Stealing The Covers At Night

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This is just a little fluffy one. I actually made it with Union J at first and it is posted somewhere on my Tumblr long time ago but I thought I would rewrite it and transform it into 5SOS x 


Weird mumbles and none understandable words was getting louder and louder by every second time passed, making it a hard time for you to try to sleep. But the mumbled were nothing compared to what happened next. A massive exclaim from Luke almost shouting out, ”I need to go on stage now!” made a jolt ran through your body in shock, your heart almost jumping out of your chest as you turned around to face him, ”What are you talking about?” but Luke’s face was blank and eyes closed. ”I don’t have time for this!” He said in a more quiet but aggressive tone, moving around in the bed to let his back face you, taking the covers with him. And trying to wake him up by poking his shoulder didn’t help. Rolling your eyes, you lifted your leg over his waist, straddling him and placing your hands on his shoulders, shaking him. Luke’s eyes fluttered open by the action, eyeing you up and down. ”What a pleasing sight waking up to.” He smirked, earning a roll from the eyes by you. ”You need to stop sleep talking at night it makes me go crazy Luke. And now you steal the covers as well!” You sighed, rolling around so you could lie next to him. ”I’m sorry sweetie. I think I need to visit a clinic or something.” He apologized, sharing the duvet with you again and letting you lay on his chest, the both of you wanting to catch the lack of sleep you had missed due to his constant noise.  


Lately, Calum had spent too much time in the studio, leaving in the morning at 5AM and coming home at 11PM at night. And with the lack of sleep he was suffering from, the grumpier he would get. And when Calum got grumpy, that was when things would start to get fun. So when he came home after one other exhausted day, the only thing that was on your mind was to tease him. The first thing Calum did when he came home was to go straight into the bedroom, mumbling out a small hi and collapsing to the bed. Sprinting over to where he was you ripped off the covers, leaving him with only a pillow. A small groan escaped Calum’s lips by your action, moving up from the bed and yelling after you as you had run away. ”Y/N, get back here this is not funny at all!” His tone was tired as he walked into the guest room where he concluded you were. His footsteps got closer and closer which made a chuckle escape from your lips and that was when you knew you were caught. Calum opened the closet you were hiding in to your surprise, a smirk coming to his lips when he saw you. In one movement he had thrown you over his shoulder with the duvet, carrying you back to the bedroom and throwing you on the bed. ”You little tease.” He grumbled, collapsing next to you. ”I just wanted to see you reaction. And it was worth it.” You chuckled with a big smile. ”And that was enough teasing for today.” He mumbled as you did your last tease and threw the duvet over his head, Calum sending you his middle finger, too tired to say anything else.


Darkness. That was the only thing that seemed to surround you and no matter what, no matter how much you ran, no matter how much you yelled, you couldn’t get away. Everything you would see some source of light it would disappear just as soon as you laid your eyes on it and it was a complete nightmare, you couldn’t get away. Everything seemed so realistic that you didn’t even register the poking that kept on being repeated on your shoulder. When the poking was enough for you that was when you opened your eyes in shock, noticing how Michael was already starting at you wide eyed. ”Man, that dream was so realistic.” You said, holding a hand in front of your chest. ”What do you want?” You asked, cocking your head and referring to his poking. ”Well one thing was to get you out of the nightmare. The second thing.. How about you take a look around the bed.” Your eyes adverted down to the bed which made you notice how Michael was lying next to you, only in his boxers, without any covers. Your eyes adverted down to yourself where you were the only one under the cover, a feeling of guilt hitting you. ”I’m sorry Mikey, I didn’t even know.” You reached out for Michael to get some of the covers as well, a small giggle escaping his lips. ”Doesn’t matter, I’m just happy your nightmare is over.” He sighed into your shoulder and spooned you from behind, tightening his arm around you to make sure that you felt safe before falling into sleep again.


The feeling of a cold breeze made you stir in your sleep, feeling goosebumps cover up the basic part of your arms and legs’ skin that was not pressed against the mattress you were lying on, a groan coming from your lips as you started to blink, the otherwise peaceful slumber being ruined now. A small curse escaped your lips before you turned around to look at the right side of the bed, noticing how Ashton was lying with his back facing yours – with his body under the covers. Gently reaching your hand out to poke him, he let out some unintelligible mumbles, some of the words cracking from his raspy voice due to the sleep. He moved around in his position to face you and whether he was awake or still asleep you couldn’t tell. Letting out a small sigh, you rolled your eyes by him before lifting the covers softly, crawling under and lifting Ashton’s arm so you could cuddle into his chest, the warm from him immediately heating your cold body up. The sudden cold from your skin made him flutter his eyes open before he looked down at you tired, securing his arm around you and pulling you closer into him. ”You’re cold, babe.” He muttered and placing a slobby kiss to your forehead. A small hum was the last sound you could murmur before the both of you drifted back to sleep.

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