He finds out that you're supernatural | Part 2

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If you haven’t seen the Australian program “H20” you probably won’t understand a fuck from Ash’s. Everything besides Ash’s is based from The Sims 3 Supernatural x


The pleadings from Luke’s eyes never left yours as you guys were still standing in your room, both not even wanting to move a single bit. “I uhm..” You mumbled avoiding his eyes making him take a step closer to you. “You’re gonna think this is crazy.” You exhaled with a small smile, so he took both of your hands in his, letting his thumb draw patterns on your skin. “I won’t tell anybody.” He reassured finally getting eye contact with you. “I know you won’t. I’m just afraid that you will leave me.” You admitted and he tightened his grip on your hands. “I never will. I promise.” He smiled before capturing his lips with yours, giving you a soft peck. “Fine.” You sighed before walking over to the bookshelf, grabbing the book so it opened to your not so secret anymore cave. “Being a witch is passed down from my dad’s side. It’s actually my grandmother’s house. She wanted me to take over it as she got send to a nursing room. Everything in this house is magical.” You explained as you sat against the top of the couch in the cave, Luke walking around looking at the stuff. He stopped at the shelf with elixirs and he knotted his eyebrows reading the small letters on each elixir. He grabbed a reddish tube and lifted it up to his eyes. “Luke please don’t touch that!” You warned loud in panic, the shock from your voice startling the poor boy making him drop the tube to the floor, a massive puff reddish smoke covering Luke. Seconds later the smoke was starting to disappear, Luke letting out coughs as he waved his hand in front of his face. “What was that?” He mumbled through coughs as his eyes were squeezed, you standing frozen in progress staring at him with mouth agape. “Y/N?” He asked as his coughs had stopped and you came out of your trance by the sound of your name. “Holy balls Luke, you’re an idiot.” You mumbled not taking your eyes away from his body, turning your body around for you to find your wizard spells book. Confused by your statement, Luke turned around to see at one of the mirrors in the room, letting out a high pitched scream as he saw his reflection in the mirror, the female forms on his hip showing instead of his usual slim body. He let his hands slide up against his waist before they landed on his what before was just a flat chest, but now a fully grown pairs of tits. “ I’m..” He mumbled in fear before turning around to look at you, your eyebrows knotting as you were searching in the book. “ A woman?” He asked turning back once more with widen eyes taking a step back from the mirror. “ Do something Y/N.” He almost screamed in panic and you let out a deep groan. “ I’m trying as much as a can princess, you could’ve just not touch anything as I told you to!” You fired back before lifting your foot, grabbing the wand from your boot and mumbled out some words before pointing it towards Luke. The zap from the wand hit Luke making his body jolt before turning back to his original body. “Shit.” He mumbled as he panted lightly, feeling himself down his body again, checking if anything was as it should. “ I promise, won’t touch a single thing ever again.” He said raising his hands in surrender. “ Good.” You sighed placing the wand back in your boot. “ Sooo..” He trailed off, looking around in the corners of the room. “ So what?” You asked following him. “ Where is the creepy cat and the magical broom?” He asked amused. “ Oh you mean Putsy? Hey Putsy, come here boy.” You yelled towards your bedroom and before Luke could blink, a flying broom was right next to you, hovering above the ground. The expression on Luke’s face was priceless; the boy had just tried to pull out a joke. “Wanna go for a ride. It’s not dangerous?” You asked with a small giggle at his shocked face. He stared at the broom for a few seconds before nodding his head. “ Like anything could get more crazy today.”


Calum blinked twice before scratching his eyes with the palms of his hands. Things went so fast that he barely had the chance to react. “ Y/N?!” He yelled with confidence before taking action running up towards the stairs in a search for you. “ Y/N?” He repeated looking around in the hallway before seeing that the door to the balcony was not closed; he sprinted over to it before walking outside. “Babe.” He sighed as he saw your back facing him, looking at the view sitting on the table with your legs crossed. You winched at his word not daring to turn around. “Cal.  Leave. Just leave me alone.” You mumbled and let out a shaky breath. “ Not a chance.” He answered making you roll your eyes. Walking over to you he placed his hand on your shoulder but you winched away. “ I’m a monster.” You said quietly in pure disgust, exhaling as the tears had started to well in your eyes. “ Hey.. Heeey.” He cooed trying to search for your eyes but you kept on avoiding him. “ You’re not a monster. Not to me.” Looking up at him with your eyebrows knotted he gave you a small smile. “ Forget about the fact that you wanna suck the shit out of me. I won’t love you less.” Pulling a strand of hair away from your eyes he placed it behind your ear before letting his hand caress your cheek. He gave you a peck on the cheek before pulling out a chair for him to sit on. Grabbing both of your hands, he intertwined it with his before locking eyes with you. “Tell me about it.” You stared at him for a few seconds unsure. “I can handle it. I promise.” He smiled before kissing the back of your hand. Exhaling you took a deep breath. “ I once went to a weird shop in a creepy place my grandmother is living at. The shop had different things such as bottles, mushrooms and herbs. And I wasn’t that old, so I accidently ended up drinking a red bottle thinking it was red lemonade or such thing as that. But it wasn’t. The bottle had powers. Much more than what my body could take. It took over everything. My skin started to grow cold. My usual Y/E/C changes into a reddish bloody one if I’m hungry. Oh god not to mention when I’m hungry.” You mumbled whilst looking down at the blood on your shirt, shaking your head. “ You don’t uhm..” Calum mumbled unsure hoping that you could feel what he was hinting. “ No Cal, I don’t drink human blood.” You said in an almost mad tone and he bagged away in his chair raising his hands in surrender. “ But.. What do you eat then?” He asked and you took out a carton from your pocket. “Plasma fruit. But there’s not enough energy to just survive with that every day. So I go haunting - After animals.” “ So that’s what you were doing tonight.” He mumbled under his breath in almost a relief. “Well yea.. I was hungry.” You shrugged feeling more comfortable by Calum’s calm reaction. “ Your eyes. They’re their usual color now.” He said in awe studying them. “I’m full.” You laughed and he let out a giggle as well. “ Wow.” He exclaimed suddenly and you knotted your eyebrows. “I’m dating a vampire how freaking awesome is that.” He said in almost a cheer and you just rolled your eyes at him. “Wait do you have any powers then?” He asked with mouth open. “Well let’s say it in this way, fucking me against the counter in our kitchen wouldn’t sound as such a bad idea.” You winked as you stood up before ruffling his hair and left the balcony, him staring at you in surprise and shock, watching you as you went inside. “ You read minds?” He yelled before standing up from his chair running inside.

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