Pregnancy Series | Telling His Family

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"Mom can you come here for a second." Luke requested as his eyes were glued to the screen in front of him. "Sure." Liz answered grabbing the cup she had just poured coffee, in walking towards Luke and taking a seat next to him on the bed. "Where's Y/N?" She asked as she took a seat on the bed, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "She's out with Michael and Ashton. They went for ice-cream or such thing as that." Luke mumbled, fiddling with the duvet he was sitting on in his hand. "Okay then. What's up?" She watched him as Luke opened his laptop and went straight on Skype, calling his brother Ben. Liz looked at the screen curiously as they waited for Ben to pick up, the sound of the beeping disappearing and Ben, Jack and Andy's faces appeared on the screen. "Hey you guys." Luke smiled with a wave, the boys returning it but Liz still looked frozen in spot. "What is going on, a family reunion?" She questioned as a smile came to her lips. "You can call it that I guess." Luke mumbled as questions started to fill the conversation such as how things were going back at home and stuff. "So I heard Y/N is pregnant?" Andy asked breaking the otherwise silence that had felt between the Hemmings family, making Luke tense up in his seat, his mouth going into a straight line. "She is." Liz answered for him. "So who's the father?" Ben asked, raising an eyebrow. Everyone in his family knew who you were due to being childhood best friends with Luke. You had shared everything when you were together as children. "Yeah, you see, that's what I actually wanted to talk about." Luke managed to stammer out. He had repeated the words in his head for a week now, wanting tell his mom the most but every time he tried, it failed. "You know?" Liz asked him with wide eyes. "I do." Luke fumbled with his hands again, looking between them, his mom and on the screen. "You're the father, am I right Luke?" Andy asked, making Luke's eyes wide in shock, Liz doing the same. Luke didn't say another word, just looked down whilst he nodded his head. "Oh my god." Was the only thing that came out of Liz's mouth. She was shocked to say at least but a small smile yet formed onto her lips. Throughout her whole life both her and your mom had tried to set you guys up as a couple even from when you were babies and finally all of the sudden you guys had been together. "So you're dating?" Jack asked breaking the silence. "No." Luke answered fast, almost breaking Liz's heart by the news. "So you're just best friends who's gonna have a baby?" Ben asked, wanting conformation. "Yes, we are. I'm sorry if I've disappointed you guys." He mumbled the last part making Liz pull him instantly in for a hug. "You know how supportive we are for what you do. Just remember that it's not us you should be afraid to disappoint, it's her." Luke's brothers and dad nodded their head by Liz's words, making Luke form a very small smile. "Thank you." He breathed pulling back. "For helping Y/N and stuff." "Well now I have a very good reason to do it, she's carrying my grandson." Liz formed a small smile as well afterwards with a sigh.


Calum gave your hand a slight squeeze under the table making you look up at him in confusion. "Is it time already?" You asked almost in a fear, looking around in the not so small local, your family on the left side from where you were sitting and Calum and the boys on the other side. "I feel like it needs to be said now." He mumbled in your ear, giving Joy a smile next to him. "You do it." You mumbled back making Calum's eyes go wide. "Hell no." He answered, looking around. "You will." You warned, starting to pinch his thigh making him let out a squeal before he suddenly stood up from the stair to try to avoid the pain you were giving him, his eyes going wide as the crowd suddenly quieted down by his sudden raise. "You forgot to knock on the glass for god sake Calum." Calum's dad commented making Michael stand up instantly. "I'll do it then." He hiccupped grabbing his glass and fork, lazily knocking on it before he took a seat fast again. It was clear that after what could be 3 glasses of red wine, he was tipsy. "Well thank you for that." Calum commented towards Michael making him give him a smile and thumbs up. "Okay so first of all me and Y/N wanna thank you guys for coming to our pre wedding rehearsal." Calum started out, Michael already starting to clap his hands. "Thank you Michael." He chuckled, Michael leaning back in his seat with yet another glass of wine in his hand, showing it up towards Calum in a cheer. "But uhm- We actually have some kind of sad news for you guys." Calum's statement made worry appear on people's faces, even Michael looked up suspicious now, almost trying to be sober. Calum looked down at you for help, but you only shrugged your shoulders. "We're going to cancel the wedding." A loud gasp came from your mother by the words, you almost winching by the reaction. "Why?" Calum's dad asked fast, everyone having shocked expression on their faces. "Because," Calum started, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Y/N does not want to be married whilst she's walking around with a fat belly." His words made people look around in confusion, trying to figure out the indication of it. "You're pregnant?" Mali-Koa blurted, making both you and Calum's eyes wide. "Pregnant?" Your dad asked fast, looking up at you. Calum let out a small sigh before removing the hand that was resting on your hip, moving it towards your still flat belly. "Y/N's pregnant yes." Silence felt over the whole area as people tried to register the sudden news. "That's great!" Ashton cheered, trying to zone everyone out of their frozen state. He could sense that the both of you felt really nervous so after his statement he clapped his hands together, Luke and Michael joining along and after a while, your families started to join as well, a whole crowd of people clapping now. It eased Calum's nerves so he mouthed out a "Thanks man." Towards Ashton before he gave everyone a smile, you doing the same. "With these news I think we should all cheer together." Your uncle said, raising himself from his chair. "Everyone expect for Y/N of course." He added, you letting out a small giggle. Everyone pushed their chairs out, grabbing their glasses in their hands before your uncle yelled, "To Y/N and Calum." People yelling it in unison afterwards.

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