Friends With Benefits | Part 3

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“What in the serious fuck is going on with your behavior Ashton?!” Luke exclaimed rather angry, pushing the curly haired lad away from him to Ashton’s surprise. At times he would forget that even though Luke was two years younger than him, he was still quite bigger. “What about yourself?” Ashton fired back angry, crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows. “I have no clue what you’re indicating at.” Luke imitated Ashton, crossing his arms as well and leaning up against the wall Ashton had pushed him up against earlier. “Well, let me see, first, you start out by not telling me that you actually at times just hook and fuck my best friend behind my back, and now start doing it to other women as well! What are you, a man slut?” Luke’s mouth felt open by the mention of you, not expecting for Ashton to know. “Ashton, what is going on between Y/N and I will stay between her and I.” He said calm and coldly, the alcohol making him tired. “Listen Hemmings, I have a responsibility towards her, and with you just fucking around with her emotions and shit doesn’t make me quite pleased!” “Hey, what do you mean by her emotions?” Luke asked confused, a serious expression crossing his face. “She was clearly the one saying that our relationship should be based on no emotions so no drama would happen to her with the fans and media!” Ashton rolled his eyes by how naive Luke had been. “You don’t see it do you?” Ashton asked in disbelief, noticing you and Michael heading towards them in the background. “Friends with benefits almost always end up in one getting feelings for another! And for her to see you drown your tongue down someone else’s throat is not a pleasant sight whether you guys are fuck buddies or not! Imagine how heartbroken you would be if you saw something similar like that!” Luke’s left eyebrow lifted by the mention of heartbroken. “Where is she?” He requested fast, but was met by a red puffing eyed you and Michael next to you with a skeptical look. “We’re going to talk and we’re going to talk now.” You, Michael and Ashton didn’t get much more to say before Luke had grabbed your hand and pulling you outside towards the back exit of the club. “Luke I don’t even wann-” You barely got the chance to finish your sentence before Luke placed his lips on your forehead, letting them stay there for some seconds and when he pulled back they lingered. He looked down at you with a sad smile, his hand coming up to caress your cheek. “Why did you never tell me?” He said in a soft voice, yet you were too dazed to catch on what he was indicating. He noticed how you didn’t get what he was hinting, and let out a small sigh. “You never told me you actually had feeling for me” The fact that Luke actually knew made your cheeks rose up in a tomato red color, heating them up as well. “Well, yeah, just go laugh at me now.” You stated, wanting to just get away as fast as possible in embarrassment. “Hey don’t be like that.” He mumbled, holding onto your upper arms to make sure that you weren’t leaving him. “I’m shocked you never told me because.. I guess I’ve have feelings for you as well. And with you being so close to Ashton, I felt kinda left out which is the reason why I had the behavior I had. But now, when I actually know you like me, it makes me feel like a complete fool.” He looked sad when he admitted it, your heart sinking a few pounds. ”You are a fool.” You admitted as well, him looking up at you curiously. ”But you’re not a fool for the reason you think you are. You’re a fool for never admitting your feelings to me.” ”I guess we’re both fools.” He shrugged, the both of you starting to smile. ”So, will you, my sweet little fool, go out on a date with me sometime?” ”Only if you’ll pay for the popcorn.” You grinned, putting your hand into his waiting hand. ”Come on, we got a party inside that’s still on fire. And a Ashton as well.” Luke chuckled, you just shaking your head and rolling your eyes. ”I will take care of him I promise.”


“Before you guys start investigating and quizzing us could you at least wait outside until we’ve at least have gotten something to cover our well.. Naked parts.” Calum mentally slapped himself for just mentioning to the boys that you and him were actually naked, but they had probably already concluded it themselves. “Well.. Sure, of course.” Ashton said stunned, him and the boys walking out of the hotel room again, shutting the door and waiting outside the hotel hall. You let out a groan before moving your whole body away from Calum’s, standing up from the bed and pulling on your shirt as the first thing. “I can’t believe they finally found out.” Your mumbles were the only thing that came out of your lips currently, rambling around about none less things as you threw on your clothes. “They had to at some point.” Calum mumbled, just putting on his boxers and skinny jeans before he went over to the door, letting the boys in when you had finished putting clothes on. Their skeptical looks never left their faces as they walked further into the room. ”First of all, we uhm, was really sorry for interrupting something of yours.” Luke coughed, the boys seeming to be now slight guilty about what they had done. ”So uhm..” Ashton started out, rubbing his hands together as he looked over at Michael and Luke. ”When did this exactly happen?” You and Calum looked at each other in thought, clearly none of you could remember it. ”About 5 months ago I think.” Calum mumbled, looking over at you for approval and you could only nod your head. ”Oh my god.. So she was the one at the hotel in New York where?-” ”Please don’t mention that.” Calum exclaimed and interrupting Michael. ”He must be doing something good to you huh Y/N.” Your eyebrow quivered by Michael’s comment but shrugged it off as new questions came by. ”How did it start?” ”At a party.” You shrugged, the boys nodding their heads as if they were investigating a cruel crime. ”It’s always a good thing you weren’t a groupie like we had expected.” Luke chuckled, Calum smacking his palm against his forehead. ”Please boys, I’m done with that shit..” Calum mumbled, looking over at them with furrowed eyebrows which they could only nod to. Just the thought of the boys comparing you to a groupie caused nausea to fill his veins and made him sick. You were so much more than that, he almost got pissed by just having the thought in his head. ”I need to know, is she good?” Michael asked, breaking the otherwise intense atmosphere, Calum forming a small smirk and you just holding your hands in front of your eyes trying to block them out now. ”She really know how to work- I’m sorry I can’t even tell that, she’s really good and that was what you wanted to know.” Calum almost had to prevent the giggle that was splitting from his lips by your sudden wide eyes staring at him, and Michael seemed delight by the answer. “Are you guys going to date at some point in the future?” Ashton questioned and you were ready to answer when Calum interrupted you to your surprise. “That might happen. Or, that’s what the expectations are from my point of view.” Your jaw felt down to your chin by what he had just said, staring at him in shock. “Of course, if Y/N wants to as well.” He felt suddenly embarrassed, his cheeks turning into a reddish color. “If you’re that good in bed, I don’t think she can resist denying you.” Michael winked towards your direction making you roll your eyes, a pink blush coming to your cheeks as well. “A good thing it wasn’t a groupie then. Mission is completed.” Ashton clapped his hands together before them all winked at you, “Continue from where you left.” Luke smirked, the three of them walking out. “Jesus Christ.” You mumbled under your breath when they had left, almost screaming out when a jolt ran through your body when Calum had placed his hands on your arms. “You heard him.” He smiled with a low tone, taking you by surprise and throwing you over his shoulder, giggles coming from the both of you as he carried you back to the bed.

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