Pregnancy Series | The Boys Meet Your Baby For The First Time At The Hospital

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1 of the two bonus preferences that are left of the pregnancy series! So this means that this is the second last part of it, booh! 


Lights had been dimmed inside the now quiet and peaceful recovery roomof Luke and yours, absolutely no words from you guys being spoken as you just looked down at the little infant in your arms. By now, your son had been in this world for more than 5 hours now, had been given a small bath and was breastfed for the first time. But now as the clock was around nine, he was dazed and tired, barely keeping his eyes open as he looked up at his mum and dad still curious. Luke’s arm was wrapped around your shoulders in a peaceful manor as he was sitting next to you on the bed, the two of you under the duvet sharing it. “He’s dozing off.” Luke said in a quiet voice with a small giggle, watching as his son started to yawn and blinking, looking up at his dad tired. “So am I.” You mumbled, leaning your head against his chest and looking up at him with a smile. With everything being so calm, Luke had forgotten what he had promised earlier. But that came back to his memory just as soon as the door cracked open and three tall Aussies came into the room, Michael having flowers in his hand and Ashton with a small blue elephant. “Aw, would you look at that.” Calum hummed, looking back at the boys as he was in front, the three of them trying to be as quiet as possible. “Where is our nephew?” Michael said excited, placing the flowers next to you on the nightstand before leaning his hands on the rack of the bed, looking down at your son bundled in a duvet. Ashton and Calum went over to the other side of the bed next to Luke, looking down as well. “You guys did really create something real from that night, huh?” Cal chuckled, glancing over at Michael before winking as he grimaced by the event, yet couldn’t smiling as he looked down at your son cradling his small hand around Luke’s pointing finger. “I don’t think we could’ve been more proud of you guys.” Ashton said with a smirk, crossing his arms as Calum and him took a seat on the bed. “Not as proud as I am of her.” Luke said with a smile looking down at you before kissing your cheek repeatedly which made the boys’ eyes lit up by the sudden action, looking at the two of you curiously with smirks. “Do any of you guys wanna hold him?” You asked, probably already knowing the answer and now you had three teenage idiots discussing between each other whether whom of them should be the first one to hold Luke and yours son. “Easy on him though, it’s been a tough day for him.” Luke chuckled before gently taking him out of your arms and replacing them with Ashton’s, his massive hands grasping onto the blanket as the Michael and Calum now surrounding around him to look at the little infant looking up bright confused at his new uncles.


Calum’s hands were resting against the rack of the small bed placed right next to the one you were resting in, his fingers gliding over the soft skin of his little’s son’s cheek, his eyes starting to stir yet didn’t open. Calum was tired physically to say at least, not having more than 3 hours sleep now since you guys had calmed down from the birth, yet he would never ever get tired of looking down at his son and fiancée next to him. Of course you had stated that there was no doubt that you would  not sleep so you could keep yourself up to check on your son every third minute but by now in the morning, the clock striking ten am and you hadn’t got much more sleep than Calum throughout the night, you were tired as hell. It had developed to that you had managed to take a shower, putting back one of the t shirts you had brought along with you and a pair of shorts, gently resting your body on the bed with a towel still wrapped around your hair. But it didn’t take long for you before you had snoozed off, sleeping just like your son next to you, two identical water droplets. Calum had even made sure to take a picture of you guys to post it on Twitter, informing everyone that your son was born, and that had caused the attention from the boys. Not more than 30 minutes after the tweet was sent, Calum was met by the three tall Aussies in your recovery room, curious faces upon their faces as they listed towards you guys, Calum placing a finger to his lips. “He’s so handsome.” Ashton said excited, the three of them looking down at your son with big smiles. “He’s a son of mine, right.” Calum joked cockily, checking on you a few times to make sure you were alright. “Can we hold him?” Michael asked, making Calum chew his lip in thought if might waking him up, but he shrugged it off, nodding in go for Michael. Michael smiled all over his face before he very carefully lifted your son from his bed, placing him in his embrace. “I’m gonna be the best uncle, you can clearly see it, he’s comfortable with me.” He joked, which made Ash and Luke shrug at him as they all were now sitting on chairs next to Calum. But after Michael had played cocky, the sound of small cries started to fill the boys ears which made Michael go in panic before returning Y/S/N to Calum fast. Calum started to laugh as he cradled his son, shushing calming to him. “It’s not him you’re supposed to be afraid of waking up.” Calum joked, motioning towards your sleeping form. “She was in labor for half a day. It was painful to watch.” “Something great came out from it though.” Luke chuckled, leaning his head against Calum’s as the four boys looked down at your son. “He’s gonna slay some bass in the future, I can see it in him.” Ash chuckled, clapping Calum on the bag in a way to go manor, Calum starting to blush over how proud he was of the creation of this little infant embraced in his arms.

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