He's Your Teacher | Part 7

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"I’m so tired today, my eyelids are about to explode if I have to keep them open for more than a few hours more." Y/BF/N mumbled as you guys dragged yourself down the hallway, Monday mornings were just as the media illustrated it, a messing hell.

"I haven’t even checked our next subject." You mumbled, knitting your eyebrows by the thought, you and her heading towards your lockers, opening it to throw some books in and take some out. "Math." She spoke in disgust, throwing her books into her locker, taking out the beach sea colored book out with numbers and a calculator on the front book, your eyes immediately going wide by the thought.

To your luck, and mostly Luke’s, detention was at Friday so you didn’t have to cope with seeing each other the next day in an awkward silence. There was no doubt in mind that all you had been thinking of was him but you couldn’t get yourself to just call him.

"Yet I feel like there’s something different on the class today." Y/BF/N mumbled, reaching out for her bag so she could zip it up and take the schedule out of the content. "What do you mean?" You asked confused, standing beside her to give the schedule a look.

"I don’t know." She shrugged, showing you the note. "Yet something looks different."

You took a glance at the paper, nothing unusual font being there yet there was something new on it as well. Before your mind could register what was wrong, the sound of the bell appeared out through the schools amps, making you give Y/BF/N back her schedule before the two of you walked towards the math class.

Y/BF/N walked in front as she opened the door to the classroom, her eyebrows automatically knitting as she noticed Mr. Inge in the teacher’s seat. “Mr. Inge what are you doing here?” She exclaimed making your head rise up fast by the mention, your eyes going wide as you noticed Luke’s presence not being there.

"Always a pleasure to see you too Mr. Y/BF/LN." She said in monotone, making some of the other students’ chuckle, "I’m your teacher. Now go sit." Your eyes were about to pop out, Y/BF/N taking a look fast at her schedule, her mouth going wide. "That’s what’s different about the schedule. Your name is there instead of Mr. Hemmings." You took a look on the schedule again, a knot starting to form in your stomach as you noticed it as well.

"Where is Mr. Hemmings?" One of the other students yelled as you and Y/BF/N took a seat at your chairs, your head rising again to hear what Mr. Inge had to say. "I’m not sure if it was a firing or if he had gotten a new job. I just got the honor to take over all his classes. It’s his last day here today."

At this point the knot in your stomach had spread out to all your veins in your body. “Are you serious?” You blurted, earning a few glares from other students. “As serious as I can be. Now go sit Ms. Y/L/N.” You looked at her for a few seconds, your thoughts running around. “Hell no.” You mumbled under your breath before you pushed your chair in again, grabbing the bag you just had placed on your table before sprinting towards the door, smacking it open and not caring about closing it as you sprinted down towards the teachers community room.

When you walked inside the room, there weren’t many teacher insides which were totally understanding considering the fact that it was in a middle of a class. It wasn’t hard for you to notice the tall frame with a well done cliff, standing with his head inside of his personal drawer locker, emptying its content filled with books and scattered papers.

"Mr. Hemmings!" You said in a stern tone.

"I’m sorry, but no students is allowed in the teac-" Luke let go of the papers as he spoke, but as he turned around, noticing your petite form, standing crossed armed at you stared up at him, he stopped mid-sentence.

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