The Boys Hate His New Girlfriend

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This is a following part from my breakup preference that was based on If You Don't Know


"This is so weird to watch." Ashton said as he was fixing the tie that was wrapped around his neck, having Michael on his right side and Calum on his left. "You don't say." Cal said before taking a sip of the drink in his hand, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched Luke opening presents in front of a massive pile of birthday gifts, having Scarlett behind him with her arms wrapped around his waist. Luke's 20th birthday party was a blast to say at least, but not for every single person in the celebration local Luke had rented for this day. Balloons were everywhere, his family and friends had suited up in nice smoking's and dresses to celebrate this off. For some odd reasons though, the boys weren't enjoying everything as they probably should have. "Who invited the ostrich?" Liz asked as she approached the boys from behind, small chuckles coming from the boys by Liz's rather rude comment about her new daughter-in-law. "I believe that would be your son." Michael said with a chuckle as he wrapped an arm around Liz which made her look up at him wide eyed. "That? That is not my son. My son wouldn't have such a formal party like this. The amount of guests would be decreased and people would be joining the sun outside at the beach in bathing suits with beers and barbecues. That, my friend is Robert." Liz slurred the last part, and it wasn't only her words that were slurred but also the class of wine in her hand. "Did you know that the more expensive the wine is, the bigger is the percentage of alcohol?" "You don't say." Ashton laughed, Calum taking a small sniff to the wine. "Snobbish piece of gold-digger." Liz mumbled to herself as she took another sip. "Now Liz, don't you think you could use some more appropriate nicknames for your daughter-in-law and be nicer?" Cal asked but that didn't seem to please Liz. "Nicer? This is the first time she meets me and the first thing she says is: It's so nice to meet Luke's grandmother!" Ashton, Calum and Michael's jaws were at the point of touching their shiny leather shoes, surprised to say at least. "Nicer is the last thing I wanna be." She said, looking over at Luke and Scarlett. "I even had a plan but it seemed to fail." "What kind of plan?" Michael asked confused, Ash and Cal looking just as interested as him. Liz looked back at the boys before whispering "I invited Y/N." "You did not." Cal almost said in a fear, but Liz only nodded her head with a rather evil chuckle. "She was supposed to celebrate this with him wasn't she? I know she even bought at present. Would be a waste to throw out." Ashton and Calum looked at each other wide eyed while Michael looked around at the crowd in a hurry of trying to notice you. "She's not here sadly." Liz said in a more timid tone, both hands now holding around the glass of wine. She took a look back at Luke for the last time before looking back at the boys. "I think I'm gonna go try get myself more wasted than I probably already am. See you later boys." Liz slurred with a last wave, disappearing into the crowd again and leaving the boys in thought. "Have you guys thought what would happen if Y/N actually shows up?" Michael asked with a small smirk, already putting his hand down in his pocket to wrap it around his phone in a tempting manor. "I think it would end pretty ugly." Ash said, not wanting drama to happen. "It can't be uglier than the sight in front of us right now." Cal said in disagree, Michael and him sharing a small wink as they took a glance over at Luke and Scarlett for the last time in disgust.


"You know, eating pizza in the morning is far from healthy for a boy like you." Michael looked up from the pizza box in front of him to stare at Alison, his head cocking, "I mean, when I was educating myself as a fitness coach, we studied calories in fast foods and pizza were one of the worst ones." Michael let out a hum in response, not really listening and taking a piece of slice in his hand. Calum had been gone for too long now to go pick up donuts breakfast for him and Alison and it was getting on his nerves. "Fruits and cripsbread are much healthier and you'll get much happier by some good breakfast." Michael's eyes flicked between the pizza slice in his hand and Alison, his mouth going into a straight line. "I'm not trying to be rude or anything." She commented when she noticed how Michael had changed into an awkward silence, just looking down at his pizza slice now. "You're not rude." He said as he threw the pizza slice onto the box, standing up from his seat. "Just a fucking cruel hemorrhoid." He mumbled as silently as he could so Alison wouldn't hear before he pressed the button open to get out of the backseat area, and stumbling towards the kitchen of the tour bus. "What's happening man?" Ashton almost laughed by Michael's sudden attitude as he sat down in front of the curly lad, a growl escaping his lips as he almost threw the piece of pizza into his mouth, chewing rather loudly as he stared at Ashton. "You know, pizza makes me happy?" Ashton nodded his head confused by Michael's sudden exclaim, nodding for him to continue. "I want to enjoy my pizza without having facts about the massive amount of calories into my face. My life, my love, MY PIZZA!" "Michael, you're yelling but I can see your concept. And I'm already concluding who this is about." Ashton said, nodding his head towards the door that was now closed to the back area. "She even told me that if I keep on drinking alcohol, my body fat percentage will rise within months and I will be a chubby marshmallow." Luke announced as he approached the boys from being at the front of the bus, but just as soon as he had heard their conversation, he wanted to join. "And she's the one dating Calum." Ash said in disbelief, shaking his head. "She was nice at first. But I guess everyone is that until you get to know their real self." He added which made Luke nod, "Fun thing that Calum hasn't noticed that yet." "Blinded by love Luke. That's what it's all about. Calum lost something and he needed to get it replaced as fast as possible." Ash explained, "The desperation was real." Michael said as he finished off his pizza, closing the now empty pizza box. "He never really explained to us what happened that night between him and-" The sound of the tour bus door opening made all three boys shut their mouths in shock, staring towards the entrance where Calum was now visible, with a bag of donuts in his hand. "Am I missing something?" Calum asked confused with an awkward laugh, looking between the boys and noticing the weird tension just as soon as he had walked in through the door. "No, we're just chatting." Ash shrugged, Michael and Luke nodding which made Calum glance at them a bit confused, yet he shrugged it off before heading towards the end of the bus. "We have to do something. I don't know what but we'll have to figure something out." Luke mumbled in a more quiet voice in a fear of Calum hearing, looking between Ashton and Michael and they both nodded their head furiously, totally agreeing on Luke.  

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