Amnesia - 5 Seconds Of Summer | His P.O.V

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I wish that I could wake up with amnesia

And forget about the stupid little things

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you

And the memories I never can escape

‘Cause I’m not fine at all

A cold breeze crossed my skin as I was lying on my side sending chills down my spine as I started to shake lightly. “Y/N. Come back to bed.” I mumbled burying my nose into my pillow letting out an unsatisfied groan. A small giggle left her lips and a smile appeared on mine as she tiptoed to the bed again. “Why did you open the window?” I mumbled through the pillow, opening the covers for her to join. “It was getting hot. Can’t cuddle when you’re hotter than a sauna.” She joked poking my chest making me let out a mouth closed giggle. “It’s true Hemmings.” She said as she nuzzled herself closer to my chest, letting me slip my arm around her, her head laying on the pillow next to me, my arm right under her neck. I let out a sigh of please and she let out a small giggle making it rumble through my chest. “Comfortable?” She asked and I nodded my head as an answer before giving her a light peck to the crown of her head. “Me too.” She mumbled, her breathing getting deeper and deeper.  “You know what I always fear?” She suddenly asked turning her head towards me. I shook my head as she was adjusting her head so it was lying on my upper arm. “I fear that one day I’ll wake up and you’re not beside me.” She almost said in a whisper as she was tracing patterns on my chest and I knotted my eyebrows in thought. “I’ll always be beside you. I promise.” I reassured putting my index finger under her chin before lifting it up towards my face. “Promise?” She mumbled against my lips and I nodded my head before giving her a light peck. As a pulled back I turned around in a search for something in my drawer. “What are you doing?” She asked leaning her chin against my rip as I was rumbling through the stuff. Grabbing the stuff penguin I showed it to her. “What is this?” She asked taking it from my hand. “My promise penguin.” I almost chuckled because of the lack of seriousness. “God I love you.” She giggled before giving me yet another kiss. “I love you too.” I smiled before I leaned down on my side again, letting her nuzzle into my body again before we both went into a slumber. | The sound of a car honking outside made me jolt awake, sweat streaming down the lower back of my body, pants leaving my lips. I looked to my right expecting Y/N there but instead of her, an unpacked suitcase was placed next to the bed instead, the window still open agape. “What the…” I mumbled looking around taking in his surroundments. Where was she? I removed the duvet from my sweaty body before jumping out of the bed walking around in the room. Everything seemed so empty. “Y/N?” I called and of course no answer was back. Letting out an unsatisfied sigh I yelled it out again but this time sounds from the  hallway appeared. But the footsteps weren’t female like and before I knew it, a very tired Ashton was standing in my doorway looking questionable at me. “Mate are you alright?” Ashton asked still having the same expression plastered on his tired face. That was when reality hit me. “Ah man…” I mumbled my voice deep as I scratched both my eyes with my hands. “I’m sorry man.” Ashton said sympathetically to me with a small pout as I just nodded my head. “The dream.. It just felt fucking real you know. I’m sorry I woke you up.” I apologized. “No worries just wake me up if you wanna talk.” Ash said before giving me one last nod before shutting my door. I let out sigh letting the back of my head fall back closing my eyes. The more she was gone, the more memories were smacked into my head like a brick. And it hurt like hell. She’s the reason I still open the window every single night. I walked over to my bed and sat down, letting my hands go through my hair and head, massaging it. The thoughts were running through my head and I was hesitating but then obliging to open the drawer. Maybe she did take it with her. I didn’t even want to see it as I opened the drawer but as I did my eyes shut open and there it was. The little toy penguin I had won her once at an arcade because she was mad at me for winning any game.  Doubting she even remember this. I drew patterns on it with my thumb as more and more memories appeared in my head and the memories I never can escape.

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