He Saves You From A Fire | Part 2

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The flames were getting worse by each second that passed by and Luke could see how much damage it was doing to the arena. "Luke, what are you doing?" Calum asked and almost crashing into Luke when he stopped in front of the flames to avoid them. "Y/N's still in the dressing room!" Luke exclaimed wide eyed which made Luke and Cal run up towards the stairs to the stage even with fire burning everywhere and panic was running through Luke's veins as there was no way they could get through it to the dressing rooms. "This can't be happening." He exclaimed in panic and he looked to his left and his right but there was no way in and out. Calum started to run towards the backstage area but was prevented too when the flames increased in front of him. "It's impossible Luke." He said seriously but Luke shook his head. "It can't be!" He said with force and which made Calum sigh and look around, the flames hot and heating them up which made them feel clammy and rather uncomfortable. The flames were almost too close to them that he wanted to turn around and avoid them but he couldn't. "We have to get out of here." Cal said as sympathetically as he could and Luke looked over at him with wet eyes. Luke tried to fight back the tears when they turned around but his whole body froze even with the massive amount of heat when the sound of his name was yelled. "Y/N?" He exclaimed and turned his body 180 degrees and so did Calum and to their surprise they saw you fight the chance to get out of the flames from the other side of the stage. "Oh my god Y/N." Luke said almost surprised and ran towards you with Calum in his heels and somehow you managed to get away from the flames and heading towards them. Luke smiled all over his face but it was replaced just as soon as he saw the fire attacking the lamps above the stage and before he knew it he saw it starting to fall down from the roof. You barely got the chance to react because before you knew it Luke sprinted towards you and grabbed and pushed you away from the spot you were standing at, the two of you collapsing onto the floor and a few seconds later the loud sound of a lamp crashed onto the floor next to you. "Oh my god." You exclaimed loudly and looked down at Luke worried who seemed to be in pain. "We need to get out of here, NOW!" Calum yelled and helped the two of you up even with Luke, having clear pain in his knee. "I didn't know what happened all of the sudden it all started to get hot and I woke up from the slumber to see fire in the corner of the dressing room and I managed to come out but all of the sudden flames started to form here on the stage and because nobody was here they couldn't hear me." You panicked as you looked around at the flames in front of you while you and Calum ran with Luke wrapping his arms around the two of you. "No worries, okay? I've got you, nothing is going to hurt you." Luke exclaimed in a groan and a cough as you guys fought between the flames and the stage before running all you could towards the exit.


"We need an axe in order to open the door!" One of the other firefighters yelled and Calum nodded his agreeing and looked down the hallway to see other firefighters run around to check rooms. "NOW!" The other yelled and Calum bought his lip impatient. This door needed to be open and it could only go too slow. "Coming!" Another yelled before coming out from another room with a red and black axe in his hands. He gave it to Calum before heading towards the stairs to check the rooms downstairs the building. Calum raised his hands in the air with the axe in his hands and he pushed it through the door as harshly as he could. He could see the smoke coming from the small area under the door and it only encouraged him to do this harder. "I'm gonna check if there's others in the other rooms!" Calum's partner said and he nodded his head with furrowed eyebrows and focused back on the door. He gave it one last harsh push that made it available for him to kick it open so he threw the axe on the floor and gave the door the hardest kick he could. With one more kick the door smacked open and instant smoke came out from it in a thick clouding way that made Calum move his helmet down to protect his face and he walked in fast confused and looked around to see if anyone was in there. He was so sure somebody was here, he didn't just hear voices. And if he walked out without anyone and they later found out that there was actually a person in here he would both lose his job but also his dignity and pride. He moved a few things in his way so the way out was available later and another employee came into the room after searching in the other rooms. "Nobody is there and on the second floor." He informed and Calum nodded his head and looked around,, searching. "There!" The man yelled and pointed towards the corner by the copy machine by the window and Calum hurried towards her before kneeling down. "Check if she's breathing so we can report it to the EMTs! He said and Cal nodded his head agreeing before moving his ear down to her nose. He listened carefully and started to get hot by the fire and a few seconds later he kneeled down to wrap his arm around her and lifted her up in bridal style. "Her breathing is weak but it's still there." Calum explained and the employee nodded his head with thumbs up before sprinting towards the door and ready to head out though Calum was still standing frozen and looked down at her adoring. "This is the last person, let's get out of here Hood!" Calum's employee yelled and Calum nodded his head furiously and made a small jump with his arms so he could get a better grip of the woman. His eyes adverted down to her face and a soft smile came to his lips. She was more than just beautiful, stunning to say at least, even with soot all over her face and body. "Now Calum!" His employee yelled and Calum nodded his head agreeing and started to sprint towards the stairs with the woman in his arms, holding her as close to him as possible to make sure that he wouldn't drop her.

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