He's Your Teacher | Part 2

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Dragging your feet towards the detention room with your backpack swinging on your shoulder loosely, you let out a bored yawn. This was probably the last thing you wanted to do on a Friday afternoon but of course Mr. Hemmings had to make your day ten times worse than what it already was. You considered skipping. But what would that mean? Double detention? No way, not worth it.

Your fingers were ghosting the handle as your thoughts were running, but you grabbed the handle and walked inside the class. At Fridays there were barely any students, none of them wanting to cope with not getting the chance to just get home after school and just enjoy the for headed weekend. And to your surprise there were only one student this time – Max one of the punkish school students. He didn't care much for school, was probably just here until he was old enough to drop out against his parents protest.

"Hey Max." You sighed walking past him, giving him a slight high five. You guys always seemed to kill time at moments like this, always sitting next to each other and tease the hell out of Mr. Trish. "Where's Trish?" You asked confused as you took a seat next to him, taking out a notepad from your bag. "I don't know. He should've been here 10 minutes ago. He's always on time." Max mumbled scratching his chin lightly. You guys waited a few minutes before Max stood up. "I think I'll just leave." He mumbled taking his bag and swinging it over your shoulder. "You sure?" You questioned looking up from your doodle. "Yea you know me." He winked before walking out of the room, leaving you alone.  The sound of the door smacked, but was soon opened again as someone came into the room.

"Changed your mind?" You asked not taking your eyes away from the notepad. "Sorry?" The voice that clearly didn't sound like Max made you tear your head up towards the noise, Mr. Hemmings standing in front of the teacher's desk, a hand in his bag. "I thought you were.. Nevermind." You mumbled shrugging it off. "Where's Mr. Trish?" You asked a few seconds later looking up at him curiously. "Sick. So you're stuck with me for the next 30 minutes Y/N." He said looking up at the clock hanging above the door.

"Shouldn't you be making homework?" He questioned as he approached you, seeing your notepad full of doodles instead of school notes. "I never make homework here." You scoffed at him, keeping your eyes on the paper. "Well maybe you should." He snapped grabbing a chair to sit in front of you. "Are you gonna watch me the whole class?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow, pulling your notepad to the side. "It's a part of my job."

"No, it's a part of your job to sit in front of your desk, clench your teeth as you think how ridiculous it is for you to sit here and stare at us kids, going to the toilet at least 10 times to make time pass."

"Sounds like you've been here too much Ms. Y/L/N."

"I have my reasons." You snapped, eyeing him as he loosened his tie. "You're cocky." He commented leaning back in his chair. "Is it a problem?" You asked, watching him as he stood from his chair to walk over to the desk. "It could bite you in the ass in the end." He commented eyeing you as you stood up from your chair, taking a seat on your desk. "I feel terrified right now." You challenged looking at him daring. "Would you just shut up?" He asked frustrated turning his back to you to write something on the blackboard.

"Make me."

Mr. Hemmings eyes darkened by your voice, his head rising up before turning around to look at you. "Gladly." He growled walking over to you before pushing your legs apart to stand between them, grabbing you before pressing his lips onto yours. The kiss hit you with a lot of force, knocking the breath out of you yet; you wouldn't dare to pull away. The cold feeling of his metal ring and the softness from his lips was enough for you to crave even more.

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