Baby Series | Doctor Visits

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"So when did the coughing start?" Your doctor asked with a polite smile, opening William's journal on her laptop screen before her eyes adverted towards you. "It has been going on for two days... At first I thought it would be a small flue but he kept on having high fever and now diarrhea and his loss of appetite. I'm just very afraid it's something serious." You whispered the last part under your breath, your eyes not focused on anything but William resting on Luke's lap, his face pale, his hair dampen from the fever and his eyes mixing between opening and closing. None of you had gotten any sleep the last two days. Luke had been constantly awake to watch William and when Luke couldn't stay awake for any longer, you took the shift and sat with him trying to shush his small cries. "He has breathing problems as well." Luke added, his face showing no expression but worry in his eyes told everything. He wrapped his arm tight around yours to show his support even though he was just as nervous as you were, you just showed it more than him. "I don't think there's anything to worry about. All I'm gonna do is take a check on his breathing and if it is what I think it is, we can cure it with some medicine." She took out her stethoscope from her drawer, placed it in her ears and by the help of you to move up William's shirt, she started listening to his breathing while silence fell over the room. You held your breath while looking down at her with wide eyes, craving for the answer now and you could feel the tears starting to prick in her eyes. "It is just like I predicted. The breathing problems, the fever, and the weakness he shows. He's suffering with a small bacterial pneumonia. He's going to feel like this for a few more days but if you try to keep him away from packing him up in clothes and blankets and make sure he gets his medicine he'll be fine within time." She placed her equipment back in the drawer and started to type in on his journal. You let out a breath of relief but were still shaking from the impact, holding Luke's hand tight in your grip. "I've made this receipt for you, you can pick the medicine up at any pharmacy as long as you remember to bring William's health insurance." Both you and Luke nodded your head in unison, shaking her hand and Luke took the receipt from her hand when he stood up with William. "By the way, how is the foot Luke?" She asked with crossed arms, noticing his ability to walk without crutches now. "It's doing well. I returned the crutches to the hospital last week so it's nice to finally walk on my own again." He said in polite and shook her hand that wasn't holding William, mumbling out a goodbye before the two of you headed out on the hallway. "Oh my god..." You sniffled just as soon as you were alone and the tears slipped down your cheeks softly. "Hey... Don't be sad, he's gonna be fine." Luke whispered reassuring, embracing you with his free arm and placed a soft pick to your forehead. "I know... I guess it was just a motherly instinct to react like this?" You mumbled and looked up at him with an apologizing smile. "I know and it only makes you an even better mother than you already are. Crying because of your son's health isn't ridiculous. It only shows how much he means to you." Luke removed the last tear falling from your eye with his thumb, gazing down at you with a warm smile before you guys headed towards William's baby carriage, ready to head over to get his medicine and home.


Trying to find a local doctor while being on tour had got to be one of the most difficult times because being on the road made it difficult to even find a place without leaving for a whole different country at the same day. But now when you guys were in the UK, you managed to stay in London for a few days because of having three gigs in row at the same arena. It meant that Calum could finally find a children doctor and get a time without having to worry about you guys not making it and you knew it was time for Alex to get his checkups. But being on tour with the boys meant that going places without them were rare. The look on the unfamiliar doctor's face, who seemed to be new educated, was priceless just as soon as you walked in with four tall Aussies and a baby in your arms, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched you and Calum take a seat on the two chairs, Michael, Luke and Ashton standing behind you trying to be as quiet as possible. "So this Alex Hood we're going to check today?" He said unsure by the three boys looking at him, and you nodded your head agreeing and looked down at Alex with a smile. "Great. I'm Dr. Walther, and I'm his doctor for today. I'm concluding this is just gonna be a normal 4-month checkup. I assume he isn't sick or suffering with anything at the moment like eating problems or such things like that?" He said and opened a journal on his computer, finding the check list in one of his files. "No he's a great eater. He still gets breastfeed we don't really know when the time is over and when to start eating porridge." You explained, feeling Calum smile beside you and Dr. Walther nodded his head understanding. "He never fails to eat anything, Michael and Luke almost tried to feed him with a cookie last night." Ashton commented silently from behind but it was enough for both you, Dr. Walther and Calum to look up at him with wide eyes. "We did not give him any cookie you don't have any proof." Michael responded back in a whisper-yell looking at Ashton with wide eyes. "Guys!" Calum exclaimed in the same tone and shushed on them, rolling his eyes by their behavior. "They gave him a fucking cookie?" You mumbled under your breath and looked up at Calum who gave you the look that told 'not now Y/N'. "Okay." Dr. Walther said, his eyes wide while he looked between the six of you a bit confused. He shook his head with a small laugh making his red-haired curls bounce and he looked back at the screen in front of him. "Okay so what I'm gonna start with is to check his mouth for any oral yeast infection and if there's any signs of emerging teeth." He instructed and took a small flashlight, rolling his chair around so he was sitting right in front of you and Alex. "Did he say oral?" Michael asked goofily behind you to Luke, and it made Calum stand up with wide eyes looking at the boys. "I should have listened to Y/N when she said it would be a bad idea to tag you guys along. Now please leave and wait in the waiting area while he checks up on Alex, you're too distracting." The boys whined in unison by Calum's request and he started to push them one out of one out of the door. "Are they always like this?" Dr. Walther asked you curious, opening Alex's mouth to his confusion while feeling his gums. "Every single day I'm with them." You mumbled under your breath and he laughed quietly at you while checking up Alex, Calum hurrying over to your side again t to hear everything Dr. Walther had to say.

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