He's Your Brother's Best Friend | Part 3

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Final part of this x


Luke’s fingers rolled over each other in a nervous and bored habit, his eyes switching between looking at the screen and towards Y/B/N, though; it wasn’t much attention he was receiving back, Y/B/N’s tongue sticking out in concentration from the game in front of him and Luke. To be honest, Luke had been absent throughout the whole day. Since the night before where Y/B/N had told him that they would need a conversation about you, Luke had been nervous as balls and couldn’t think of anything else in his mind. He was scared, and in a fear of not getting any acceptation at all from your brother, for god sake he was your brother’s best mate, it was clearly somehow against the rules of the bro code, but Luke couldn’t contain himself! And that was the main reason why he was in such a fear, what if Y/B/N’s conclusions to everything would be a big ass red no printed in Luke’s forehead? Just by thinking at it made him cringe, his shoulders shaking lightly as he tried to shrug it off. ”You cold man?” Y/B/N asked, already reading out for a blanket to Luke, but he refused, his eyes widening when you walked past them in the living room al of the sudden, heading towards the bathroom. ”Oh, right yeah.” Y/B/N said all of the sudden, looking over at Luke. ”We had to talk about her.” He mumbled, pausing the game. ”Okay, don’t look so freaky I haven’t even started.” He almost chuckled when he noticed Luke’s state, Luke just nodding his head. ”I’m not gonna yell at you or confronting you or anything else. My only wish here is for you to not break my little sister’s heart. I’ve been thinking about this overnight, and at first I was mad, but after a little while, I cooled down. I thought about it and concluded that it would be ten times better to let her date someone I actually trust instead of some douche.  So I’m letting you ask her out, and we’ll see afterwards how it works out. Okay?” Luke broke into a smile, eyes wide with joy. ”Do you mind if I ask her now?” He asked, not expecting a no as he stood up from the couch. ”Do whatever you want man.” Y/B/N laughed as Luke tumbled towards the hallway. Yet he forgot about the fact that you were at the toilet so when he passed by the door, the two of you smashed into each other. Luke grabbed you by the arms to prevent you from falling, his whole body filling with panic. ”Will you go out with me?” He blurted, looking down at you with wide eyes, you doing the exact same with yours, raising your eyebrows as well. ”I mean, uhm- Well shit.” Luke smacked his hand against his forehead in stupidity, yet you could only giggle at him which made him look down at you stunned and confused. ”Come again Luke?” You requested, crossing your arms and cocking your head as you looked at him smirking. Luke’s mouth mixed between being shut and open, yet with no words coming out, making him look like a fish. ” uh.-” He stammered, looking down at you with wide eyes. ”Okay, don’t say anymore, my answer is yes.” Luke’s eyes turned wider now, ”You don’t even wanna hear what your brother said?” He asked curiously, but you only shook your head. ”Our walls are thin; I heard everything from the bathroom.” You giggled, lifting yourself up on your toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. ”How about you pick me up at 5 today?” A wink was send from you making Luke blush instantly while he nodded his head fast. ”Great, uh, yeah.” He smiled, nodding his head as he watched you back away into your room.


Calum opened his mouth in shock, ready to explain why in the world he was in your bed, and embracing you, or well, to be honest he had no idea how it had happened, of course he remember the part with watching films with you. But he barely got the chance to watch half of the movie done before he had fallen asleep next to you, and he had thought that you probably wouldn’t mind anyways. But of course he had forgotten about Y/B/N. ”Spare me for any explanations, I just have one question.” Y/B/N exclaimed, Calum shifting on the bed to sit up straighter. ”Are you naked?” ”What?” You exclaimed in confuse, sitting up as well. ”What the fuck, dude?” Calum looked just as confused as you, yet Y/B/N got a satisfied smile on his face. ”Good.” He smiled, the two of you starting to look at each other. ”Aren’t you mad at all? Wanting to yell in our faces?” You questioned, feeling Calum’s hand under the duvet rubbing over your bare thigh. ”No, why would I do that?” He laughed, walking forward and taking a seat on your bed by your feet. ”Because.. Isn’t that the normal brother attitude ritual? And especially since Calum is one of your best mates?” Y/B/N sent you a ridiculous smile with a mix of disbelief. ”You’ve been watching too many movies Y/N.” He laughed, yet Calum was just as confused as you, looking up at Y/B/N weirdly. ”Why?” ”Because, I mean look at the two of you. I know you both so well, I couldn’t get myself to be mad at this. I know that the both of you are totally fancying each other, yet not wanting to realize it yourself. Jesus Christ, if you guys hadn’t slept in her room the night before, I would’ve have set you up myself. I just want the two of you to be happy. And if that means that you guys have to be together, then it will be.” Both you and Calum’s cheeks were blushing now by the sudden announcement of you actually confessing liking each other, Calum running a hand through his hair. ”I just have one rule.” He suddenly said, looking more serious now. ”What?” You questioned, one eyebrow rising. ”I do not want any sex here. Those events will appear at Calum’s flat.” ”Y/B/N.” You exclaimed, grabbing a pillow from behind you and throwing it towards him. ”I’m serious, though.” Y/B/N chuckled half serious, looking down at you. ”Fine, okay?” You mumbled to his satisfaction again, him walking up from the bed and leaving the room. ”What the hell just happened in here?” Calum mumbled dazed, looking down at you confused. ”I have no idea to be honest.” Your hand came up to your eyes to scratch the sleep out of them, blinking a few times afterwards. ”That was just weird.” ”Yeah, but now I can finally do this.” He winked down at you before leaning his mouth towards yours, placing a rather soft kiss to your smaller shock. The kiss lasted longer than expected, turning more passionate by every fifth second. ”Wait.” You mumbled, moving away from him. ”What?” He mumbled, placing a kiss right beside the corner of your mouth. ”We promised that we wouldn’t have sex here.” You whispered making Calum crack out loud in laughter, his face leaning into your neck. ”I doubt he will hear anything.” Calum winked but you leaned away with your face from his waiting lips. ”Come on, just kiss me at least.” He pouted, watching you as you placed your head on your pillow. ”No. Cuddle me instead.” You requested and he looked down at you confused for a second before he gave you a warm smile, moving around so he was behind you before he pulled you into his chest. ”This is the best feeling ever.”

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