You Cuddle With Another Member

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Authors Note:

I have missed writing fluffy preferences like this so please, enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Calum's version is literally one of my favourite scenarios that I've come up with to date, I am suck a sucker for bestfriend!Luke B-)


The wind was both cold and powerful, using all its power to take every single snowflake that had freshly fallen down overnight and created a white sheet over the city, up in the air and creating a wind of dust. The city was surrounded by people squeezing their eyes by the cold London weather and cheeks reddened because of the temperature below freezing. You ran your hands and down the fabric of your black leggings, trying to create heat. Occasionally you would laugh or smile, sometimes wave at a few or twenty fans standing behind the fence that was put up in order to protect the boys. You guys were staying at a typical hotel, living there for a few days while the boys would do some gigs, write some songs at the studio and visit radio stations. But even if you knew you would be travelling to the cold part of a Europe in the middle of December it hadn't convinced you to wear a warm jacket when you had to leave with the boys for soundcheck at the O2 Arena. Luke had rolled his eyes, simply telling you that he would be right back before hurrying back into the hotel lobby. You tightened the leather jacket around your body, a black scarf being the only source of heat to your body. "Seriously Y/N, this is England; snow can even appear in July." Ashton joked and hurried towards your form. You rolled your eyes by his words but regardless of it nodded your head agreeing. This was so stupid of you. "I'm fine." You scoffed at him and placed your hand on his shoulder. Ashton looked between your shaking hand and your chattering teeth, a playing smirk resting on his lips. "Fine, Ashton," You said, trying to be serious but you couldn't prevent your giggle, "Besides Luke will be back soon with my jacket." He ignored your words, "Come here." Ashton invited with a small smile, and opened his jacket. You obeyed to his kind request and watched as he grabbed your shoulders and turned you around so your back was facing him. "Ash, what are you doing?" You asked confused, watched as he pressed you against his warm chest. His hand fiddled with his jacket until it was covering the both of you, luckily enough it was a few size bigger than his own so he had easy access to zip it with the both of you in it. "Oh my god." You laughed and looked into the window to see yours and Ash's reflection. He grinned and placed his hands in his pockets so you were pressed harder against his body if it was even possible, the spreading warmth from his skin heating up your cold one. You guys were having fun, Ashton would occasionally swing you guys around for fun while the fans laughed, snapped photos and talked with you in between. When Luke came back clear confusion was on his face, mainly because he couldn't spot you anywhere. "Over here, Luke." Ashton laughed towards the confused blond haired boy, turning around slowly so you wouldn't lose balance. Luke's eyes widened when he saw your head creep up from Ashton's jacket, your before rosy cheeks now back to the normal color and you weren't chattering teeth any longer. "I have my own personal heater." You laughed over the fans screaming and yelling by the arrival of Luke. He nodded his head impressed and approached you, waiting for you to zip yourself out of Ashton's embrace to get into your own jacket. "Thanks for keeping me warm, Ash." You smiled at him while zipping up your coat, the warm from it couldn't compare to Ashton's radiator inside but it was fine. You survived. "No problem. You know where to find me if moments like these occur again." Ashton grinned and made a thumbs up with his hand before heading towards Michael and Calum whom stood and signed autographs. "Personal heater." Luke mimicked into your ear, acting offended and wrapped your arms over your shoulder. You grinned by his words and nodded your head, happy that both you and Luke were gifted by such a great friend like Ashton.


With your hands up in the air to cover your eyes and your body tight embraced in your secure brown blanket, your fingers spread once in a while to show what was on the screen. Luke on the other hand thought the use of hands wasn't good enough, he decided to use his whole duvet as a fort to protect himself and hide his eyes in it if it was necessary. The TV screen was reflecting the images of horror in your eyes, bloody screams and gasps loud from the volume. "Luke, why are we watching this." You whimpered, and held the blanket closer to your body. "Because you said you didn't want to watch Finding Nemo, so I picked the first movie that was suggested from the scary section on Netflix." He explained, his voice muffled from his black duvet. "But none of us are fond of scary movies, wouldn't a chick flick have been a better option?" You flicked your eyes towards him and he was about to answer when a jump scare happened in the film, making both you and Luke jump in your seats, the whole back are of the tour bus shaking. "Okay I'm turning it off now!" Luke almost yelled to himself in panic, his eyes wide and his breathing quickened by the jump scare. His hand clapped on the couch for a search, but after seconds of search he gave up. "I can't find the remote." You rolled your eyes at Luke and grumbled to yourself. "Guess we have to survive through this. We can do it, Y/N." His tone showed confidence and power, but within seconds another jump scare left your lunges out of breath and your hearts pounding so hard it was ready to jump out of your throat. You slung yourself into Luke's body, buried your face into his warm chest and he wrapped his arms around you. "Why do you have to be the one getting protected here!" He argued and you could feel his heart pound harshly. You looked over at the screen to see what was going on, but the bloody deceased headless body made you cuddle your face back into Luke's chest. "You are the man, act like one." You almost giggled into his chest when he snorted at you. "Man? I don't think I can clarify myself as that before I start growing some hair on my balls." Both you and Luke laughed loud by his joke but the otherwise sudden happy moment was ruined by the worst jump scare at all. You both clutched onto each other for dear life, Luke burying his into the crock of your neck. You both wanted to look back and as you did the door to the back area opened and a shadow casted over you. A bloody scream left both your lips by the sudden person standing with the lights from the other part of the tour bus illuminating him from behind. "What the hell is going on in here?" Calum asked confused and stepped inside, flicked on the lights. Your eyes adjusted to the sudden light and moved your face away from Luke's chest to look at him. Calum turned his attention to the screen, "Why are you watching this? Both of you hate scary movies?" You looked up at Luke, "Dummy here picked it by mistake and has now thrown away the remote." Calum licked his lips while you talked, before he leaned down to the ground. "You mean this?" He asked, waving the black remote in the air. You rolled your eyes by Luke's lack of search skills and you could feel his chest vibrate with chuckles. "We must have kicked it down by one of the jumps scares." You nodded your head agreeing to Luke's words and caught the remote easily by Calum's catch. You paused the screen and it was like heaven hit the both of you, a satisfied sigh leaving Luke's lips. "Finding Nemo?" You asked and moved away from him, smiling when Calum took a seat next to you and wrapped his arms around you. "Sounds legit." Luke grinned and cuddled back into his duvet, both your hearts calming down by the horrifying screams now being replaced with the intro to a one true Disney classic.

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