet you just needed a shower, which indicated that Calum had to wait at least 20 more minutes before actually getting some sleep, so why not use some time on his bass whilst waiting? After scrubbed off the shampoo in your hair, you reached out for the conditioner but just as you did, a cramp feeling came from the side of your waist, your eyes widened as you looked down at you stomach. The feeling came again and it made you panic yet in a happy way, jumping out of the shower in a fast action, barely grabbing a towel and drying you off before you screamed at Calum. When Calum heard his name he barely hesitated a breath before he sprinted towards the bathroom in a fear of you getting hurt. ”What’s going on-” Calum stopped in track as he eyed your half naked body, only half covered with the towel, his eyes going wide as they scanned over the bare wet sight of your breasts to his vision, his eyes blinking a few times before he got himself to look up at you. ”You have to feel this!” You exclaimed, your eyes looking down in awe and confusion by the new sudden odd feeling. ”But you’re naked.” He stated as if you hadn’t realized, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, stamping your foot down. ”Cal for god sake, this is our baby kicking for the first time, I want you to fucking feel it, naked or not.” Your explanation made Calum’s eyes go more wide than what he thought was possible before he sprinted towards your impatient form looking at him, his hand immediately coming down to your wet bare skin, his eyebrows furrowing as nothing was there. ”Wait, just a second.” You mumbled as the both of you waited for the odd feeling to come back, the waiting was getting so long that Calum almost believed that it wouldn’t come again but just as he was about to remove his hand from your stomach, a push was send directly to his palm, his mouth opening wide in joy with a smile afterwards, looking up. The kicking continued and developed to an extreme action, almost causing you pain, ”Hey there inside, don’t kick too harsh, I know you will probably be just as good as me too football if not better, but don’t hurt your mom, she’s not very fragile.” He placed a gentle kiss to your skin before they moved up to your lips, placing a lingering kiss on your lips. ”I love you, and this little one.”

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