Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 8

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Luke fumbled with his hands down his pocket, chewing slightly on his bottom lip in thought. Should he just knock or would that even be too awkward for him? His fist rose in the air in front of the wooden floor but it felt down to his waist again as he couldn’t get himself to do it. Whether it was due to the fact that there was a chance you wouldn’t be inside or that one of the other girls would open the door, he couldn’t point at one would be the worst. He lifted his fist again, ready to press it against the door but he was taken aback as the sound of the door knob removing, his eyes going wide in panic as he looked around in fear, but when the door was opened and he noticed your form, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow a sigh of satisfaction left his lips. ”Can I help you?” A chuckle came afterwards with your question, Luke forming out a small smile as well as he placed his hands back in his pockets, tipping between his heel and toes whilst looking down at you. ”Just wanted to ask if you like, were doing good here back in the old cabin.” He shrugged, his hand coming up to his neck hair, pulling at it. ”I’m fine here.” You nodded your head as you spoke, giving him a small smile. ”You wanna come in?” You invited, opening the door more, ”I’m not sure.” He stated, looking behind you. ”Don’t worry. The girls aren’t here. You won’t be neutered just yet.” Your joke made him crack a smile before nodding his head, you moving to side and letting him in, his nostrils immediately starting to sniff by the sudden girly perfume lingering in the air. ”The girls are good at not wasting their smelly water.” You smiled as you walked towards your bed, taking a seat at it, Luke doing the same, taking a look around the room. ”No but seriously, why the sudden arrival?” You asked, taking the mug you were drinking before, ”I just needed to get out that’s all.” ”Already tired of the boys?” You winked with a chuckle afterwards, pushing your cup towards him. He looked down at the cup with a smile before lifting the warm liquid to his lips, ”They’re so different to live with.” He stated making you wiggle your eyebrows at him, ”So you’re saying I’m better than them?” Luke’s cheeks raised a red color by your question, another giggle leaving your lips as you watched him. ”I think I should keep that statement to myself.” He returned back the mug, leaning more back against the wall. ”Where are the other girls?” He questioned, looking around the room. ”They’re on the dishing team. Since the both of us were moved to the isolation cabin they removed us from all the kitchen gigs.” ”It’s pretty awesome, the boys are jealous as hell.” He smirked sticking his tongue out. The both of you talked for ages, none of you even noticed that the sun had started to go down. When Luke had noticed the time on his phone, panic had spread through his body before he had raised himself from your bed, apologizing about leaving but you couldn’t blame him. ”Was that Luke?” Magenda asked above a whisper to the other girls as they noticed him sprinting out from your cabin and towards his own. ”I think that might be.” Amia asked with a raised eyebrow, the girls looking at each other in confusion.


How it was possible for you and Calum to not only hide your hands, but letting them be intertwined for more than 30 minutes now left you in a confused state. It wasn’t like his body and tension was rejecting towards you, yet he didn’t glare or say anything. He just continued his rambles with Luke, Ash, Mikey and some other musicians from their Camp. The girls hadn’t really noticed either, they shrugged off the questions of your hared blankets just accepted it. It was first when you removed the blanket and let go of Calum’s hand as you stood up from the tree stump that he suddenly looked up at you in a questionable manor, watching you as walked between the stumbs and heading towards the toilets. Your skin was warm as you touched it, due to the burning bonfire and probably also the blush that had almost tattooed itself in. Finishing your business at the toilet, you flushed and walked, washing your hands, but when you looked in the mirror a black shadow was right behind you faint. “Shit, you scared the crap out of me.” A jolt ran through your body as you noticed Calum’s slim form leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms, a smirk plastered on lips and a small chuckle coming out from them afterwards. ”Wait, what are you even doing here, this is the girls bathroom?” You turned around fully, your arms crossing as you raised an eyebrow at him. ”There was something that caught my attention, preventing me from realizing which bathroom was which.” He chuckled walking closer to you, ”Wauw, Calum really?” Your eyes ran to the back of your head by his statement, ”Did one of the boys dare you again, and if so, please just drop it already, I’m not the slightest interested.” You rejected him, trying to walk past him but he blocked the door, looking down at you with a smirk. ”I came here by my own volunteer Y/N.” Your eyebrows went from raised to knitting, looking up at him like a question sign. ”I think you’re interesting, okay.” He raised his arms with a laugh, ”Since we fake dated, I suddenly realized another side of you.” ”Thanks for the compliments but I’m not interested.” You lied trying to walk past him again but he didn’t bug. ”All I’m asking for is a date.” ”Answer is no.” You replied coldly, this time getting the chance to walk past him. ”Fine. But don’t be mad you lost your chance by yourself.” He smirked, leaving a small kiss just beside the outline of your mouth, letting it linger as he pulled back, wiggling his eyebrows and heading back towards the bon fire. Your eyes went wide as you watched his shadow grow smaller and smaller, your fingers coming up towards where his lips had been placed, the wetness from his lips still lingering. Walking back towards the bonfire you avoided Calum’s stare as you took a seat next to him, a pleasant smile on his lips as you grabbed the blanket again, him without warning sneaking his arm around the lower part of your waist. Whether he was joking or not you couldn’t point your finger on it and the pinkish blush came back to your cheeks as his fingers sneaked under your shirt, drawings small patterns along your now bare skin. What the girls wouldn’t have said if they had noticed what was going on between the two of you.

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