Pregnancy Series | Mood Swings

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Pregnancy Schedule: 13 weeks into the pregnancy


"Watch out, Mrs. Hyacinth is coming back in." Michael warned with a smirk when you came into the dressing room yet again, your eyebrows increasing before gave him a death glare, walking past him whilst ignoring him, heading towards the other available couch. "What do you mean by that?" Cal laughed, looking over at the colorful haired boy. "She’s troubling with mood swings." He cocked his head to look over at you, "I do not!" You defended through gritted teeth, rolling your eyes at the boys as they let out a hysteric laugh. "It’s like she’s one her period 24/7." Michael’s rambles kept on going on, normally you guys would just shrug things like this off, pissing each other off with jokes but this time, with your hormones going crazy, all of the sudden your eyes started to dampen. "Heyhey, what’s going on?" Luke rushed over to your small form on the couch, kneeling in front of you and trying to pry off your hands from covering your eyes. "Nothing." You sniffled, trying to pry his hands off yours. "What did you guys say?" He said, looking back at the guys with a death glare. There was no doubt that since you had turned pregnant, Luke’s overprotection had increased from, "Dude, she’s my best friend, leave her alone." to "If you even dare touching her I swear I’ll chop off your fucking balls.". "It was all Michael." Calum pointed towards Michael making the boy fake a gobsmocked expression, looking over at your small form. "Y/N, you know I’m only messing around with you." He said as in an apologize, trying to avoid Luke’s daring eyes. "I know, I know, it’s just freaking hormones, I can’t take them." You sniffled, finally moving your hands from your eyes. "I’ll promise I’ll kick his ass if he annoys you anymore okay?" Luke promised making a small giggle leaving past your lips, your hand going through his hair as in a thank you. "Kick my ass, please." Michael mumbled from his behind, "I’m not joking Clifford, mess with my girl, and you’ll have to cope with me afterwards." Michael let out a snort by Luke’s threat, "She’s not your girl, Luke." He reminded, "Just because we’re not together, doesn’t mean she’s not mine."


Calum’s slim body was leaning against the counter; his phone in his hand scrolling down on his mail feed, eyes occupied burn tore away when a grumbling you came into the kitchen, a small groan coming from your lips as you noticed the pile of dishes around the counter. You gave Calum a glare with raised eyebrow, seeing if he had actually plans on doing anything. When he stood frozen for a few minutes more, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, marching towards the dish washer, turning on the water on the sink before starting aggressively to push the dirty dishes into the sink, letting the water turn warm now after some time. ”Why is it me who’s always doing this?” The question made both you and Calum’s eyes go wide, you not wanting it to split out. You knew in your head that Calum always helped in the kitchen, but recently according to you, you were the only one occupied with house duties. ”Y/N, what are you talking about?” He asked, placing his phone on the counter, removing himself from leaning against it. ”Look at this?” You pointed out on the dish that was placed in a pile. True shit was that none of you had had time to check it, being occupied with work or stuff. ”I always do this fucking alone Calum and it’s not okay!” Calum rolled his eyes by your rage, a small smirk coming to his lips as he shook his head at you. Normally, he would fight back, but with your constant mood swings from the pregnancy, he had gotten used to it. ”Don’t just stand there and smirk at me!” You snickered, a grumble coming from your lips as you threw the dish into the washer. He let out a small chuckle before approaching you, wrapping his arms around your form, grabbing tight and pulling you into his body. ”I find it amusing how mad you can be towards me.” He whispered in your ear before placing a chase kiss right below your earlobe.


Clothes were scattered around in a horrible mess, groans constantly coming from your lips as you fought the mission to keep your eyes open, small tired yawns leaving as well as you and Michael’s suitcases were placed on your bed’s, Michael’s fine and closed whilst yours were standing open agape with clothes scattered around everywhere. You picked up another shirt from the floor, holding it in front of the mirror, but again, a groan came from your lips as it didn’t looked perfect for what you had in mind, a grumble escaping as you threw the shirt into your suitcase. ”Y/N, the cab is here soon.” Michael yelled from downstairs, his voice shining and full of energy making you even more depressed and stressed. At this point, you couldn’t take anything anymore, the fact that it was 5am and you had to go sit in a plane for more than 6 hours, nothing would fit your body at the moment or Michael’s happy mood. Tears pricked in your eyes as you took a seat on the bed, Michael’s eyes going wide as he came into the room, noticing the mess spread out everywhere in the room. ”Since when did world war 3 start in here.” He asked in shock, looking at you wide eyed but as he noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks, he kneeled down in front of you before pulling you up to stand on your feet. ”What’s wrong?” He asked, drying off your tears with his thumb. ”Nothing fits and I look like a hippo no matter what I wear.” You said in a sob, Michael looking around in at the clothes to find a perfect shirt but failed. He looked out in thought for a minute, before looking down at himself, ”Here.” He said, removing the t shirt he was wearing before putting it down over your arms and down to your waist. You took a look back in the mirror, giving yourself a glare up and down. ”See. It fits perfectly and you look cute in it.” He smiled as he started to collect your clothes around the room, placing it in your suitcase. ”Thank you.” You said with a small smile, walking towards him and giving him a small peck on the lips. “Now, let’s clean up your mess. We’ve got a tour and a plane to catch.”


”What’s up with the skeptical look?” Ashton questioned from his side of the couch, you laying on the other one with a book in your hands, your eyebrows keeping on increasing as you continued reading the book. ”Look at all this?” You said showing him a side you were reading. ”This is everything we have to remember as we’re having twins.” Ashton furrowed his eyes trying to read the words but they were too far away and small for him, ”I don’t know Y/N, we’ll make it through.” ”What if we won’t?” You said a little bit loudly, startling Ash. ”Then we’ll get help.” He tried to reassure but panic spread through your body. ”What if they’ll hate me? What if I’ll be a bad mom or one of them will hate me because I give the one more attention than the other.” ”Y/N where did you get all this from?” He asked, but he couldn’t get contact with you, your eyes looking around in fear. You had just read in the book that pregnancy scares could happen with mood swings where you could fear that your child would hate you. It hadn’t crossed your mind before now that it could actually happen. Your rambles continued on, making more panic spread into your body, your head starting to fill with worry and guilt, your eyes dampening by just the thought of your child hating you. Ashton’s eyes went wide by your sudden mode change, throwing his phone to the other couch cushion before he stood up from his couch, sprinting over to yours and kneeled in front of your body, placing the book next to you. ”Hey, hey, calm down.” He said at first, his hands going up and down your arms to sooth you. ”You’re not alone in this, always remember that. I’ll be here, and I’ll be here for you, forever. We’ve created these two miracles together, so we’ll stick together. There’s no way that I’ll at one point back down. Family comes first.” He made a small smile creep on your lips as he leaned forward, placing a small kiss on your forehead, letting it linger as he moved back to rest his forehead against yours, ”Forever.”

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