He Realizes His Feelings For You

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Your heels clicked loudly along with yours and Luke's giggles filling the whole street, the two of you fooling around with your arms hooked around each other. Your makeup was on point, he was wearing a nice new black dress shirt, you even wore heels for this event! But for nothing. "I can't fucking believe that both our blind dates cancelled on us." You giggled and held onto the brown plastic bag tightly in your arm, the whole bag filled to the top with candy from the small candy store down the street. Luke nodded his head agreeing and ran a hand through his well quiffed hair – for once in weeks he had decided to actually do something decent about his hair. "It's because we don't do dates. It's because the world has decided that we don't have any soulmates and will end on a farm with 20 cats and Michael sleeping on the couch in the garage." Luke clapped his hands together in amusement by your words, totally imagining the image you created. It was because of Michael and Calum the two of you when on blind dates, something that was supposed to be a double date to save you from being with some creep and saving Luke from the awkwardness of being alone with a stranger. But the second the both of you arrived after using a huge amount of time making yourself ready, you sat by the table alone. You gave it at least 15 minutes until you guys had drank your free served water and ate the garlic bread from the basket. You looked at each other awkwardly but ended up in fists of giggles and it only continued from that, all the way to the candy store to buy at least 1 kilogram candy for a movie night instead. Luke was the one deciding to drink one red bull, and with you taking sips from it the two of you were buzzed on energy, hype on sugar and on your way home to his apartment. "What did you imagine your blind date look like?" You asked casually and looked up at the dark sky, the stars beautifully creating small patterns that you couldn't point out what was what besides the little dipper. "I don't know. About your height, same length as you and the memorizing eye color of yours." He looked down at you with a teasing smile playing on his lips. You rolled your eyes in response and smacked the bag of candy against his arm harshly. "No you didn't imagine that." You argued in a mumble and looked up at him with a smile. Luke had always been the flirting person, always making you crack up laughing by his lame offensive way of trying to hit on you. When you came to his apartment you walked up the few stairs to his porch and he searched around for his keys. "Imagine if we hadn't been bailed on and we would eventually split up, I would go to his house and you would go to your own. How would you finish this date?" Luke smirked down at you by your question and waited with opening the door. "I wouldn't invite her in because I'm not that sort of guy. But I would walk closer to her, place my hand on her cheek and look deeply into his eyes. " He did as he explained, moved forward until you guys were centimeters away from each other. "And then I would gently kiss her on the cheek, telling her that I was having a really great time and we should meet up again." He smiled gently by the reaction you got from his words, "And then the second I would walk into my apartment I would smile all over my face and hurry to text her the second I would close my door." You grinned up at him by his words and winked your eyes rather impressed by his imagination. "I don't think any girl could reject that." You giggled and fished his keys out of his hands, opening the door and wanting to get out of these killer heels. "You coming?" You asked confused and looked over your shoulder to see him standing frozen in his spot. He nodded his head but didn't move, only made a shyly smile appear on his lips while he looked at you. This wasn't anything he had planned doing with anyone before. It was spontaneously coming out of his mouth as he stood in front of you, and his stomach erupted with butterflies, something he hadn't experienced before. He looked down at his feet and up at you again, and he couldn't prevent the huge smile appearing on his lips by the sight of you. He was both happy but also scared of the fact that he had fallen in love with his best friend.


Calum pulled the hoodie of his black sweatshirt over his hair, taking a last look in the mirror before he rushed to the front door and opened it the second his hand touched the handle. Even in the darkest nights of the burning Sydney lights from the views behind, it couldn't compare to the bright smile you served the second your eyes locked with his. "Are the other boys sleeping?" You whispered and looked behind him to see all lights being off, and in reply he lifted his finger in front of his lips and silenced you. You nodded your head understanding and grinned, your eyes showing clear overtiredness but you were buzzing on energy. Recently the last couple of days you and Calum had started this new trend. With him having to suffer with jetlag all the time and you suffering with insomnia it was difficult for the both of you to sleep at night. You remembered clearly the first night you called him, the clock striking three am and he was online on twitter. You didn't hesitate to ask him out for a comfy night walk and since that day the two of you would do it, occasionally when you were so tired of staring up at your dark black ceiling. "Are you wearing our old merch?" Calum asked almost confused as he took in your attire, the small hint of an old tally printed on your chest and you looked down at it almost like you had forgotten. "Yeah it's an old one I found." You giggled quietly and watched as he walked out and remembered to lock the door. "It's from one of your old Koko shows in London. I was cleaning out my closet today out of boredom and found it deep inside." You placed your hands in your pockets and backed towards the stairs, grinning when Calum widened his eyes by the memory. "I barely remember that. So many years ago." He mumbled the last part and placed his keys in his own hoodie before following you down the porch and into the darkness. There wasn't any direction to where you guys were going. It was all about enjoying each other's company while talking nonsense. You guys could talk about everything and anything without a limit. You never knew where you guys would end because of the intense talkings. They could be serious, but also something so fucked up the two of you would crack up laughing by your ridiculousness. You hadn't even noticed when you guys came to the beach, the waves crashing ashore by the strong wind by the ocean. At least the wind wasn't cold but you still wore your hoodies over your heads to prevent your ears from getting cold from the nightly weather. The moon was reflecting in the water and the second you took off your shoes a sigh of bliss escaped your lips. "We don't visit the beach enough." You commented when you came down to the water and took in the horizon and silence. It was lovely. "Yeah I totally agree. It's hard finding time with my schedule though." Calum mumbled from beside you and checked his phone to see the time striking past 3am. "At least you always somehow find time for me in the early mornings of weekly days." You looked up at him with a smirk and he cracked a smile by your words and nodded his head agreeing. "A bit depressing though, right?" He grinned and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "I can only find time to hang out with my best friend when I don't have anything important to do with lack of sleep." "I like it." You replied back and stopped to look out at the ocean, enjoying the sounds of the waves. He carefully removed his arm from your shoulder to look as well but as he did, he accidently glided it down to your hand, and a small boots ran through his veins and his stomach filled with butterflies. He quickly removed his hand and looked at you with wide eyes, but you didn't seem to mind, you barely looked like someone who noticed. He hurried to place his hand in his pocket and he felt an odd feeling going through his veins. He hadn't been feeling like this before but the touch of your hand was enough for him to sudden realize the satiation he was in. You looked up at him with a smile after some silence and he weakly smiled back before biting his lip and took your whole form in. No, that couldn't be it. He had always feared this thing would happen but that wasn't just a simple touch to him. Did he finally realize that he did have feelings for you and now had to deal with this whole other perspective every time he was looking at you.

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