Nobody Knows What The Future Holds

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Sooo this is a little surprise for all of my Pregnancy Series lovers! I seriously could never let go of that series, which lead me to create this! I had no idea what to title it but it's a little sneak peek into the future that's linked to the series! I really loved it tbh.


Chatter and laughter were filling the living room of Liz and Andy's place, their whole place decorated in Christmas related stuff, a Christmas three placed in the corner of the room. A nice table was covered up with plates, food and the happy crowd of the Hemmings family, celebrating off Christmas Eve. "I can't believe it's been a year since you almost pushed him out on the couch over there!" Liz exclaimed as she had been sitting and adoring William in your lap for minutes now, a tear almost pressing out of her eye. "Neither can I." You smiled, looking down at your son in awe who was all dressed up for Christmas like the rest of you, wearing a designed red flannel with the 5sos tally printed on the right side of it, a black matching tie as well. Luke sat next to you with the exact same outfit, just in opposite colors. "Who bought the Christmas clothes?" Luke's grandfather asked, sitting next to Liz and Jack on the opposite side of you. "I think we can all agree that it was Luke who decided what he should wear." You stated, looking over at Luke who shook his head at you with a smirk. "What, I think he looks handsome!" Luke disagreed, ruffling his son's hair. "He does, and you guys are cute." Luke's aunt commented, smiling adoring at William. "Besides, William could just say no if he didn't want to wear the clothes." Luke mumbled, putting some potatoes on his plate. "Right, bud?" He looked down at his son who nodded his head furiously at his dead, a piece of bread in his hands more interesting than the rest of the crowd around him. Luke looked back at you with a satisfied smirk, "Okay, okay, once again mommy is the outsider here." You said, referring to your simple black dress. "You still look great Y/N, it's amazing to see how much weight you've lost in just a year." Luke's grandmother said and this time you could sent him a smug smirk. "I'm only agreeing." Luke giggled, wrapping his arm around the rack on the chair you were sitting on. William started to roam in his seat, wiggling around uncontrollably. "What's up?" Luke asked, trying to calm William down and he pointed towards the Christmas three where packages of presents were covering the whole floor. "Oh no. After his birthday, just as soon as he sees something wrapped up he's determined to get it opened." You explained, looking over at Luke wide eyed. "Here, let take him." Liz said, standing up from her seat, it was a good thing everyone was done with their dinner now. "We've bought him so many presents so it'll be okay to open one or two." You put William down and he did his best to sprint towards Liz who grabbed his hand afterwards, the two walking over to the Christmas three and sat down. "That's cute." Luke spoke as you leaned your head against his shoulder, watching Liz interact with William while others had started to clean the table for dessert. "He's just like you when it comes to presents." You stated and Luke looked down at you with a fake gasp. "It's true." He said afterwards, smiling all over his face and pressing a kiss to your temple, a warm feeling of butterflies erupting in his stomach by the sight of his son all excited and with you next to him as close as possible.


With his head rested against one of the white crackled poles of the room you and Cal had rented for tonight's special event, Cal watched you closely in a loving way with a cute smile on his lips. His hair was in a perfect quiff, the usual band tee and black skinny jeans switched out with a black and white suit and tie, just for this perfect occasion. Though it couldn't compare to what you were wearing. That long perfectly white wedding dress was enough for him to fall in love with you all over again. Never had you been more beautiful to him and the events from the church kept on repeating in his head like the best memory of his life. Speeches had been there; even the boys were serious enough to make one. Now, after dinner and a few speeches were left followed by the dessert, Calum just took a moment to just adore you from apart while you were talking with one of his relatives. "Uhm, Calum?" By the sudden sound of his name, Calum's eyes removed from your form and he turned around to see the boys look rather uncomfortable, the three of them looking lost. "What have you done?" Cal asked immediately by the boys' odd behavior, his eyebrows furrowing as he moved forward to get closer to them, speaking with a lower voice. "We kind of lost Alexander.." Ashton said out in a cough and Calum's eyes went wide. "What in the world do you mean you lost Alexander?" He hissed in a quiet voice, not wanting others to hear them. "It was Luke who had to look after him!" Michael pointed out trying to save his own ass, "He was sitting on your lap when he disappeared!" Luke disagreed, "It's not my fault that Y/N's cousin looks hot as fuck in that black dress over there!"Caluer voice. " looking lost. "in the air and pointing towards your cousin who were ittg with a lower voice. " looking lost. " Calum rolled his eyes by Michael's lame excuse, a small laughter coming from Luke by how ridiculous he was. "We need to find him before Y/N finds out he's gone." "Who's gone?" You asked confused, coming up from Calum's behind and giving the boys a small shock. "Nobody." Ashton said fast, the four of them now staring at you with wide eyes, and you quivered an eyebrow by their weird behavior. You looked over at Calum and he just nodded his head furiously. You were about to say argue but the loud sound of someone screaming mommy caught both you and the boys' attention as they all turned around to see Mali approaching you with Alexander in her arms. All the boys let out a breath of relief by the sight of Calum's son and Mali placed him down for him to sprint towards you in his matching suit like his father. "I saved your fucking asses there." Mali whispered cheekily to Calum and the boys and he immediately shushed on her. "Now let the groom and bride cut the first piece of the wedding cake." Calum's uncle, the host for your wedding announced to Calum's luck so you didn't have to talk about it anymore. "Ready for this Mrs. Hood?" Cal asked and reached his hand out, "I've been ready for two years now." You smiled, placing your hand in his and lifting your wedding dress up so you could head towards the table with the cake. boys let out a breath of reliefMali w to sprint towards you you with Jacob in her arms. All the boys let out a breath of relief

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