Baby Series | The Boys Babysit Your Baby

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"You know," Luke started, stopping his fork from making its way up to his mouth that was already chewing on some delicate pasta. "This is actually our first official date. As in our first official date ever." Your eyes widened by his words, suddenly realizing the fact he just stated. "Oh my god." Your hand came up to cover the giggle that escaped your lips and Luke smiled widely by your reaction. This was indeed your first date ever as a couple. Of course you could state that being prom dates during Senior year was somehow alike but that was meanwhile you were best friends and now it was actually something for real. When Luke suggested it you had laughed at first claiming that you didn't have time but somehow you managed to fit it in in your busy schedule. And here you were on a decent Italian restaurant down by the beach that Liz had suggested. But every time you tried to see the light in the situation, trying your utter best to enjoy the fact that you finally got some time for yourself, you couldn't. "And you don't seem to enjoy it." Luke mumbled slightly after noticing your worried expression, a frown appearing on his face. "No Luke's it's not that." You tried to reassure, feeling the phone between your thighs heating up by the warmth you were creating. "I know I know. Mommy is still on duty even if she isn't near her son." He cracked a small smile and reached out for your hand. "I just didn't picture our first date like this." He admitted and played with your fingers. "What did you imagine?" You questioned with a quivered eyebrow, smiling. "Maybe I can illustrate that another time. Right now I think you should call Ashton and hear if our son is still alive. I miss him too." You couldn't even express the excitement by Luke's words and you peppered his hand with kisses before standing up and headed towards a secluded area. Deciding that a phone call wouldn't be enough to satisfy your cravings to see William you turned on the FaceTime instantly, waiting in anticipation for Calum to pick up. "Why are you shirtless?" You asked confused the second Ashton and Calum flashed on your screen. "Yeah we had a minor accident." "What happened?" You questioned in a serious tone with wide eyes. Luke, who clearly had his eyes on you from the second you stood up noticed your reaction and hurried to stand next to you. "Well for starters William puked his milk all over Calum. Afterwards when I was holding him he decided to do it on me as well. I assume it's not the milk but his stomach not feeling well today?" You looked up at Luke shortly to see him furrow his eyebrows. "Yeah he did have some problems but we didn't assume it would continue until tonight." Luke responded and wrapped an arm around yours. "No worries though. We've got everything under control." Michael yelled from behind, coming into view on the screen with William in his arms – and he was still wearing his shirt. "Turns out William knows who his favourite uncle is." Ash and Cal rolled their eyes by Michael's confident statement. You couldn't prevent the giggle when they moved William up to Calum's phone, your boy looking at the screen with curious eyes. Waving goodbye a huge sigh escaped your lips and Luke wrapped his arm around your waist. "Ready to finish our date in peace without any worries?" You nodded your head agreeing and a huge smile flashed on his beautiful face features.


"Okay so his infant formula is already premade and just needs to get heated up, his diapers are under the sink in the bathroom and if he somehow won't stop crying try grab the small lion we have tagged along for him. Sometimes he cries for nothing and in the end it's a simple miss of either me or Calum." You paced around almost confused with your arms in the air to point around, the boys following you in your heels, Luke holding Alex in his arms. "And if you're confused about anything you can call Calum or me and we won't hesitate to be back-" You stopped in track by Calum wrapping his arm around your neck from behind, his lips shushing against your cheek. "You're stressing out and we haven't even left yet." He said casually and tried to calm you down, feeling your whole body vibrate with adrenaline. "Yeah don't worry. We'll take great care of him." Luke cheered and secured his arm around Alex. "I know it's just... The first time I'm away from him and I feel like I'm about to break down." You mumbled with a small sigh, a dry laugh coming from your lips afterwards by your lame behavior. "This happens to every mother right?" You looked over your shoulder while biting your lip and Calum nodded his head agreeing. "It does. I think you're handling it pretty well considering we didn't call one of the tour managers to do this." He chuckled and Ashton's along with Michael's jaw dropped. "We're perfect babysitters. Right Alexander?" Michael looked down at your son with hopeful eyes but he didn't receive any other answer than weird mumbles. "I take that as a yes." He commented and Calum giggled slightly while helping you pull on your jacket. "Should I just double check everything before we leave?" You asked while looking up at him but Calum shook his head and pushed you lightly towards the door. "Come on or we won't make it for our reserved table." Calum opened the door to the hotel room and waited for you to walk out first. "You think we are allowed to feet him cookies?" Michael whispered towards Ash and Luke making you stop in track instantly with wide eyes. "Oh no." Calum mumbled and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you out the hotel room and looked towards the boys. "No damn cookies Michael his teeth isn't developed yet!" Closing the door with warning eyes a small sigh escaped his lips when he saw your nervous state standing next to him. "Hey. It's gonna be alright." He placed his warm hands on top of your cheeks. "I know this might seem all scary, you haven't been separated from him for almost a year. But I assure that the boys will do their best. Or at least Ashton will." You smiled softly by his words and leaned your cheek against his chest, his black dress shirt comfortable against your skin. "And for now I want to enjoy this night with you. Not as daddy and mommy Hood but as the couple who is going to get married soon and actually need to start prepare it at some point." He linked his hand with yours and headed down the hallway, butterflies erupting in your stomach by his affection. This was gonna be okay you knew it you just had to breathe it all in and take a break. "I really wanna enjoy it too." You breathed while feeling his lips press against your forehead with a smile.

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