Your Son's Friends Think You're A Milf

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A/N: I've always wanted to write something like this, it's so hilarious! 


"How can you be so fresh, it's not even past 10am yet?" You asked curious, feeling Luke's lips ghost over your skin. He chuckled by your words and grabbed you by the thighs, lifting your bare legs onto the cold marble counter and placed a lingering kiss right below your ear. "I have no idea. I think it's the adrenaline still lingering in my veins." He shrugged and bit his lip and took a look at you, glancing you up and down. This was one of his biggest weaknesses. Seeing you sit half naked with one of his old flannels covering your almost bare body and underwear. "It's really kidding off at some other spot on your body huh." You chuckled and rubbed your nose against his, feeling his boner against your thigh. "I can't help it." He shrugged and smiled up at you but his eyes adverted fast when he heard footsteps coming from the stairs and inside came William and two of his friends. "Dear god mom, dad, not again." William said and made a sound of disgust before covering his eyes. "Sorry Will." Luke mumbled and wrapped the flannel tight around your body so the boys wouldn't see a thing. You had expected them to be sleeping to at least past 12am since they had been up this late but of course they had to interrupt Luke and yours moment. You hopped down from the counter and hurried past them towards the stairs to get some more clothes on. "You want something with milk?" Luke asked and changed the subject dramatically, already grabbing a box of cereal. He placed the box on the table where the boys had taken a seat, and grabbed some bowls with the milk and spoons afterwards. "Damn your mom looks good." Jasper spoke and William raised an eyebrow instantly. "Bro don't even start on that." William warned with wide eyes but his other friend Liam disagreed. "I'm totally thinking the same. William you gotta admit, your mom is a total milf!" "My mom is not a milf!" William disagreed and placed his hands in front of his eyes again, the three of them totally forgetting Luke was standing behind the kitchen counter with wide eyes. "You can at least admit she's hot." Liam said with winking eyes and William shrugged his shoulders. "My mom is pretty yes. But I don't see her as sex material." William defended and it made a small smile appear on Luke's face, yet he still wasn't completely satisfied with what the boys had been saying about you. He could hear your footsteps from the stairs so instead of having you come inside the kitchen he met you outside on the hallway and stopped you in track. "I didn't even know he had friends sleeping over." Luke mumbled and wrapped his strong arms around your small form in front of him. "You would have known if you hadn't come home late last night. It amazes me that you didn't even hear them screaming to 4am at some kind of video game they were playing." You mumbled and shook your head at him. "I just think I need to be here more often then. You know, show them who the owner of you is." He mumbled with his eyes dark and looking over at the boys in the kitchen.


Why did you have to wear those jeans again, my I ask?" Calum asked skeptical as he stared at your legs, his slim body leaning against the kitchen counter and watching as you stirred around in a bowl with dressing. You rolled your eyes by his question and placed the bowl on the tray next to you with plates, carrots, asparagus, and other vegetables, along with some crackers. "Because my boss told me to." You mumbled and brushed some of the crumbles on the leather jeans. They were high waisted leather jeans that was so tight even your camel toe was about to be seen. "But why?" He asked and watched you as you dried off the table from spilled dressing and crumbles. "Because we have this criteria saying that before we put our designs on the market we have to test out our clothing. This time though we didn't have any models to do it because of our budget so we had to use the designers. As you can see I was so lucky to get the chance to wear Katherina's design and she wears mine. Which is much less inappropriate for a mother like me." You sighed and grabbed the tray. "Well that makes more sense to me then." Calum said with a small smirk and crossed his arms while staring at you head out of the kitchen and into the living room where Alex was along with three of his friends from school. You walked inside and made a small greeting with your eyes and a smile when Alex made thumbs up to you and mumbled a concentrated "Thanks mom", trying to see what was on the TV. "Mom your ass is blocking the view, dear god." He exclaimed and you scoffed at him and shook your head at him. You hurried to place the tray on the coffee table and moved aside so the boys could see the Fifa game on the TV again. Though what you hadn't noticed was one of Alex's friends, Micky, had been cocking his head and stared rather long on your ass. Alex did notice though. "Dude!" Alex whispered and pushed his elbow into Micky's arm. "What?" Micky asked confused and stared back at Alex. Meanwhile you had pushed your hair over your shoulder and stood with your back facing them. "Thanks again mom." Alex spoke and you nodded your head by his politeness. "Thank you it looks great Mrs. Hood." Micky said and you smiled down at him. "I'm happy to hear." You said and grabbed some of the magazine on the table where the TV was standing. "She's my freaking mom, dude what the fuck?" Alex whispered and looked at Micky wide eyed. "What? She's a total milf have you seen that ass? Damn." He whispered back and looked over at you whom were now bowing down again. "She's my freaking mom dude. That's just gross." Alex mumbled, pretty much freaked out. Shrugging off the odd conversation you headed out of the room and walked over to Calum who was now answering emails. "Cal? What's a milf?" You asked confused and Calum eyes went wide, looking at you with questionable eyes before his eyes adverted towards the living room and afterwards towards your ass. "Mine." He mumbled and grabbed you by your ass, pushing you into his chest and he started to attack your neck with kisses.

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