Baby Series | Bath Time

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"Oh my god he almost looks like he's about to fall asleep." Luke commented with adoring eyes, looking down at William who dazed between having his eyes open and closed in rest. "Yeah, I guess he loves the warm water." You responded while standing in front of the sink, watching Luke in the reflecting mirror in front of you. You took the cleaning sponge from the cupboard below you and put soap on it before putting it under the sink and turned on the hot water. "Not too hot though." Luke warned and you nodded your head agreeing, already knowing what he meant. Bathing time with William had started to get regular every second day right before his bed time so he could get all cleaned up before getting a clean pajama. It was probably Luke's favourite time at the day because for once he could participate as well, holding William in the small baby bath and made sure he wouldn't get water in his mouth or eyes. It created a bond between Luke and William as he would always look up with wide eyes at his dad, so affectionate it melted Luke's heart each time he did it. "See William, mommy's coming with the blue sponge." Luke said with wide smiling eyes down at his son and it made you chuckle before coming into William's sight, his eyes glancing away from Luke and towards you. "We're just gonna clean you up honey."" You chuckled as he started to wiggle his body by the soft connection and you made sure to clean him everywhere on his body while the water splashed around by William's movements. "He's got all that energy from you." You stated, and placed the sponge on the table next to the bath and it made Luke scoff at you. "I didn't have that much energy when I was little." He stated and lifted William up from the otherwise warm towel and he started to make noises by the sudden cold temperature. He hurried towards you in your waiting arms with a towel and with the help of you he wrapped it around William and walked towards the nursing table, placing him onto the changing pillow so you could take over. Though, after lifting William lots of dribbles from the water had landed and spread on the floor and without knowledge Luke hadn't noticed it and slipped as long as he was, landing with a loud crash onto the warm tiles with whines coming from his mouth. "Oh my god, Luke!"


"Are you okay?" By the sudden question Calum's head rose and he looked at you with rosy cheeks. You cocked your head by his reaction to your question and stopped in track with undressing Alex, and placed the blue sponge in your hand next to the baby towel placed on top of the counter in the bathroom. "No.. I just like watching you doing what you're doing." He responded with a sigh followed by a smile and he loosened his body from being stuck to the doorframe and he walked forward to wrap his arms around you from behind. "You've just been awfully quiet the last couple of days." You mumbled and took the last piece of clothing off Alex and placed your finger into the water in the tub to make sure it wasn't too hot for him to bath in. "It's nothing, I just think I'm tired." Calum mumbled and leaned his head on his chin, watching as you lifted Alex in your arms and down into the bathtub, making sure that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable and that he wouldn't get a shock by the sudden contact with water. But as you expected Alex loved water more than everything so he didn't cry a single tear when he was in the water, just got more and more curious by the water filled sponge you used to clean with him. "Actually there is something I have to say." Calum announced after some moments of silence and you stopped in track to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "I'll just dry him off then you can tell me." You mumbled and it made Calum grab the towel and return it to you so you could lift Alex up from the now lukewarm water and place him on the towel next to the tub. When you had dried him up and wrapped him in the towel you looked up at Calum with curious eyes and it made him take a deep breath and look down at his feet. "I promised myself that it wouldn't happen... But it has and the contract says I can't cancel." His words made a lump form in your throat and you knew what was coming now. "I'm going on a tour Y/N. And it starts in three weeks." Your eyes widened even though you knew it was coming and you had no words to say. Your mouth was dry and nothing seemed to come out. "I know it's a lot to take. But I will make sure that you're coming with me and nothing is going to be difficult. I promise you my word."


"Should we see if you dad has done what I asked him to?" You asked with a chuckled and looked down at Celeste while you undressed her on the nursing table inside your bedroom. The clock was past 7pm which meant that it would be less than half an hour before you would put Celeste to bed and before you and Michael just wanted to bath her to make sure she would be all clean before bedtime. "He's been in there for a couple of minutes now so I think he's ready." You said and took off her diaper, lifting her up from the table and cradled her in your arms before heading towards the bathroom. The door was open and when you walked inside you stopped in track and stared at Michael with wide eyes. The bathroom was basically covered in bobbles from the soap Michael had used a rather big amount of in the bathtub. Not to mention that it was in fact in the bathtub instead of the baby tub and you quivered an eyebrow when Michael smirked at you. "What? I needed a shower too." He laughed and pushed some of the bobbles away so there could be place for Celeste to rest. "How do you want to do it?" You asked rather nervous and headed towards him, taking seat on the warm heated towels next to the tub. "I'll just take her in my arms while you'll take the sponge and wash her." He said with a chuckle and looked down at Celeste with a goofy smile and she responded with her usual wide eyes, still hasn't learned to smile yet. "It isn't too hot is it?" You asked nervous and it made Michael scoff and shook his head. "I've got everything on control, trust me." Michael responded and you nodded your head silently and moved up so you could place her in his arms. Michael cradled her with a massive smile on his face and he leaned back in the bathtub and watched her with his baby green eyes, the proud smile on his lips never leaving. When Celeste started to close her eyes in pleasure by the precisely right temperature water you couldn't prevent the giggle escaping your lips and you leaned down to start watering the sponge and clean her body. "Told you it was a good idea." Michael said with a smirk and it made you move the sponge towards his head, cleaning his face with it and he shut his eyes by the sudden touch, spitting out some of the water from the sponge with a laugh.


Small cries and whimpers came from Cloe as she was resting in the warm embrace of Ashton, wrapped up in a warm towel yet she was most probably still freezing from the shower Ashton had just given her. "Shh princess, I'm doing my best to heat you up." Ashton chuckled down at her and placed his warm soft lips onto her forehead and pecked it a few times, trying his best to make her stop crying. "She's so fuzzy today, I have no idea what's going on with her." You commented from next to him, holding Zack tightly in your grip while moving the white sponge on his body, cleaning his skin. "It's because she didn't want to nap with her brother and ate instead." Ashton said and looked down at her with big eyes and he felt relieved when she finally seemed to calm down, her eyes mixing between being open and closed. "She's gonna sleep well tonight though." He said while standing up, heading towards the nursing table and removed the warm towel, expecting her to start whining again. "Yeah, and then it's gonna be Zack who's gonna be awake throughout the whole night." You chuckled and grabbed the towel next to you, lifting Zack and placed him on the towel. "The benefit of having twins." Ash said standing with his back facing you and you nodded your head agreeing before standing up and headed towards him to place Zack right next to Cloe. "Even if it makes everything ten times harder, I can't imagine it being different. I love how ordinary it is." He said with a soft smile and looked down at Cloe loving. "Me too. It makes the experience much more exiting. And I gotta admit currently shower time is my favourite time of the day." You responded and grabbed the warm jumper waiting to heat up Zack before you placed a diaper on Zack, his eyes dozing off and it was clear that he was ready to go a sleep any minute by now. Ashton smiled between the three of you and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side when the both of you had finished dressing both of them. "How did I get so lucky?" He asked with a satisfied sigh and you shrugged your shoulders and looked up at him with a smile which made him peck your nose. Though it didn't last long before Cloe started to whine again and you both looked down at her with wide eyes. "Okay giving mommy more attention than you is a crime I know I know." Ash commented and lifted Cloe up in his arms, pecking her cheeks to try stopping the cries.

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