Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 4

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Your sneakers were almost drowned in the mud as you and Luke walked in the woods, both of your hoodies covering your faces from the wind and rain. It was hard fighting through the thick mud making your feet almost sink into it, fighting the urge to get it up again. You managed to get your feet up, letting out a silenced groan. “You sure you don’t want me to help?” Luke questioned still buzzing from when you slept. “I’m fine.” You groaned but almost slipping on the mud, making Luke caught your waist, making sure that your body was stable. “So fucking stubborn.” He groaned before placing his arm under your calves, the other holding by your shoulders as he swooped you up in his arms, now carrying you out towards the other cabins. He was, after all, more dressed for the weather, his rubber boots not quiet matching his otherwise punk outfit. You didn’t say a thing as Luke carried you until the mud disappeared, the paths starting to show again besides the big water puddles. “Thank you.” You mumbled as he placed you down, only nodding his head by your thankless, taking a step away from you to make sure that nobody saw you this close together. The feeling of his warmness disappearing made a knot form in your stomach, lingering for his touch again. You shrugged it off as he began to walk again, you following suit after to head towards the canteen ready for breakfast. The warmth from the room hit your cold skin as you and Luke walked in, your eyes scanning the crowd before you found the girls, an empty spot next to them. You let out a small sigh before approaching them, all of them catching your eye as you sat down. “So, you survived I see.” Magenda smiled before placing a plate of toast in front of you, your mouth watering by just the sight. “It wasn’t easy but I did.” You said confidently, digging in. “I must say, I’ve gotten so much more respect for you now.” Leah mentioned making you stop in track eating, looking curiously at her. “I mean, you managed to sleep in the same room as Luke. I would never survive sleep in the same room as such a cocky headed unsympathetic boy like him.” The other girls nodded as Leah explained making you stop chewing. You felt an uncomfortable stare and to your right stomach feeling, Luke was giving you glares from where he was sitting with the boys. “Yeah. I don’t know how either.” You said swallowing the now hard toast, the knot in your stomach coming back.


“CALUM WE NEED TO-““I know.” Calum smirked, interrupting the otherwise furious Aussie, Ashton’s curls falling in front of his knotted eyebrows. “You do?” He questioned dumb folded, Luke and Michael coming into the door as well. “You really think I’m that dumb Ash?” The kiwi smiled, taking his bass before placing it on the rack in the corner towards the other guitars. “No but-“ “The window was open.” Calum pointed towards the window next to the door, Ashton looked fast at it, his mouth forming into an “o”. He walked over to the window shutting it, making sure that nobody outside would hear. “How much did you hear?” Luke questioned taking a seat on his chair. “Basically everything.” Calum shrugged, taking a seat on his own bed. “The girls aren’t really that great at ideas... Or hiding. I noticed them the first time Y/N approached me behind a tree. And I don’t know whose idea it was for Y/N to ask me about my bass because I clearly remember her playing on it at last year’s competition. And then they spoiled everything outside.” Ashton was running his finger over his stubble in thought as Calum spoke, his mind somewhere else. “Just do it vice versa.” He suddenly said making Calum cock his head at him. “What do you mean?” “Do just as Y/N do. Her mission is for you to fall for her. But what if it happens otherwise?” The smirk grew bigger on Ashton’s face as he spoke, ideas and ideas running through his head. “You’re saying that I should seduce her?” Calum’s lips started to form a smirk as well, the two boys looking at each other. “Do what it takes. She’s probably just as vulnerable just as she thinks you are.” “Okay wait let me get this, so in reality the two of you will just be together, seducing each other until what?” Michael interrupted wanting to join the conversation. “Until they have sex.” Luke mumbled with a laugh to himself, eyes fixed on his phone. “What?” Calum said in a fast tone, looking at the blond haired boy. “Sounds perfect.” Ashton chirped, clapping his hands together. “Not a chance.” Calum shook his head. “I know that if you have the chance, you won’t deny it.” Ashton made the last words fill the air as Calum shrugged his shoulders by the curly haired lad, but the sound of a text message on his phone caught his attention making him turn his head towards it, grabbing it. “Same time tomorrow? :*”


