Amnesia | Part 4

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Besides having these terrible writersblock for so long SO MANY FUCKING THINGS HAVE HAPPENED FOR THE PAST WEEK. Firstly the boys announced that they were coming to Denmark, THEN I got VIP soundcheck tickets for their concert, but that not it all, yesterday I got a follow from their band account and today they posted a picture of me on their facebook account! Everything is thrown at me at once and my fangirl heart is being bombed currently. Life is crazy. 


“It fits you nice.” Rhonda commented as you were twirling around for her. “It’s really cute.” You admired looking down at yourself. “Wait Rhonda why is there still lights in the shop?” You suddenly asked, noticing the lights illuminating far away from the backroom. “I don’t know.” She said with a smirk. “Why don’t you go check it.” Looking at her with a raised eyebrow, you shrugged your shoulders before heading back to the front shop. As you came closer to where the light where you noticed a figure standing with its back towards you. “Sorry, uhm we’re closed.” You said making the person to turn around; your eyes were ready to pop out as you saw it was Luke. The both of you stared at each other for a couple of seconds before you in a quick move turned around on your heel, ready to leave as fast as possible.  ”Wait before you leave.” Luke interrupted, standing in front of you in the doorframe. Looking up at him with a non-emotional face he let out a small breath. “At least give me some time to explain to you how much of a dick I’ve been and how sorry I am for it.” “I’m listening.” You said, raising an eyebrow at him. He gestured towards the table with his hand, making you roll your eyes at him before taking a seat, him sitting on the chair on the other side of the table. “This was Rhonda’s idea wasn’t it?” You asked breaking silence. “And Ashton.” He added. “Okay Y/N I’m just gonna split this out right now. I’ve been a dick. A complete shithole to be honest. And I regret every single thing I’ve done to you that’ve made you either sad or angry. Seeing you sad is one of the things I hate the most and it hurts like fucking hell. My ego has taken over me for the past 2 months with the new album coming out and everything. All you wanted to do was to spend some time with me and I took it for granted. I totally cut you off my life and that was never on purpose. I can’t believe I even let myself to do such things as that towards you. God I’ve just been so stressed it made me turn into a douche.” He confessed. You only nodded your head at him, the sadness from him overcoming you as well. Luke nervously started to dry his now sweaty hands in his lap, making you notice the small bulge forming from his pocket. “Luke what is that in your pocket?” You asked looking down at the grayish fur showing a smaller bit from his jeans. He looked down by your question and his eyes widen as he saw the penguin. “Is it what I think it is?” You asked and he looked back at you, his mouth open but no words coming out. Taking the silence as a yes you pushed your chair out before walking over to him, grabbing the penguin, before taking a seat in his lap. “I can’t believe you saved this.” You said in awe looking back at him to see his almost shocked look because of your actions. “Wouldn’t throw it out for anything.” He said seriously, making you stare into his eyes, before leaning forward, connecting your lips with his. The kiss was small and fast, making his mind dizzy as you pulled your lips away from his, leaning your head against his forehead. “Does this mean we’re getting back together.” He whispered. “If you promise not to take your anger out on me anymore.” You confessed, looking at him dead in the eye as he shook his head. “Never ever again.” He said before letting your lips connect again.


“Hey.” Ashton yelled after you as you pushed through the both of them, already heading towards the stairs of Calum’s flat. “I know where he’s hiding.” You yelled after them, and they hesitated to stop you but they didn’t. Walking further down the hallway you turned to your right before smacking the door to Calum’s bedroom open and the sound startled the Kiwi as he was sitting in his bed with his back facing the door. “What the..” He mumbled looking around curiously but his eyes widen as he saw you. “What are you doing here?” He hissed standing up from his bed. “We need to talk and I don’t care if you wanna do it or not it’s gonna happen right now.” You said sternly, walking closer to him. “We have nothing to talk about Y/N.” Calum said walking closer to you as well. “Oh you don’t wanna talk with me? How about those 30+ texts you’ve send me over the past month.” “What about them? Like you even fucking care you didn’t even hesitate to ignore me each time.” Calum fired back instantly, his nostrils becoming bigger as he spoke. “ I did not ignore you.” You said, your voice getting louder by each word. “Oh tell me, why didn’t you answer a single one?” He asked with a fake joy in his voice, his voice matching yours now. “Because Chase deleted them!” You yelled making him give you a look that said clear disbelief. “Please Y/N come up with something more convincing than that.” He snickered shaking his head at you. “Have I ever lied to you?” You yelled, a single tear running down your cheek. A pause broke between the two of you, pants leaving both of your lips. “No. You haven’t.” Calum said with a suspicious look, his eyebrow raising as he looked down at you. “Chase was jealous. Of me still liking you and getting texts from you all the time.” You mumbled looking away from his gaze. “You still like me?” Calum asked above a whisper, trying to get eye contact with you. “Breaking up with you was probably one of the shittiest decisions I’ve ever made. I thought it would be better for me, better for you.” You admitted now finally letting him get eye contact with you. “Chase always tried to get me on other thoughts. But somehow you always ended up coming back in my mind.” As you finished speaking, Calums face softened by your words. “But its fine if you don’t wanna be with me anymore. I ruined it myself, and I doubt that I can fix it.” You said looking down again making Calum place his hands on either side of your cheeks before pulling you in for a much needed kiss to the both of you’s satisfaction. Calum let his thumb brush your cheek whilst holding them making you place your hand over his, him backing you until the back of your knees hit the madras. All of the sudden a knock appeared from Calum’s closed door making him pull away from you. “What?” Calum almost yelled towards the door, waiting for an answer. “Have you killed each other yet?” Ashton asked through the door making both you and Calum roll your eyes at them. “No.” You yelled, and you heard some shuffle from the door. “Good.” Luke answered before the sound of footsteps appeared but fainting more and more away. “I kind of barged into your house.” You admitted gesturing towards the door. “That doesn’t matter.” Cal whispered before placing his lips on yours again, letting your back connect with the madras as he took your cardigan off. “Forgiven?” You asked, pulling away again. “And forgotten.” He added before giving you a kiss on the forehead, taking his shirt off before throwing it to the floor next to your cardigan.

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