He's Your Teacher | Part 8

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”What is this place even.” Y/BF/N hissed into your ear as you dragged her now pretty much protesting body into the, not so fancy as she had expected, diner, the instant smell of coffee and fried food hitting your nostrils, her eyes going wide. ”What in the world are we doing in here?” She spoke under her breath as she took a look around in the diner, a few people sitting at some tables whilst others were sitting on bar chairs. ”I wanted to show you this.” You shrugged, walking past the familiar table of where you and Luke used to sit, walking to the tables a few steps away, sliding inside the booth with Y/BF/N. ”Who have you been with here, you know, since you know the place?” She questioned as her eyes scanned the menu card, looking up at you waiting for an answer. ”Just a friend.” You made a half shrug, hoping that she wouldn’t question into it more, and to your luck she only nodded her head before looking back at the menu. When the both of you had decided what to eat, the same waiter from the last time approached your table, taking in your menus and sending you a small smile in remember. Before you guys realized, the food was served in front of you, Y/BF/N cocking her head by the dish in front of her. ”Don’t be such a diva, the food is good enough here.” You mumbled, sending her a glare as she started to dig in, the other not so improved expression turning into a pleasant one. ”Better than I thought.” She mumbled with mouth full, the two of you eating in silence with a few chit chats between. When Y/BF/N placed her fork down, a weird expression came to her face as she looked behind you, you cocking your eyebrow by her, ”What’s wrong?” You spoke a little more quietly, freezing her out of her trance. ”There’s this really cute boy staring at you.” She mumbled, removing her gaze from the boy. Trying not the make anything obvious, you turned your head slightly but not too much and your eyes widened in surprise when Calum was sitting a few tables behind you with a skeptical expression on his face, his arms crossed as he glared at you. ”Shit.” You cursed, turning your head around fast, your heart starting to beat faster than expected. What if Luke was here as well? ”You know him?” Y/BF/N asked a bit too loudly, cocking her head to get a better view of him, ”That may or may not be correct.” You mumbled, starting to pack your belongings together fast. ”Ready to leave.” You mumbled standing up fast from the booth and pulling Y/BF/N with you. But before you could escape from Calum and his friends he grabbed you on the upper arm making you stop in track and roll your eyes. ”Y/N.” He spoke softly, but his expression said otherwise. You waved Y/BF/N so she could just start walking and she did, leaving you and Calum behind. ”I have no idea what happened between you and Luke, but he’s broke as fucked. He doesn’t wanna come out from his apartment, damn god he doesn’t even wanna touch his guitar. I don’t care what went wrong in your relationship but one of you guys has to be the responsible one.” By the mention of him being broke your eyes went wide with fire, making Calum let go of your arm. ”He’s broken? He’s fucking broken?” You questioned in disbelief but didn’t let Calum answer before you had stormed out of the diner towards Y/BF/N, ”Can you get home yourself? I have to go see a friend right now?” She barely nodded her head before you started to spring over to Luke’s apartment, ready to confront the blond haired boy.


”I broke you?!” Luke eyes widened by your petite form standing in front of him at his door, your sudden presence in front of him leaving a confused gaze on his beautiful features. ”Calum told me.” You scoffed by his confused stare, ”You think I broke you? You were the one breaking me!” You crossed your arms and glared at him until he would say something, but he didn’t, just pulled you inside his apartment before shutting the door. ”I thought you loved me!” You said in rage and at this point Luke turned furious, looking down at you deadly. ”Don’t you dare doubt my love for you at any point Y/N! I have never in my entire life met someone that could change it as much as it has now. You know how hard it was to be your teacher? Harder than what I would ever expect and that was the fucking reason why I choose to quit! Because having just the thought to think about that I would have to teach you with a broken heart would be devastating. I love everything about you, even when you’re mad at me! And nothing can change that and I won’t change it. I’ve fallen hard and heels for my student Y/N Y/L/N and there’s no doubt that my love towards her can compares to someone else.” When Luke finished speaking, he took a death breath before looking down at you with mouth open and wide eyes, yours wide as well as you stared at him in awe. Without further redo, you grabbed him by the back of his neck before pulling him down to your level, placing your lips against his but not in the usual lust full way. In the most passionate loving way that you guys ever shared. And Luke knew when he wrapped his arms around your body that he never wanted to let go again. And he didn’t.

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