He Forces You To Kiss Him

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Adding another one to the fluff series I apparently have created ahaah! I can't believe I'm saying this but tomorrow I graduate high school and have my last exam... I should be studying.... No... Hahaha ❤


"Luke I have to go now." You mumbled into the fabric of his shirt, his arms tight around your neck and holding you close to his chest. "No." He said shortly, his lips muffled into your hair. Rolling your eyes by his childish behavior you wiggled out of his grip the best you could and reached out for the door handle. "I'll be back around eight okay?" He pursed his lips down at you as you opened the front door and ready to head out. "I'll see you later." You giggled and turned around to head outside but Luke didn't hesitate to pull you back and remaining his hand in yours. "You aren't leaving me before you give me one final kiss." He breathed and pressed his lips against yours briefly, your hand letting go of the door handle to tuck at the hair in the back of his neck.


"Mhm. He groaned against the pillow while pressing his face against it, the dark curly locks matted against his forehead while his throat was raspy. "Don't leave already." He moaned and flicked around to rest on his back, his hand touching to your thigh. "I'm only heading for a shower." You giggled. He pursed his lips while squeezing one eye open. "No." You warned and ran a hand through his curls. "Morning breath." He rolled his eyes by your statement and pulled you down on the mattress again the second you tried to stand up. Flipping you around so you were pressed against the sheets with him hovering over you he pressed his lips against yours. "You think you can just leave me without giving me a good morning kiss?" He questioned with a teasing smile playing on his lips before he dived down again, capturing his lips with yours for another sweet kiss.


"Kiss me." He mumbled against your neck in request, his chin resting on top of your shoulder and his arms sneaking around your waist. "No." You giggled in tease, trying to focus on the stove in front of you with boiling pasta that needed to be stirred. "No." He repeated your word but in a long whine, dragging out the vocal when you headed towards the fridge and opened it. The second you closed it he was back again, leaning against it with a smirk and wiggling eyebrows. "Kiss me?" "No." You answered again, your tone changing an octave. Your eyes widened when he turned you around and pressed you against the door to the fridge, letting you drop the ketchup in your hands. "Kiss me." His tone changed into a deeper one, his lips pressing against yours and ignoring your protests in tease.


"Ash you have to be on stage in less than five minutes." You stated in fits of giggles, trying to control his face from moving inches closer to yours. "No I don't." He replied quickly while shaking his head, your hands moving along to his movements. "Yes you do. The boys are waiting outside." You nodded your head towards the door exit to the dressing room. "They can wait." He mumbled while peppering your neck with kisses, moving up to your lips but you prevented him by pursing them. Taking up the challenge he grabbed your hands easily and pinned them above your head, a satisfied smile appearing on his face when you couldn't move. "Like I said. They can wait." He whispered over your lips before pressing his lips against yours in satisfaction. You were always like this before shows but Ashton always showed you his surplus by one last kiss in luck from his girlfriend.

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