Pregnancy Series | Trying To Induce Labor

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Pregnancy Schedule: 39 Weeks Pregnant


Luke’s eyes glanced up and down your body as he watched you carefully a few meters apart from you, sitting on the brownish wooden rack of the ice rink, a worried yet happy smile on his lips. He lifted himself up from tying his skates and stood up with Ashton and Michael, the three of them skating towards where you and Calum were fooling around. When you and Luke had been at the doctors for the last time before the birth date, your midwife gave you some advice to induce the labor – which meant walking. But with you being stubborn and thinking that walking was for fools, you suggested skating. Not really the same, but you would be moving your body and getting some fun out of it even though Luke was terrified at first, thinking that you could crash down on the ice and injury yourself and the baby. But to his surprise, you were just as good on the ice as when you weren’t at this point of pooping a baby out, skating around like the belly weren’t bothering you. ”Can you feel anything?” Michael asked with a laugh as the boys approached you guys, ”Not really.” You shrugged, twirling around. ”Maybe we should skate around in circles then.” You and the boys started to skate around the circle of the ice rink, the warm sun hitting your faces even though the temperature was quite low. ”Freezing?” Luke asked with a smile as he looked down at you to see you trying to hide your hands in your jacket sleeves to heat them up. You nodded your head which made him start to take of one of his gloves, but you stopped him mid track. ”No, I don’t want you to freeze.” Your statement made him stop in track before looking down, thinking for a minute. ”Then we’ll do this.” He said before taking one of the gloves off, placing it in your left hand and directing you to wear it. You looked at Luke funny when he grabbed your other hand and intertwined your fingers, letting the warm from his hand heating up yours. ”Cute.” Calum commented from beside you which made both you and Luke blush instantly, whether it was due to the cold whether or not, you had no idea, but you guys stayed reminded with your hands, skating around in circles together. ”So, are you guys ready?” Ashton asked which made both you and Luke nod your head in unison, ”We’ve already packed our bag in case of emergency.” Luke explained, ”It’s already in my car.” ”Well, that’s nice.” Ashton replied, winking over at Luke when he noticed your intertwined hands, ”The only problem is that Luke said yes to stay for the weekend at Liz’s house for a small family reunion. And my birth date is on Wednesday, so staying over for the weekend is a massive risk.” You explained which made Luke chuckle, ”If so, you’ll be alright, my grandaunt or something is a nurse.” ”I’m not gonna give birth at your old teenage bedroom Luke!” You exclaimed, hitting him in the arm with the other hand. ”I’m just saying!” He giggled, which made the other laugh as well. You guys continued on skating until your limps were about to break down by the extra weight of the baby, making you guys stop and give up on your idea for being here in the first place. You let out a small groan as you guys walked through the park where the ice rink were placed, making Luke look down at you, ”I just want it out now!” Luke started to laugh and shook his head at you, ”It can still poop out, we have to walk the 2 miles home now.” Luke’s giggle turned louder when you groaned yet again, wanting to get home and sit down as fast as possible.  


A small smile was forming on your lips as your eyes were glued to the screen in front of you and Calum on the couch, your head resting against the cushion behind you as you guys watched some Friends episodes on the TV, and funny enough, it was the same period of time where Rachel and Ross were expecting. You guys observed them on the screen as they were at their midwife, getting tips and such on how to get the baby out with Rachel being so irritated and late and when the midwife mentioned sex, that was when both you and Calum’s eyes went wide, yours staring up at Cal with a pout. “No.” He said immediately, not even moving his eyes from the screen. ”We’ve tried everything Calum; this might be our only chance!” And you were right. You guys had done everything from taking long walks, eating too much spicy food and doing yoga but nothing would help and you didn’t want the baby to stay longer in your stomach than its due date, the whole pregnancy was starting to get on your nerves and even Calum could feel it. ”I’m not going to do it.” He stated and crossed his arms, his teeth digging into his bottom lip in concentration of not looking down at you. He knew that if he did, he would be wrapped around your finger and not getting out again with the puppy eyes and pout you sent him. Calum glanced you up and down for a second, his mouth mixing between being open and closed, licking his bottom lip. ”What will you do if he interrupts us again and you end up breaking your water?” ”Then the mission is completed.” You shrugged with a flirty smile, winking down at him and trying to be as seductive as possible, but it didn’t seem like Calum was buying it. ”I can’t believe I’m doing this for the second time in this pregnancy.”  Calum pushed you down slowly to make sure that you wouldn’t hurt yourself or the baby, pushing your back against the cushion of the couch and leaning his body over yours without pressing his body against your belly. ”Calums lips hovered over yours in a slow manor before pressing them down lightly, letting it linger on your lips before he started to trace kisses around the skin of your cheeks, neck but of course it didn’t last long. A small groan came from your lips, but not the one Calum used to hear from you under these circumstances which made him stop, looking up at you. ”He’s. Fucking. Kicking. Again!” You shut your eyes with a huff before crossing your arms, pouting up at Calum. ”What, I can’t do anything when he’s in there and moving you know that!” ”But I want him out for god sake, you’re always cocky with your dick, don’t you think it’s freaking long enough to poke my cervix and fucking let my water break.” At first Calum stared at you wide eyed until he broke into a loud fist of laughter, a single tear running down his cheek as he tried to control himself. ”It’s a good thing your birth term is soon, those hormones of yours are sick.” He said with a smile as he rubbed his hand up and down your belly. ”And he’ll be out soon. No worries babe.” He said with a smile before kissing the belly repeatedly, sending you a cheeky wink. ”Don’t grumble, just as soon as he’s born our sex life will be back!” ”Calum!” You exclaimed, lifting yourself up to hit him in the arm. ”As long as you don’t shoot another baby inside me.” Calum shrugged his shoulders and sent an air kiss before looking back at the screen, the two of you watching the rest of the show.

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