He Takes Off Your Bra

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With a teasing smirk and his forehead pressed against yours, Luke couldn't stop the tickling feeling he gave you while ghosting his fingers against the skin of your spine. The cold tiles behind you in the bathroom were heated up the second you guys connected to it and even if the circumstances weren't that great you shrugged it all off. "I doubt you need this." He breathed against your lips while hooking his fingers around the claps of your bra and unlocked it. His hands caressed up your arms to take down the straps, his lips teasingly ghosting over yours meanwhile. Your nipples were shown instantly through the thin white fabric of your top and Luke smiled widely while throwing the bra to the floor, his hands hooking under your thighs to lift you in the air and finally press his lips against yours. "How freely. Don't you think?"


"I've been waiting for this moment all night." You mumbled in a whine, the last part of your words being in a dramatic tone. Calum chuckled lightly by your words while taking off his blazer, placing the black material on top of your mattress. Watching you struggle to open the zip of your strapless dress he cracked a small smile when it pooled down to your feet. "Here, let me help you." His hands came up to touch your shoulder blades, caressing down to your bra claps. Moving your hair to the side of your shoulder he loosened the material around you and you almost had to hold in a moan. His hands caressed over the skin of your breast while looking into the mirror in front of you, both wearing satisfied smiles on your faces. "Thank you." You breathed while he placed a soft kiss to your shoulder. "You're welcome babe."


"You don't think I can?" Michael asked with a challenging look, his gaze turning towards you instead of his phone. You shrugged your shoulder with a faint smirk playing on your lips. He let out a scoff of disbelief and stood up from the bed to approach you at the dresser. "Baby in case you didn't notice. I am the bra champion." Pressing his lips briefly against yours he pressed you against the dresser slightly, his hands moving your shirt up to get access to your bra. Moving one of his hands behind his back his fingers fiddled with the bra claps with ease. It took him less than five seconds to unclasp your bra, the material loosening up around you. A smile of victory appeared on Michael's face by his achievement. "Told you I could do it with one hand. Now you're determined to take it off, Y/N."


His curls were tickling the skin right by your navel while his lips were peppering with kisses, occasionally doing raspberries to tease you. "Your hair tickles." You giggled and felt shivers down your spine when his hands rubbed up and down the back of your thighs. He smiled in delight by your words and looked up at you, his bum pressing against his bed while you were standing in front of him between his legs. "And you're still wearing your bra." He stated cheekily his hands ghosting over your panty line and touched your spine delicately. "Well you haven't taken it off yet." You hummed and placed your legs on either side of him, leaning your bum against his lap. Pressing your lips against his he unclasped the bra and let the material fall down your arms. The second it pooled down on the floor with his pants you pressed his shirtless body against the bed, pressing your lips harder against his.

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