He Leaves During A Fight

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A/N: This has been highly requested since I wrote an reversed preference of this;   


"Is it just me or haven't we had this conversation before?" Luke asked followed by rolling his eyes and he stopped in track with putting wax in his hair to look at you. "I don't know..." You mumbled shyly and moved some of your hair in front of your cheeks to prevent the red color from being visible. "Well I do and I know you know it too. I just don't get it Y/N! Every time I have a deal or something that doesn't involve you, it always ends up in you trying to make me not going, and if I do you'll constantly text me!" "I just want to make sure you're alright." You scoffed and looked at him with soft eyes but he clearly wasn't affected of it. Normally it didn't take much for you to make Luke not angry at you for longer than 5 minutes but this time he seemed furious. He had simply told you that he was going out tonight to be with some of his friends along with the boys, and normally you wouldn't mind but this time it was something different. Tomorrow was one of your many many monthly anniversaries and even though you guys didn't celebrate it, you always had the deal that each month you would head out for brunch together just to remind the luckiest day of your life. But clearly Luke had forgotten all or then he just looked apart from it and thought he could handle it with the amount of hangovers he would get. "You just don't care much, is that what you're saying?" You asked and removed his sweatshirt from your body and threw it towards the basket with dirty clothes. "No I'm just super tired of you CONSTANTLY demand my attention! I'm a human too you know, and our lives aren't just based on the two of us being together! Ouch. "I don't want you to go out tonight." You said sternly and breathed harshly through your nose to prevent the tears from falling. "Oh that's sad because you know what? I am." He said harshly and buttoned his black flannel and took a last glance at his mirror reflection. "Luke if you walk away from this fight that just shows how much of an ass you've become lately." He smirked in delight and entertainment by your words and opened the door to the bathroom. "Watch me honey." He said and sent you one last fake smirk before walking out of the door, and you could hear his footsteps down the stairs and grabbed his keys from the table. You looked back at the reflection and saw a single tear run down your cheek but you brushed it off with your sleeve and rolled your eyes by Luke's sudden immature behavior.


"Are you ever gonna clean up this mess?" Calum's tired eyes looked up at you with confusion spreading and he took a look around the living room where piles with empty beer cans, empty chips bags and other trash filling the entire carpet. "Yeah at some point." Calum mumbled and placed his cold cloth back on his forehead, trying to decrease the heavy banging he was suffering from due to the hangover that had hit him. "At some point?" You repeated him in disbelief and moved past some of the trash to walk closer to him. "Yes, at some point Y/N I'm currently in my dying stage of life and I'm not manageable to clean it up now. My head is banging, I've only got three hours of sleep and I feel like I could throw up every second by now." You rolled your eyes by his complains and crossed your arms while staring at him. "So you think it's alright for you to host a party at our shared apartment and then not clean it afterwards because you don't feel well? Calum what is this bullshit? We have a deal, you clean up after your parties and I clean up after mine. This looks worse than a fucking landfill!" Calum removed the cloth harshly from his head and threw it away from him and onto the floor. "Would you fucking stop yelling?" He exclaimed and stood up from the couch, clearly not caring about his headache now and he stared at you with furious eyes. "No I fucking won't Calum because the only time you take action is when I yell!" You fought back and he headed towards the other couch where is shirt was resting and he put it in and ran a hand through his hair. "Can't you just take some responsibilities for once?" You asked in a more quiet tone but Calum had had it and he shook his head with a laugh of disbelief. "Why do you always have to be the one in charge? You're not even the oldest one here." His shouts made him pant lightly and he shook his head once again by your behavior. "I've had it Y/N." He mumbled and headed towards the door and opened it. "Are you gonna fucking leave this fight and this mess?" "Yes Y/N, for once I am. You know, as I don't take any responsibilities I thought you should take over. You're the one in control, you know." Your mouth turned dry by his words and watched as he smacked the door closed, heading out in the rain without thinking anything through.


"If I told you, you wouldn't understand." He said in a small raspy voice but his eyes wouldn't meet your waiting desperate ones. He sat with his arms crossed with the duvet up to his chest, and he was only staring out in the air, not looking at anything directly. "Why won't you just try." You said in a tiny voice, having your duvet up to your chin and almost hid your mouth into it, still keeping your eyes on his even though he wouldn't look back at you. "Because Y/N. It just isn't something you tell in the matter of minutes. Don't you understand how hard it is to express in words how you're feeling?" His tone rose by every word he said and for the first time he looked over at you, but not with the usual loving eyes. "Well I would rather hear it from you than reading about it in some kind of stupid magazine who makes it seem like you're some kind of psychopath!" Michael's mouth clenched by the sound of your tone rising as well and he moved the duvet away from him. "Maybe that's because I might be a psychopath." He mumbled and stood up from the bed, keeping his eyes on the ground as he now tried to found his clothes he had worn earlier. "You're not a psychopath and you know that Michael, don't say such stupid words." He stopped in track and looked at you with wild eyes. "Okay so now you say I'm stupid?" he asked furious and placed a t shirt over his head and you rolled your eyes by hi words and removed the duvet as well. "No I didn't and you know that, please Michael can we just talk about this, I just don't want to pressure you into something you won't share." You mumbled but Michael stopped you in track by dropping his phone to the floor. "Goddammit Y/N! Just forget about it okay! Forget about everything you've read about my mental health and stay out of it. Just leave me fucking alone." He grumbled the last part and placed on a cap, and grabbed his phone from the floor, placing it in his pockets. "We're you going?" "Out." He responded shortly and headed towards the door. "I'll go with you." You exclaimed and stood up from the bed. "No." Michael responded sternly and pointed at you. "You stay here." He turned around without saying another word and you watched him shocked as he headed out of the bedroom door with a loud smack followed by.


Ashton's nostrils were flattering open and closed largely as he was dragging you through the club and towards the back exit where people would walk out to get some fresh air or smoke a cigarette. He didn't say a word and neither greeted Calum when you walked past him lighting a cigarette and Ashton walked towards the end of the yard before stopping and crossed his arms. "What in the world were you doing back there?" He asked upset and you crossed your arms confused and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Dancing?" You responded confused and cocked your head to stare at him, having the exact same frustrated on your face as on his. "Dancing? With fucking Michael?" He spat and loosened his arms to express himself. "Yes Ashton, I was dancing with Michael, so fucking what?" You asked, still with a confusing expression on your face and Ashton rolled his eyes by your, apparently according to him, ignorant behavior. "So fucking what? Let me tell you why it's not so fucking what! The way you guys were dancing close to each other more than necessary was disgusting to look at!" This time you rolled your eyes by your boyfriend's odd behavior, and you were starting to think if it was the alcohol that was affecting his otherwise normal usual behavior. "I know that Michael is sickening drunk right now and will for sure not remember this tomorrow but I can see on you that you aren't even tipsy! Why can't you just control yourself, you make me look like a fool back on the dancefloor by being so close to other boys!" "It was just Michael for goddamn sake Ashton! If it had been someone else I would understand your problem but I can't see it in this case." Ashton scoffed by your words and shook his head by your words. "You can't see it can you?" He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows confused. "Can't see what?" You asked and loosened your arms, and placed the drink in your hand on the free table next to you. "Nothing Y/N forget about it. Just leave me alone. I can't deal with your childish behavior right now." And with that being said he turned around frustrated, his jaw clenching and his eyes burning with fire, starting to march away. You followed him until he came to the exit of the club and you stopped in track as you watched him head out of the club, clearly only thinking about himself at the moment.  

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