You Leave During A Fight

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"It was just an appointment Y/N. I'm a busy man and you know it just please let it go for god sake!" Luke ran down the stairs towards you as you had now come down from the stairs from the two of you spending time in the bedroom and constantly fighting. "Lately, I feel like you've been nothing but just busy Luke. You go out all the time without me because you change our plans completely. You always say that you'll make it up to me by putting up a new appointment or date for us to actually be together but then days before you'll cancel or skip it again because a better option is available. I'm sick and tired of being thrown around Luke, it's not okay." At this point, the volume in your voice had increased to full hard yelling, almost startling Luke by your sudden reaction. "Most of these things have been cancelled due to promotion and band work Y/N, you know that and you know I can't skip those things!" One, two and three tears streamed down from your damped eyes by how Luke could be so ridiculous right now and you shook your head in disbelief. "Maybe you should just not make any appointments at all with me because you don't seem to prioritize me as much as the band and the boys." "Maybe you should stop being so damn clingy because it's starting to grow on my freaking nerves." You stared at him with wide eyes, biting your lip to prevent the sobs that was about to leave your mouth. Luke had turned bloody cold about this and it was surprising you. Sure thing he was pretty much caught up with work and shit, but this was just too much for you to handle. "Maybe I should just walk out of that door and never come back." Your voice was quiet yet stern and Luke hadn't seemed to realize what you said. "Yeah, maybe you should." And with that, you stared at him for a few seconds before turning around on your heel, sprinting towards the door and swinging it open, disappearing out in the dark. After cooling down for some seconds, that was when Luke realized it. You had run out of the house in such a hurry that you didn't even put on shoes or a coat to wear. His face went up fast in shock as his eyes landed on the window, snow falling down from the dark sky in a rapid pace, making his jaw fall down to his feet. In one last movement he had sprinted over to the entrance, put on his shoes and barely his coat before he had sprinted out of the door in a hurry, determined to find you.


"Calum? Can I ask you something?" Curious by your sudden question, Calum looked up from roaming in his drawer for a pair of boxers, having a towel around his waist from his bath earlier. "Sure?" He said like a question, taking the pair of boxers he had his eye on in his drawer and placed it on the top of the surface, turning around to look at you confused. "Who's this?" Your voice was soft and innocent yet there was hardness added to it as you showed your phone to him. His eyes squeezed by the small Instagram picture, eyeing the picture of him with his arm wrapped around some girl at a club. "I don't know.." He shrugged like it was nothing going back to start to put on his boxers. "You don't know? Normally you don't take pictures with other girls at clubs you don't know?" You kept on having your soft tone while standing up from resting on your bed, walking closer to Calum. "Are you questioning my loyalty towards you? I don't know who she was, she just approached me and we started talking and at that point the photographer of the club was there. No big deal." Calum mumbled the last part, shaking his head at you. "No big deal? Do you know which position you put me in by this picture? People will start questioning about her and you know that! I even think I was at this fucking party at the same time!" Calum rolled his eyes by your rambles, crossing his arms. "People aren't gonna talk about this because they know it's no big deal. Y/N get a grip of yourself, I can be with other women without having you in my heels all the time." "I'm never in your heels when it comes to other women. But I get insecure when seeing something like this and I don't like it." You sounded more and more weak as you spoke, "Y/N, stop with the superficial shit, it's no big deal like I said, get out of my face." Your eyes went wide by Calum's words, and a small "Excuse me" escaped your lips. "Did I stutter?" Your eyes went wide by his question and you could barely for many words out, feeling complete vulnerable. "I thought so too." He answered his own question and leaved you stunned as he turned around again to finally put on his boxers. You stood frozen for a few seconds just staring out in the air before you took action, marching towards the door to your bedroom and exited to Calum's confuse, his eyes wide as he heard your footsteps faint in the hallway.


"Y/N, have you washed my plaid shirt?" Michael asked not daring to take his eyes away from his phone screen; twitter's illuminating from the iPhone. Lifting your head from the stove you thought for a few seconds before muttering out a small "no". Looking back at him you let out a sad sigh as he was still too occupied with his phone. He was quiet for a few seconds making you shake your head at him before turning your attention back to the boiling tomato sauce. The sudden sound of a phone smacking against the marble counter sent a shock through your body almost making you splash sauce on your sweater. "What do you mean by no?" He asked in an almost angry tone so you placed the spoon on a piece of paper before turning around to look at him, crossing your arms. "I mean no as in I haven't washed your plaid yet." You fired back and he knotted his eyebrows looking at you in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I have a gig tomorrow night; you know I was planning on wearing that!" "Why are you acting all up about this?" You asked, walking forward to stand in front of him in front of the counter. "Because we're going to film the gig tomorrow for a DVD and I've been told to wear that shirt once again!" "The thought of washing it yourself never crossed your mind?" Michael rolled his eyes by you and grabbed his phone again, "No that's pretty much your job." A gasp escaped from your lips by Michael's immature statement. "You're such a fucking dick today what's the matter with you?" Michael put his phone back in his pocket and crossed his arms. "I've been having the shitiest day ever and when you say you haven't done something that affects my work, it makes me ten times angrier." That was it for you. "Listen princess, you feel like the whole world is against you and your anger needs to come out on me. Here, you can wash your fucking own shirt and you can cook your own fucking dinner for once. I'm out." Michael's jaw dropped as he watched you glare at him while walking out of the kitchen, the sound of the door opening and a loud smack followed by that shocked Michael's whole body in the chair. He sat frozen for a few seconds, a guilty feeling running down his spine as he had realized how bad his behavior had been and he stood up confused and walked towards the stove to stir in the boiling pot, his eyes looking between that and the smacked door.


"I can't believe we're fighting over who we'regoing to stay at for Christmas." Ashton exclaimed all of the sudden in a loudvoice, almost smashing the shirt in his hand in the kitchen counter. "We'll Idon't give up on it's going to be at my family this year!" You said determined,crossing your arms and leaning your body against the stove. "It's always atyour place!" Ash disagreed, making your blood boil. "Oh and you wonder why? Welive a contingent away from my family! Your family lives 4 streets from here!How can you not understand that Christmas is like the only time of the yearwhere I get to see my family for more than just on a skype call?" Ashton shookhis head at you, crossing his arms. "I just for once want to celebrate it with myfamily. I just don't get why you don't understand it." "It's just the fact thatyou can see your family all the time and I can't Ashton! How hard is it tounderstand, are you dumb?" Of course you knew he wasn't dumb but the question seemedto slip out faster than you expected. Ashton's chewed on his bottom lip as hejust stared at you with an expression of disbelief. "I can't believe you justsaid that. Where is the wife I married? Thrown out in the garbage or something?""Forget my question, no need for an answer. You just responded with that, thatyou are fucking dumb." You crossed your arms as you stared at him, the two ofyou continuing the fight. "Maybe I should just leave?" "Maybe you should!" Youand Ashton stared at each other intensely before you turned around on yourheel, marching towards the door and bragging it open to get out as fast aspossible, Ashton frozen in his position as he watched you walk out with a loudsmack. "Where did mommy go?" The sudden sound of another voice made Ashton'seyes go wide as he looked down at his little son standing against the doorframeof the kitchen, his eyes squeezed up in tiredness from sleeping and a teddybear embraced in his arms. By the question, Ashton realized that he had no clueat all. "I think she just went for a walk. Why aren't you sleeping?" Ashtonwalked forward to lift up and embrace Daniel in his arms, "You and mommy yelledso much it woke me up." A guilty feeling ran down Ashton's spine by Danielsresponse, and he felt disappointed by himself. "We'll never do that again, Ipromise."

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