High School Couple | AU

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Another lighting flashed in the sky as rain was streaming down like a shower. Every time a lighting flashed by, the whole hallway at the school lit up. Luke was standing with his head almost in his locker, trying to find his chemistry book. “Hey loverboy, where’s your bird?” Ashton joked as he opened his locker next to Luke, throwing some books into it. “I don’t know. She didn’t answer me this morning.” Luke shrugged before grabbing out his science book, knotting his eyebrows as he threw it into the locker again. Feeling your sudden presence, Luke smacked his locker a little too loudly before muttering out a “Hey gorgeous.” Both boys let out a little shriek though as they saw your devastated form leaning against the locker, eyes tired with makeup smashed down your face and hair all wet.  “You overslept didn’t you?” Luke asked sympathetically making you nod your head. “I know I look like crap.” You mumbled, grabbing some of your hair before twisting it, letting the water drip out of the locks.  “It’s not that you look like crap.” He smiled before removing some wet hair out of your sticky face. “More like that you’re wearing my t shirt.” He said grabbing onto the wet material. “Oh.” You mumbled looking down at yourself. “See ya later mate. See you too Y/N.” Ashton smiled before giving Luke a squeeze on the shoulder. “I think I have some gym clothes you can borrow instead of walking around like a wet cat.” He suggested as he looked you up and down. “Yea thanks.” You nodded with a tired smile. “Can’t promise that it won’t smell though.” He said with a small laugh before opening his locker again, grabbing a bag taking it out. “Come on. You can go change in the music room, there’s nobody there yet.” He said before reaching his hand out for you to take it. Smiling at him, you grabbed his hand and he intertwined your fingers before you headed over to the music room. Luke let you both in before placing his bag on one of the tables, pulling out a football t shirt. “Catch.” He smiled before throwing it towards your direction. “Hemmo?” You laughed looking at the backside of the t shirt, before taking your wet off, throwing it towards him. “It’s old.” He shrugged before throwing the wet t shirt into his bag. “Lighting struck down in our garden. It knocked out all the power of our house. My alarm went off and then I didn’t catch the bus. Such great start in the morning.” You sighed grabbing your bag from the table you placed it at. “If the weather keeps being like this, I can drive you home?” He suggested as he opened the door for you, letting you walk out before he did. “Can’t say no to that.” You smiled, before your eyes lit up. “You forgot something at my house last night.” You mentioned searching down in your bag. Grabbing Luke’s chemistry book his eyes lit up in relief. “Thank god, I thought I had forgotten it at home. Mrs. Wond would kill me if I had forgotten it yet again. “It’s good you have me right.” You smiled. “And vice versa.” He replied before giving you a peck on the forehead. 


”Ms. Y/L/N.” The sound of your name made you raise your head up from your doodling note, all the other students around in the class looking over at the teacher standing against the doorframe. Placing your pencil on the table you sat up straight in your seat before muttering out a small “Yes.”. “The principal wants to speak with you.” All the other students’ heads snapped towards your frame – all eyes on you now. “Like.. Now?” You mumbled, already packing your stuff away. “Yes.” She answered with a straight line before walking over to your desk, placing a note on your table. Taking the note in your hands, the teacher left the room, and you hesitated to stand up, not knowing what in the world you had done wrong. Shaking your head, you pushed your chair away before grabbing your bag now heading towards the door. As you opened it and went out, you let out a hysteric small scream as someone pulled you back from behind. “Calum?!” You said angrily seeing his smiley face whilst he was holding his arms around your waist pulling the both of you backwards. “What are you doing, I’m supposed to be at the principal’s office?” You asked as he opened the door to the field outside. “No you’re not.” He smiled as he walked you over to the usual tree you always hang out at. He grabbed your bag from your hand before throwing it to the ground next to his. You were still standing with the note in your hand and he noticed before taking it. “Notice the handwriting?” He said with a cheeky smile as he was holding the note in front of your face making your eyes wide in surprise. “You got me out of class?” You almost whispered, fearing that one of the teachers would catch you, making you look around. “How did you even..?” You mumbled as you both sat down, you leaning up against the tree as he placed his head in your lap. “I’ve got my skills.” He winked up at you making you shake your head as your hand was running through his soft dark locks. “Didn’t you say that as well when we had chemistry and you almost burned off some of my hair as we were burning metals?” You teased making him open his eyes. “Hey, we’ve talked about this; you know I didn’t do it on purpose.” He pouted making you laugh. “We were Freshmans at that point. My skills have ranked to a whole new level.” He winked, making you scoff with a laugh. “Whatever you say.” You shrugged making him form his lips. “Kiss me like you wanna be loved” He sang quietly making you shake your head again before diving down to his lips, giving him a soft peck to his joy. “Hood? Y/L/N?” The sound of your P.E teacher sounded faith yet close making both your eyes wide in surprise. “Holy shit.” Calum mumbled before standing up from your lap in less than 2 seconds, grabbing your bags and your arm before pulling you away from the trees and over behind one of the walls. “You and your damn skills.” You panted lightly as you stood up against the wall. “You won’t love me less.” He winked with an apologizing look. 

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