Memory loss after an accident but remember one of the boys | Part 2

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Calum’s is soooo cliche goood. Hope you’re all are having a greaaaat time, remember to check out the country pref series I’m currently posting! And if you don’t get Michael’s - some of it is a flashback


”Luke! For fuck sake Luke slow down!” “Leave me alone.” Luke mumbled not even wanting to look back at the pleadings from Michael and Calum, the 3 boys sprinting down the hospital corridor. It wasn’t far after you had admitted that you knew Ashton that Luke didn’t hesitate to sprint out of the door wanting to get as far as away from everything as possible. “You know running away from everything won’t help on Y/N’s illness.” Michael yelled making Luke stop in track, Calum almost running into his back. “She doesn’t remember me. She remembers Ash. It fucking shows how much I meant to her in the back of her mind.” “You can’t conclude something like that! It could possibly have been me or Michael she had remembered! Don’t even question her love for you, do you understand?” Calum said frustrated taking Luke aback. “Now we’re going back to Y/N’s room and you’re gonna talk to her. She may not remember you now but I’m sure that if you’ll spend time together at some point something will click in her mind and everything will go back to normal.” Looking down at the ground Luke hesitated for a second before nodding. Walking back to your room all the 3 boys went in through the door to see you sitting in your bed still with the yogurt but with a giant smile on your face, laughing at something Ashton said. “Hey mate, can uhm Luke be alone with Y/N for a bit?” Michael asked and Ashton stood up from his chair. “Of course, call me if you need anything.” Ashton smiled patting Luke’s back as the 3 went out from the room again, you and Luke alone now. He hesitating went over to your bed before sitting down, sending small looks at your direction. “Are you okay?” You asked seeing the boys’ nervous state, barely getting any eye contact with him. He nodded his giving you a small smile which you returned. “Why are you here?” You asked scooping on your yogurt. Luke let out a little chuckle at your question, readjusting himself on the bed so he was more comfortable. “I got a call this morning telling me that my girlfriend had slipped and hit her head. So I went over here as soon as possible with my friends to see if she was okay.” Worry appeared on your face as you actually felt sorry for this boy. “ Is she okay?” You said quietly interested placing the bag of yogurt on the nightstand beside you. “She is.. There is just this little problem. When she hit her head, somehow it had an effect on her memory. She can’t really remember anything besides my friend. She doesn’t even remember me.” Looking down at his hands Luke let out a shaky breath before meeting your eyes. A knot had started to form in your stomach and your bottom lip was formed as a pout. “I’m so sorry to hear that.” You said giving him a light hug. He returned it back, nuzzling his nose into your hair taking in your scent. Pulling away from him you looked behind him to see instrument suitcases. “Are you a musician?” You asked confused and he nodded his head slightly not giving any eye contact. “We were in a hurry. Do you uhm.. Wanna here something?” He asked scratching the back of his neck and you didn’t hesitate to nod. “It was something I actually wrote for my girlfriend. I wanted to play it for our half year anniversary. It’s on Tuesday.” He explained as he took the guitar out of the case before sitting back on the bed. He strummed the guitar lightly and as he did it, it was like the feeling of home suddenly appeared in your mind. And when he started to sing quietly your eyebrows started to knot at the sudden feeling. Luke played for a few more seconds, giving you a few glares noticing your weird expression. “ Do you want me to play something else?” He asked making you zone out from your trance and you looked at him gobsmocked for a few seconds before nodding your head wanting to hear more. He started to play the chords to The Only Reason and that was where everything hit you like a brick wall. “You played that to me the day you asked me to be your girlfriend.” The statement slipped through your lips before you knew it and both you and Luke looked at each other wide eyed none of you saying anything. “You remember that?” He asked placing the guitar on the floor, looking skeptical at you. “ I do.” Looking down at your hands you fiddled with them.“ I think you’re guitar playing increased my memory.”  The confession made a smile appear on Luke’s face before he grabbed his guitar again, placing his fingers on the right chords. “I guess we’re going to have a concert all night long then.” He joked and you let out a little giggle leaning back in the bed as he started on some new chords.

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