You have a kid but aren't together | Part 2

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“Should I use this or this to impress mommy?” Luke asked William, holding two t shirts in each hand, showing them off for him. He looked confused between the two of them, shaking his head. “None of them?” Luke asked in disbelief, letting out a groan because of his son’s discerning opinions. William was sitting with his back against the dresser, whilst Luke was almost ripping all of his clothes out of his closet. “Why do you wanna impress mommy?” He asked curiously, fiddling with the teddy bear that was placed in his lap. “Because dad has been a dummy who regrets being separated from mommy. And he really wants her back.” Luke explained letting out a small groan as he looked around at the scattered clothes. “Why did you do it in the first place then?” William asked, looking up at his dad with a confused look. “Because I thought it would be better for you guys. But I just miss her so much, it hurts.” Luke said quietly, before pushing some clothes away from the bed, taking a seat. “What about that one?” William asked, pointing towards a white plaid shirt hanging on the rack, Luke let his gaze fall one it for a couple of seconds. “Isn’t it a bit too fancy?” He asked taking it out of the closet. “No.” William said firmly. He wiggled himself down from the dresser, before running into his room, coming back a few seconds later with a look alike shirt in his hand. “You want us to be twins?” Luke grinned, already taking the t shirt he was wearing off. “I know mommy would love it.” William mumbled, fighting with taking his t shirt off as well. As he was fiddling with getting it over his head, Luke let out a small giggle before helping William with it, removing it from him. “Dad we gotta go make a quiff in my hair as well, mommy loves it.” William mumbled already heading towards the bathroom, Luke following suit after.


“So…” Your best friend said, taking your eyes away from the stove, looking at her questionably. “So, what?” You asked, turning around fully to look at her, crossing your arms. “Any news about Drew.” She said in a teasing tone, rolling around in the bar stool she was sitting at. You let out a small chuckle by the mention of Drew’s name, shaking your head. “Come on Y/N; don’t be so boring, how big is he?” She asked as you were just taking a sip from the water bottle next to you making you choke on it, looking at her in shock. “You haven’t seen it yet?” She asked, getting into a serious attitude, leaning over the table looking at you with wide eyes. “You haven’t had.. Sex yet?” She asked quietly, not for any reason particularly. “God no, I can’t make myself do it, he’s too young for me.” You said whilst shaking your head, placing the water bottle next to you on the counter. “What is he, 4 years younger than you?” She asked, leaning back in the chair, crossing her arms. “Yeah, and that’s enough for me, he just graduated high school.” You scolded at her, taking the pan off the stove. “That’s bullshit Y/N; I know you and Luke used to skip class to go fuck at one of yours houses.” She said with a smirk, making you roll your eyes at her before placing two bowls on the counter, one in front of her and another next to. “That was something different. We were young and experimenting.” You mumbled and made a disgusted look as you realized what you had just said. “Yea. Human biology.” She joked before walking over to the cupboard, grabbing 2 forks. “Now when he’s mentioned, when is Luke coming?” She asked, before grabbing the pan with her, placing it on a coaster. “Uhm, any minute by now actually, he said that he would be here at night.” You mumbled looking up at the clock. “Have you told him about Drew?” She asked and you shook your head. “Why should I? And besides, Drew and I’s relationship aren’t that serious yet. William hasn’t even met him yet.” You explained before taking a spoon of pasta from the pan, placing it in your bowl. “Okay then.” She mumbled whilst nodding her head, doing the same thing as you. A knock from the door made both you and her snap her head up, you already out of your chair as you walked over to it, expecting it to be Luke and William. But as you opened the door, Drew was standing there with an awkward smile. “Hi Y/N.” He smiled before walking in to give you a kiss on the cheek. But as he did, you caught Luke standing further down in front of his car, William sitting on his hip and him holding a rose. Your cheeks started to rose as you looked between the two boys, Luke’s face faulting as he noticed Drew’s action.

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