Pregnancy Series | You Give Birth | Part 1

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Weeh, so I finally hit 100 preferences! I really wanted to make it some kind of special and that is the reason why the birth is that number! I’m not going to fire off a speech now since the pregnancy series isn’t over yet but I just wanted to thank everyone who has been reading it and lived/reblogged/given credit, it warms my heart to know that this have made people so insanely happy! Now, let’s get these babies born! 


The ride towards the hospital had probably been the funniest yet chaotic ride you had ever experienced in your life so far. With Luke behind the steering wheel and you on the back seat with Liz and Celeste, everything was insane.

Luke did his very best to drive as much as he was allowed to, yet  he didn’t missed the chance to speed up at moments where he thought nobody was there, but of course having Liz behind him to yell that he was a psycho and such for driving so fast. The two of them had been fighting the whole way to the hospital and it finally came to an end when you guys got inside, Liz and Celeste heading towards the cafeteria when you and Luke got checked in into a hospital room.

The first thing that had to be done was for you to get everything checked, the sound of the heartbeat and other such since to measure that the baby was okay. And the pains would only get worse by now since you had already developed 4 centimeters just at home and in the car which were the cause of the strong contractions. Everything was almost going too fast for Luke’s thoughtful head but he managed to remain calm under everything, even asking your midwife certain question here and there when she came to visit you in your room when she had to do a check.

But after an hour or so, everything had seemed to be on standby and you had managed to control the contractions with breathing techniques.

Luke leaned his head against the window right in front of him as he was looking out at the view, the sun warm in his face as he froze out on thought. His phone was resting between the crock of his neck and his shoulder; he listened as Liz was talking with him on the other line. Behind him were you on your phone texting whoever you had in mind, and just mainly browsing through news on your Facebook feed.

Everything was quiet and peaceful in the hospital room. But it changed as soon as a small groan came from Luke’s behind making him tell a goodbye to Liz before hanging up and sprinting towards you, taking a cheat on the chair next to your bed before wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you into him, the other hand reaching out for yours to hold.

“You want anything?” He asked, leaning his head against yours and nodding along, waiting for the contraction to be over so he could get whatever you requested. “Iced water?” He asked with a chuckle which made you nod in a small giggle, watching him as he went over to the fridge and filling up a glass of water. Yet, instead of taking a seat on the chair when he got back, he took a seat on the bed next to you, placing the glass in your hands. “Thanks.” You mumbled, looking up at him adoring before taking a sip.

”You remember the last time we were here?” Luke asked all of the sudden, breaking the silence. Looking over at him in confusion, you shook your head no.

”We had been skating with Calum back when we were like 14. You ended up crashing on the curbstones and almost broke your arm. We spent more than 8 hours just to know that it was the harsh impact of the punch from the curbstones and nothing more.” A smile came to your lips as you tried to memorize it, leaning back on the bed and looking up in the sky.

”You stayed with me the whole time.” You mentioned which Luke nodded his head to. ”It was really sweet of you.” Luke started to blush as a smile came across his lips, his thumb moving up and down the back of your hand, drawing patterns.

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