He Carries You To Bed

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If you guys have any ideas for simple preferences like these, don't be afraid to take a small visit in my ask box! I'm very open for everything and I love getting inspiration from your ideas!


"I thought you said you weren't tired." Luke mumbled against your neck and you faintly felt his lips trace up to your cheek. You blinked your eyes lightly by the sudden sound of his voice, looking down at him with flushed cheeks. "I'm not." You mumbled and scratched your eyes, furrowing your eyebrows when you couldn't really recall the sudden new scene on the television. "Come on let's just head for bed." He mumbled with a smile and leaned over to turn off the screen with the remote. "No, no it's okay." You argued, but the yawn escaping your lips spoiled everything. He giggled softly by your actions and stretched his arms when he sat up, a small noise coming from his mouth before he stood up from the couch. "I'm tired too. I don't mind." You shut your eyes by his words and rubbed your fingers against your temples, feeling slightly dizzy from the nap. "Here. Let me." He mumbled and leaned down to scoop you in his arms, and even if you wanted to protest you couldn't let yourself to do it. While another yawn left your lips you leaned your head against his chest tiredly and shut your eyes, letting him carry you up the stairs until he placed you gently on top of your bed.


"Are you drunk?" Calum asked with an amused smile on his face, his arms crossed while he leaned against the doorframe. You looked at him with wide eyes after fooling around with your heels, a laugh mixed with a scoff escaping your lips. "No..." You shrugged but the lack of balance made you forcefully grab the dresser, spoiling your secret. "Maybe a tiny little bit." You giggled and held your fingers in front of your face to illustrate yourself. "I thought it was just a small drink with your best friend?" He questioned while approaching you. "Yes but you know me. One drink turns into five." He nodded his head agreeing and helped you to get out of your jacket. "Ready for bed then? I've only stayed up for you." You grabbed his cheeks in happiness, squeezing them tight and smiling widely. "Why are you so sweet?" You questioned loosening your balance again and he moved down to carry you in his arms. "Because you're insanely drunk you can't even walk the stairs to our bedroom." He jumped slightly to get a better grip of you, taking the challenge up the stairs while trying to stabilize you in his arms. When he came upstairs you were a giggling mess, ruffling his curls the second he placed you on top of the bed. "I love when you carry me. It feels like I'm flying."


"Y/N." Michael hummed lightly, his fingers lightly caressing over your forehead and into your hair. "Have you fallen asleep despite claiming that was the last thing you wanted to?" A smile broke on his face when there was no response, watching as your nose scrunched up and your eyebrows furrowed. You were definitely in the part of a dream world, not affected by his fingers at all. "I knew you couldn't stay up with my jetlag. Even if you wanted to." He grabbed the controller from beside him on the couch to press pause on the game he was playing. Moving around on the couch he scooped you up in bridal style easily, heading towards your bedroom. "But I appreciate your effort." He whispered when he placed you on top of the mattress by your side of the bed. Pulling down your pants along with your socks he left you in his shirt. Moving down to grab the duvet he pulled it up to your chest and tugged you in. "I'll come cuddle you when my game is over. Maybe two I'm not sure yet but when I do prepare for my snores." He whispered and placed a kiss to your forehead before backing away and closed the door silently.


"Is she sleeping?" Ashton looked down with his lips parted by Luke's question, his eyebrows furrowing at first but then a soft smile planted on his face. He had been too caught up in the movie to even notice your almost drooling face against his chest, your eyelashes resting against your cheekbones and your lips slightly parted. "Yeah." Ash breathed and removed some of your hair away from her face. "All of this travelling is tiring her even though she won't admit it." He removed the blanket covering you both and placed it by the other end of the couch before carefully removing you. Michael leaned over to help him as well, his eyes almost as tired as yours. "It's also time for bed so I don't mind if we continue watching it tomorrow." Cal chirped in and grabbed the remote to turn off the TV. Ashton hooked his arms under your calves and your armpits, standing up from the couch with ease. "Need any help?" Michael commented with a smirk and stood up as well, already concluding a yes from Ash and opened the curtain to his bunk. "She's gonna be pissed when she finds out that she has to sleep against the wall." Ash grinned wrapped the duvet around your body, placing a soft kiss to your sleeping face.

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