You Crawl Into The Wrong Bunk

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So this preference was suggested by Cliffodfam on Tumblr! I thought it was genious the second I saw it so I just had to write it :-D I'm blind as fuck so I can honestly imagine myself do this if I were on tour with the boys :-)


With a yawn escaping past your lips and your eyes squeezing tight by your action, you tried to adjust to the turned off lights in the tour bus. You and Michael were the only one left awake, the other boys having clear ease with falling asleep despite the new arrived jetlag. But with Michael's skills of staying up to the sunset you couldn't manage to keep your eyes open any longer. Using your hand as your only sense you clapped around until you found the lowest bunk, and moved down to take a seat on it. You took off your pants and left yourself in Luke's shirt, moving under the duvet and smiled softly by his warm bare back facing you. Though when he turned around confused and you were met by Asthon's face a squeal left past your lips shocked. "Hi Y/N?" He grinned amused and you were so shocked you fell backwards, your body crashing onto the floor outside the bunks. At least his bunk was closest to the floor. "Wrong bunk?" He questioned and stuck his head out of the curtain. You nodded your head agreeing, pants coming from your lips by your shocked state. "That one," Ashton pointed towards the other side, "Is Luke's bunk." He added. You nodded your head agreeing with a laugh, your cheeks blushing in a deep shade of red before you removed Luke's curtain and crawled into his bunk.


Stressing around with your suitcase you tried your best to make the things organized. This was the first day on tour and you needed to pack out everything, preparing for the many more days to come inside this crowded bus. Calum and the boys had already crawled to bed, being so used to this and faster at packing their stuff out. You, on the other hand, were determined to make things organized rather than your lazy boyfriend simply throwing all of his stuff into one messy pile in the closet. It was a satisfied smile that came to your lips when the last piece of clothing was folded out and you backed away from the back area to get into the bunks. Silence was clear so you tried your best not to make any sounds while you crawled into what you assumed to be Calum's bunk. Though your eyes widened when the guy next to you didn't have the usual dark curly locks, the sight of blond strikes making your jaw drop. "Y/N, what a pleasant sight." Michael grinned and turned around while stretching his arms. "Wait, you're in Michael's bunk?" Calum asked from below, clearly not sleeping either. "Cal?" You asked confused, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks while winking over at you. You moved your body so your face was facing downwards, removed the curtain on the bunk below Michael's to see Calum with a confused expression. "I uh, I thought this was your bunk." You grinned and even if his confused expression turned into a huge laughter by your small failure.


It was a mix of drunken slurs and giggles that filled the tour bus the second you stepped inside. Your arms were wrapped around Michael's tiredly while the others were in front, already by the bunks and crawling inside. The night had been a blast, you guys heading out for beers at the current place you were visiting on the tour. But one turned into many and now you could barely register what was going on around you. "I need to pee. Just head for bed already." He mumbled into your hair and let go of you to head outside, already knowing that Ash was using the toilet on the bus. You nodded your head agreeing and slurred towards the bunks, expecting Michael's bunk to be on the top. Though when you crawled inside and were met by Calum's face, your eyebrows furrowed and your jaw fell slightly. "Well this isn't Michael's bunk." You commented with wide eyes, and Calum nodded his head agreeing and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "No his is on the other side below Luke's." He grinned and couldn't stop laughing by your puzzled drunken face expression. "How many times is it this week?" He questioned while you crawled out and in the second you did Michael came back from peeing. "You crawled into his bunk again?" he questioned in a laugh and you rolled your eyes drunkenly before crawling into the right bunk, "At least I had a right excuse this time."


With a toothbrush in your mouth and your hair tied up in a bun you walked around the hallway mindlessly, hearing the soft chats from the boys in their bunks. Bed time was near, the boys were exhausted after the show and it was safe to say it was going to be one of those tired nights. "Y/N, are you coming?" Ashton asked faint from his bunt waiting impatiently for you. You hummed lightly against the toothbrush before heading back to the bathroom to clean your mouth. Wiping off the excess water you yawned silently and crawled into what you had thought to be Ashtons' bunk. "Luke?" You questioned confused with blushing cheeks, seeing the blond boy stare at you while having his phone in his hand. "Hey you. Welcome to the shitbag bunk." He giggled slightly and sat up, his eyebrows furrowing but regardless he was amused by your shocked face. "Wrong bunk." You mumbled slightly, ready to crawl out of it again but Luke stopped you and wrapped his arms around you. "Ash I've stolen your girlfriend." He yelled with laughter, "She chose my bunk over yours. Seems like this bunk isn't as shit as you've claimed it to be." Seconds later the curtain was ripped open in Luke's bunk, Ashton standing with tired eyes and only wearing a pair of boxers. "Do I need a name sign too or what?" He asked and scooped you out easily, placing you in the right bunk with a satisfied smile on his face.

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