Jet Black Heart - 5 Seconds of Summer

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A/N: I love this song so damn much you have no idea. The lyrics, composing, Michael's fucking voice, everything. This preference could also be called "He's Depressed" or "He Gets A Depression" I'm not sure if this is triggering or not but I'm just gonna warn you anyways.


But now that I'm broken

Now that you know it

Caught up in a moment

Can you see inside?

Everything had happened so innocent. Almost like everything was taking out from a scene in a movie or like a nightmare that you couldn't get away from or wake up. You had entered the bathroom like you always did at night and did your usual routine with brushing your hair, cleaning your skin and brushing your teeth. Period cramps had been irritating you all day so to be smart you thought it would be great to take just one pill to make sure that it wouldn't turn violent over the night. When you opened the cupboards with medicine that was when it all happened and everything changed. When you grabbed the normal pack with painkillers your eyes spotted the small oval formed glass standing hiding next to yours and other medicine. Your eyebrows furrowed and you dropped your own medicine to the floor and reached out to see the it. Turning it around your hands ghosted over the name "Luke Robert Hemmings" inked black on the sticker that was placed from a doctor's order on it and that was when it hit you. A gasp escaped but it wasn't coming from you so you turned around to see Luke leaning his body against the doorframe to the bathroom with a devastated expression. His eyes were red and cheeks all fluffy as he tried his best to hold the emotions in. "Luke.." You said softly but it was a breaking point for him and a heartbreaking exhale came from his lips before he hurried out from the bathroom with eyes full of tears. You dropped the pills instantly and hurried out of the bathroom to see him cuddled up in the bed, horrific sobs coming from his mouth while he was clutching onto his pillow. The scene in front of you was almost enough for you to tear up yourself but you managed to get a hold of yourself and softly sat on the bed. You crawled over to Luke's side and wrapped your arm carefully around him which made him react instantly and turned around to rest his head against your chest while he sobbed. "It's not because of you I swear." He kept on repeating between sobs and exhales and you only shushed him to calm down. There was no need for speaking now. You knew that this wasn't because of you and it was totally okay for Luke to point that out. And even though there was a million questions running through your mind you stayed quiet and only held him closer to your heart. There was only one thing to do now and that was for him to calm down and admit things to you by himself instead of forcing him and it seemed to help him as he started to calm more down and when he stopped sobbing for once, he mumbled out, "I love you so damn much." It was a big relief for him. Not to have any more secrets behind your back and just let you fully inside of how he was actually feeling.


Cause I've got a jet black heart

And there's a hurricane underneath it

Trying to keep us apart

Calum's eyes were focused on the horizon in front of him, his chin resting on his folded arms that was wrapped around his knees. Silence was clouding over him but inside his mind everything was like a wild rollercoaster where you couldn't get off. He was trapped in his own thoughts and even though he stared at a specific tree in the garden outside, his mind was in a whole different place. His eyes were teary and he sniffled every third second to prevent his snotty nose from floating out. It was like a tsunami of emotions had hit him all at once and there wasn't a way to get out of it. At first he used to express his emotions through anger but now it changed. He was tired of anything and he was tired of the constant pain inside. Being an audience to that wasn't better. You had observed that Calum had been acting distant and strangely but you had shrugged it off at first. But when you finally realized what was going on in his mind you were lost for words and felt some kind of guilt on you. Calum had tried his best to explain that he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't want you to feel guilty at all as it was him who was having a problem with himself. And with everything so messy it wasn't helping on Calum's mood. He felt like everything was falling apart and swimming away from him. He didn't want you to be a part of his miserable state, but by putting you away, the relationship was sinking. "You want anything?" Your soft voice asked while you leaned your body against the doorframe to your bedroom and Calum slowly moved his head behind to see you with a sad expression. He shook his head and looked back at the window in front of him and usually you would nod your head silently and disappear but this time it was different. Calum kept his eyes ahead of him but he was still observing you when you took a seat next to him and with a shaky hand grabbed his. He created a grimace to try to prevent the falling tears that was ready to slip from his eye and you copied his face and stared out in the air. None of you wanted to say anything. The only thing aloud was Calum's exhales that he once in a while would express rather loudly in order to not let him cry. But it was like just as soon as you were there he opened up like a book. And to him, crying was a weakness but he couldn't stop doing it when you were around. It was actually a good thing because that meant that he could get some of the emotions out that the depression kept on preventing him from doing. And it proved to him how lucky he was to have a girlfriend like you that stayed put and wasn't effected enough to get dragged down with them. He looked down at your hands and gave your palm a small peck and for a very long time, a warm smile appeared on his lips while he stared down at you adoring.

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