You're Hired To Date Him By Management, But You Actually Hate Each Other

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Why not at all the freaking that’s happening currently into a preference?

- Side Note: You’re a famous YouTuber in this


Luke was leaning against one of the chairs in the crowded club of where him and Calum were joining in the Australia city for this evening, a drink in his left hand and the other leaning against the backrest of the chair, people crowded around him and having a really good time. Calum looked to be already wasted as fuck which didn’t seem to surprise the blond haired boy, he had chosen to be the decent driver tonight when everything was over so he was only sipping on a glass of beer, letting Calum fill his veins with alcohol and have a party just by doing that. And everything seemed to be perfectly fine. Until Luke’s phone started to vibrate, causing him to look curiously before he placed the drink on the table in front of him, pulling his phone out from his pocket and noticing how one of the managers were ringing him up. A curious expression came to his face, but he knew that there were no doubts of not taking the chance to not answer. He stood up from the chair, earning a few confused glances from the others, even Calum but when Luke showed him the screen of his phone Calum understood completely. Luke went through the crowd until he came outside to the back area, taking the phone call and mumbling out a hello. ”Sorry to interrupt you on this evening Luke.” He greeted, Luke running a hand through his hair. ”What’s going on?” He mumbled, clearly wanting to get back. ”I have a little news for you and I’m not sure if you’ll find it pleasing.” ”Just spit it out already.” He requested, the manager letting out a sigh. ”I don’t really know how to say this so I’m just going to say this straight. The media has started to compare you to a womanizer and we’re in a fear of it affecting the band. So we’re gonna give the media some new rolling rumors.” ”And that is?” Luke hesitated, feeling kinda insulted. ”You’ll have to date a girl we’ve hired. Starting from tomorrow.” ”What?!” Luke exclaimed loudly in shock, ”With who?” He asked curiously, ”You won’t be happy with this Hemmings.” The manager hesitated in his voice making Luke nervous. ”Who?” He repeated, ”Y/N Y/L/N.” Luke’s mouth felt open in shock, not having any words to say than rejects. ”I can’t do that. I can’t even stand being at the same award shows as her, how in the world am I going to pretend I’m dating her she’s a complete monster and her feelings towards me are vice versa?” Luke’s tone got angrier as he spoke, just like the manager expected. ”We know and we’re sorry Luke but she didn’t say no when we called her, I think she’s on a lack of money.” ”Then let me pay her so I can stay away from her.” Luke requested loudly, irritated. ”That’s not how it works Luke. She’s famous and she’s known for her innocence and loyalty. I just had to break this to you. I’ll leave you to your party now. See you tomorrow.” The manager mumbled, Luke looking out in the horizon shocked and mumbling out a goodbye before hung up, torn between just going home now or continue the party.                                      


”What? You can’t be serious about this, I’m not saying yes.” Calum exclaimed in disbelief, throwing the paper he before was reading, letting it fall to the table in front of him before he leaned back on his chair and crossing his arms. ”But you have to.” One of the managers said in monotone, clearly already expecting Calum to be against this. ”But why?” He looked at the managers between him in pure disbelief, insulted and feeling slightly used. ”I don’t really know how to say this Calum, but recently the media has portrayed you much as a smoking alcohol addict.” The manager shifted in his seat as he tried to explain, watching how Calum’s face turned into a softer one but still shocked. ”.. An Alcoholic? I swear to god I don’t drink that much, we’ve just been having a break recently and I’ve been invited to so many parties and such to catch up with my friends I mean-” ”We know that there’s not really anything behind it and it’s all just attention craving for the magazines and such. And it’s not like you’ve posted anything disturbing on the medias but your friends have recently showed your interest for alcohol on Instagram and Twitter. And the media has noticed it and already started to create rumors and stories. So we really wanna get away from that subject and just get a new fresh one.” ”By setting me up with a girl?” Calum lifted one eyebrow in disbelief, the managers sighing. ”We didn’t have much time to find a solution to this so it’s the only thing we’ve got for now, remember it’s only acting and temporary.” He explained, watching Calum as he fumbled with the paper, reading to contract over again. ”Does she get paid for this?” Cal asked, looking up again after some silence. ”She will get a little amount of cash but not much. We had to make sure that it was someone popular. Someone who would grab all the attention from the bad things and let the two of you get on topic on every magazine. No more alcohol Calum – but a new fresh dating Calum.” Calum nodded his head in understanding, a hand coming up to his face to scratch it in thought, not really knowing whether this was a bad idea or not but of course the possibility of saying no weren’t there so he had to do it anyways. ”Wait, but who is it?” He asked suddenly curious, looking up from staring down at the table. The manager to his left shifted in his seat before the other one sighed. ”Y/N Y/L/N.” Calum’s mouth felt open and his eyes wide as he stared between the two managers in disbelief, starting to shake his head. ”NO way, ain’t gonna happen even if I get paid more than 60+ million dollars!” He exclaimed with attitude, not wanting to be a part of this at all and just leave now and not coming back. ”We know you and Miss Y/L/N aren’t on good terms but she was the only one who’s both famous for YouTube and she can act. Besides she needs some of the money and she didn’t seem to mind when we called her.” Calum almost smacked himself in the head, not quite believing that this would be happening. If there was one thing that he never imagined in his life, that would be to start dating a snug up drama queen like Y/N. And he knew that he would never survive this.

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