Pregnancy Series | He Talks To The Bump

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Luke (HIS P.O.V):

My fingers were tapping endlessly on my phone as my feet were dragging me down the hotel hallway, just finishing a conversation with my mom over the phone as I was waiting in the elevator, hanging on when the beep sound indicated that I was on the right floor. Finishing the list that I had just heard being repeated, I pressed home on my phone before locking it and placing it back in my jeans. Mom had given me a whole lecture about remembering every single thing in my suitcase like it rewound back to my first trip to London back in 2012, come on, I had travelled more than she had without her help, why couldn’t I do it this time. Of course, it was probably due to Y/N and her pregnant belly, but I had everything under control. Informed her this morning that she should start to pack slowly since there was left than 3 days until we were flying back to Sydney. Fishing out a key, I placed it in the hole and opening the door, being greeted by clothes everywhere and a Y/N sprawled over the bed, resting on her back and her eyes closed. I bite back a laugh as I approached the bed, taking a seat next to her. She was probably too tired to even packing, I didn’t blame her, her belly was a growing mess, things got harder as the pregnancy progressed. My eyes adverted down to her belly, a slight part of it barely under the belly that was showing the bare skin from her clearly now too small top. The thought of talking to the belly crossed my mind, Y/N had always mentioned it to me how the baby would start to get used to my voice and it would remember it when it came out. I chewed on my bottom lip for a bit before moving my head down, my lips barely ghosting over the bulging stomach, a shaky breath coming from my lips. ”Hey little guy.” My fingers traced over her soft skin, leaning my head on my palm as my elbow was resting on the mattress, ”I’m not sure if you know this, but I’m your daddy.” Kicks started to break out, making Luke’s eyes go wide in panic, afraid of waking you up when you started to stir. ”Hey, don’t be so harsh, mommy needs rest.” I eyed her to make sure that she didn’t move anymore before I continued. ”You have no idea how much we love you. I know that you were made by accident and we’re not together and it seems very complicated, especially for people who don’t understand how we can work it out. But I gotta admit, you’re probably one of the best things that have happened to me. And I love your mom. So much I doubt she even knows or have a clue.” I formed a small smile before looking over at her sleepy body, placing a small peck on her skin before moving her shirt down again, raising myself from the bed and starting to collect her stuff together in the suitcase.


A soft giggle escaped your lips as you watched Calum dig into the beige colored sand under him, digging a big whole next to his towel, and two smaller one’s above it, himself letting out a small chuckle by the humor of what he was currently doing for you. With all the things happening at the moment, Calum definitely needed a break. And that was the reason why he had brought you here on the beach, the sun streaming warm and happy in the hot Australia weather, the beach filled with people tanning, playing volley ball or taking a dip in the dark blue ocean. “See! Enough space for mommy and her big belly. And boobs for that matter.” Calum leaned back and placed the towel over the holes, your giggling filling his ears and putting a smile on his lips. “You’re such a dummy.” You mumbled, leaning down on the towel, putting your growing stomach down into the hole, a satisficed sigh escaping your lips , finally not having to deal with the constant fear and pain of pressing the belly against the otherwise soft but harsh sand. You closed your eyes in rest, the sound of Calum’s headphone filling your ears of some Green Day song; his eyes closed as well as the both of you were in pure heaven. “Can I try something on you?” Your eyebrows quivered by Calum’s sudden question, turning your body so it was leaning against your side. ”Depends on what?” Calum let out a small giggle before pushing you down so you were leaning on your back, making you press your elbows against the sand so you could watch him, Calum taking a handful of dampen sand and lifting it over your bulging belly, letting go of it and spreading it around the damp skin. ”What are you doing?” You laughed, watching him as he finished with a smile, leaning his lips down. ”Just watch.” He mumbled, sending you a warm glance. ”Hey kiddo.” He started out, your eyebrows increasing in confuse, ”Can you do me a favor?” ”Do you expect it to respond?” Calum didn’t get the chance to answer before a kick from your stomach interrupted both him and you, the sand on your belly jumping by the sudden movement. ”How did you even?-..” ”Please, kick mommy lots and lots right now; I’m making an experiment that seems to work.” Kicks from your belly appeared again, making the sand jump around your stomach to Calum’s satisfaction, the both of you starting to laugh by the event. ”You’re so weird.” You leaned your head back and enjoying the sun, Calum continuing on talking to your belly and putting more and more sand on it. ”I have to, I’m going to be a dad. Still need to have some childish features in my personality.” ”Trust me, I don’t ever think you will turn into a mature person.” You stated, sticking your tongue out at him as he rested his chin on your sand covered stomach. ”Life would be boring then.” He started to draw patterns on the sand, smiling to himself and enjoying the sweet moment of you guys not doing anything else but resting.

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