You're Best Friends And Another Boy Finds Out You Like Him

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The TV in front of you was blasting out yet another boring movie on this lazy Saturday, the blanket keeping your warm all covered up to your chin though one hand was sticking out of the blanket so you could hold your warm cup of latte. Outside it was getting darker by each second and you knew that in less than minutes the boys would brag into the back area of the bus, craving for you to join the club there were going to visit here in Milan. It was the main reason why you had hide into the back area. The last time you guys had been going out, things didn't go pleasant and since then you didn't want to get near things that included, Luke, alcohol and girls. Though you couldn't hide forever and before you knew it Michael opened the door to the back area, a curious expression on his face. He glanced towards the TV and you and it made you shrug hour shoulders in respond. "What's going on?" He asked after minute of silence, taking a seat by your feet and looked down curious in your cup. "Chai latte." You responded even though he didn't ask you about it and nodded his head impressively and took the cup in his hand when you lifted it towards him. He took a sip of the latte and sighed when he looked down at you. "Why aren't you joining us?" He asked and placed the cup on the table in front of him, wanting you to give him your full attention. You rolled your eyes by Michael's question and your body fell back to the pillow behind you. "I just don't feel like clubbing tonight." You mumbled and Michael snorted at you in respond, he didn't believe a single thing of what you were saying. "Does it have anything to do with Luke making you jealous constantly when we're out and it hurts your heart to witness?" Michael asked and it was like a lump formed in your throat. You hadn't told anybody about your smaller, key word, rather massive crush on Luke and it was surprising to see Michael not only be chill about it, but knowing it. "I'm not gonna give you a long explanation on how I found out. But you're somehow like an open book. It's amazing Luke can't see it." He said in disbelief and you nodded your head, and pulled the blanket closer to your chin. "I know Luke is a dick when he has alcohol in his blood. But he shouldn't prevent you from go having fun with us. Who says we need to hang around with Luke. We can walk around by ourselves and fuck some shit up with at least ten shots each. I just don't want you to be all by yourself alone." Michael admitted and your cheeks burn a red color and you sat up from the couch and grabbed your cup again, taking a sip. "I'm gonna need at least 30 minutes to get changed and such things like that." You warned and it made Michael smile all over his face and stood up from the couch with a thumbs up.


Your eyes were focused on the phone in front of you as you scrolled down on your phone with your thumb, your whole body feeling numb and your stomach growling and craving for literally any type of food. Ashton was sitting next to you, a paper in his hands with crossed song lyrics and suggestions, his mind trying to multiply a new song that him and Calum was currently working on for the new EP. Though, things had gotten boring and just as soon as Calum lay next to you on the couch and you started to nuzzle his bare upper arm, his eyelids started to get heavy and it did not take long for him to fall into a slumber, his whole body sleeping against yours on the couch. It meant that you couldn't move and at this point you had been resting on the same position for 30 minutes straight which meant that at least 60% of your body was numb and your ass was burning. Because of this you couldn't get the chance to stand up and somehow you and Ashton had convinced Luke and Michael to head out for Subway and now you were just waiting for them to arrive back. "How does this sound?" Ashton asked and strummed the acoustic guitar and sang a few sentences and you put your phone away to give him all the attention you could. "It sounds great Ash." You replied, and leaned your head against the pillow behind you on the couch. Ashton nodded his head with a smile by your positive words and he focused back on the paper. Though he didn't stay silent for long and he took his pencil and pressed it into his chin while glancing at you a couple of times. "What's wrong?" You asked confused, feeling his odd stare. "You like him, don't you?" He blurted and it was like your whole body froze, your cheeks instantly starting to blush. "No." Your answer made Ashton scoff at you stopped nuzzling Calum and watched as Ashton placed his paper onto the coffee table in front of you and he crossed his arms. "You've been nuzzling him for 30 minutes straight." Ashton argued and you rolled your eyes to the hack of your head. "So?" "So? If it was Michael who asked you to do it you would clearly have said no." Ash argued again and you furrowed your eyebrows. "He's my best friend?" You said and looked down at Calum whose face was shoved into the back cushion. "That's not an excuse Y/N. Just tell me honestly. Do you like Calum or not?" Ashton asked, looking at you pretty serious and you bit your lip, debating in your mind whether to tell him or not. "Please don't tell anyone?" You begged, already knowing that if you would lie, Ashton would see straight through you like a glass. "Tell me what?" Calum asked confused, startling you by his sudden awake. You looked over at Ashton with begging eyes and he nodded his head agreeing, staying silent and changed the subject immediately.

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