The sound of your alarm started to fill the whole cabin, small groans coming from the other bed’s as you lifted your head from your pillow before your finger slide over the screen, shutting it off. “Sorry.” You mumbled before lifting yourself from the bed, stretching. This was the third time on this camp that you had the morning cleaning in the canteen, it was 100% sure that the canteen crew hated you to guts. Dragging yourself over to the canteen you were almost late as usual, taking your seat next to Michael grabbing your gloves. “Morning.” Michael said with a smile, making you question if he was either overtired or just genially happy to be here. “Morning.” You said unsure starting to wash off some of the plates. “How’s the eye.” He asked doing the same as you. “Better.” You replayed, giving him a full view of your eye. “Wow it actually helped.” He said in awe, studying your eye. “It did.” You replayed, letting a not so awkward silence fill the air as you worked. One of the maids came into the room making Michael stop in track, watching her as a small smirk grew on his face. “Ready to let out a small laugh?” He mumbled in your ear making you stop in track looking up at him to see him pointing towards the maid with his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows as you did the same as Michael – watching the maid heading towards one of the sinks. She reached out to grab one of the water handles, but to her surprise the water splashed back up towards her face. Michael let out a silenced laugh as you watched the maid being helpless trying to turn off the water as it kept on splashing on her face, you trying to muffle your laughs through your hand. The maid finally managed to turn it off, the upper part of her body drowned in water. She gave Michael a skeptical look, letting out a huff before she left the canteen and outside. Michael couldn’t hold it anymore, cracking out laughing you joining. “You did that?” You questioned walking over to the sink, seeing the transparent film placed over it. “That may or may not be correct.” He said, walking over to the film and throw it into the trash. “I’m tired of morning shifts.” He answered casually bringing a smile to your lips. “Same here.” You admitted, giving him a slight giggle.  


"Why are we dressed in all black again?" Luke questioned, him and the other boys trying to catch up with Ashton's fast feet, everyone trying to avoid to stamp on an animal or some sort in the dark wood. "Just to add some sophistication." Ashton replayed turning to the left path towards the girl cabins. "And how can you be so sure that they're asleep?" Calum asked but he only received a smirk from Ashton as they approached your cabin, seeing the lights being off. "Oh" was the only thing Calum said as Michael and Ashton walked over to one of the windows. "You sure this is a good idea?" Michael mumbled as Ashton eyed your sleeping form. "Of course." He answered before opening the window silently, ready to crawl in. "I can't watch this." Luke mumbled taking himself to his head. Ashton placed one leg over the window before the other Michael eyeing him skeptically as he went over to your bed, trying to be as quiet as possible. Ashton removed your duvet carefully, before sneaking his arms under your calves and shoulder lifting you up from the bed. He threw a note on your bed before he walked back towards the now wide opened window, reaching you out for Michael to take you. Ashton crawled out of the window as Michael was holding you, him closing the window. The fourth of them stay quiet in a fear of you waking up as they walked towards their own camp. Luke opened the door to their cabin, all of them walking in, waiting for their next move. "That was easy." Calum mumbled as Michael was still carrying you but Ashton grabbed you instead walking over and placed you on his bed. "Care to tell us now what all of this kidnapping was about?" Michael finally asked gesturing to your sleeping form. Ashton let out a small chuckle, removing a strand of hair out of your face. "The note I left on their bed said that if they didn't quit the competition they wouldn't get their lead singer back. And they can't attend the competition without Y/N anyways so it's a win win situation." Ashton removed his shirt from his body as he spoke before taking a seat on his bed lying himself next to you. "Ashton don't you think we're going too far with this." Michael’s voice was nervous as he asked. Ashton turned his head fast giving the color haired boy a glare. "I'm willing to do anything to win the competition this year. There's no sympathy in this." Ashton's voice was harsh as he spoke yet quiet so you wouldn't wake up. "She's definitely gonna get a heart attack when she wakes up next to you." Calum chuckled before he plopped down on his bed. "And i can't wait." Ashton purred closing his eyes as his head hit the pillow.

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