"You Don't Have To..."

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"You don't have to..." You cooed guilty, your eyes struggling and trying to open them fully from the otherwise forcefully rain pouring down on you and Luke. "But I want to. I don't want you to get sick." He responded softly, his hair already completely flat and drowned by the heavy water pouring down from the dark sky. You watched him as he took off his jacket and placed it in your hand before taking off his dry t shirt, showing his toned chest. You watched him closely and you lifted an eyebrow confused when he started to try off your wet arms and neck. "Luke..." You mumbled but he ignored you and wrapped his warm dry jacket around your shoulders. "It's alright, there isn't a long way home." He responded with a smile and took on the now wet t shirt and put it back on, a satisfied smirk coming to his lips when he saw you weren't chatting teeth and your lips seemed to get the right warm light pink color back. You looked up at him with a sympathetically smile, feeling guilty as it was you who had forgotten a coat but Luke clearly didn't care. He loved knowing that you were the warm one instead of him and he knew you secretly loved wearing his clothes as it was always warm and smelling nicely by his cologne.


"You don't have to..." You muffled into his warm chest, yet you didn't lose your arms around him or let go. "I know.. But I'm doing it anyways." Calum said with a chuckle and leaned down to place a chase kiss on your neck before looking at his phone. "I don't want you to get in trouble with management." You sighed and opened your eyes, squeezing them tight by the sun from outside streaming in through the racks of the certain otherwise trying to prevent it. Calum hummed in respond still focused on his phone and his fingers were lightly ghosting over your bare thigh, making goosebumps form around your almost naked skin. "Besides it's Friday. They won't mind if I cancel and start my weekend early." He said and sent the text he had been writing for the past two minutes and threw his phone down onto the carpet below the bed. He moved around and grabbed you by the waist and with ease pulled you closer to his chest and allowed him to wrap both his arms around you and spoon you from behind - something you loved and adored more than anything else. "Mornings are always the worst part of my day because it kills me to leave you behind, all cold and lonely." He mumbled into your neck before placing another kiss, resting his head against the pillow and the both of you let out a sigh in pure relax and happiness.


"You don't have to..." You said with a sigh and watched him as he ignored your words and started to place your stuff on the floor. "I do." Michael responded with a chuckle and looked at you with warm eyes. You sighed once again and leaned your head against your seat while eyeing him grabbing his jacket from the floor and placed it behind him up against the window of the airplane. He stopped in track when he felt your eyes stare at him intensely and he placed his warm hand on your cheek and caressed it. "It's alright Y/N. I can't sleep anyways and I know you've been uncomfortable for the past 2 hours. It was my fault I dragged you along." You bit your lip by his words and watched as he lifted up the armrest that separated the two of you and leaned down against the wall behind him with his jacket making it more comfortable and he opened his arms welcoming. "Come on. I know you want to." He chuckled with a smirk and you made a small smile before rolling your eyes and moved around so your back was pressed against Michael's chest and he wrapped his warm arms around your and took the blanket you guys had borrowed from the flight attendants. It didn't take long for you to feel much more comfortable than before and Michael could feel your breathing get deeper and deeper. It was no wonder to him. He had woken you up at 5am to catch this plane and now you were finally sleeping peacefully in his arms, and Michael plugged his earbuds in, ready to finish off this trip to London.


"You don't have to..." You said while looking down at the warm blanket you were wrapped up in and Ashton scoffed deeply by your words. He moved away from resting against the doorframe and walked forward until his knees touched your shared bed. "I suggested it myself." He said confidently and slowly started to caress the part of your leg that was sticking out of the duvet. You moaned into your soft pillow in pain and stretched out your body. "I just don't wanna be annoying." You sighed and looked up at him with soft eyes and he could clear see the pain. "You're not annoying. Period is a natural thing for girls, no wonder why you're in such pain." He sat down on the available mattress next to you and he rubbed his hand softly against your arm. "It kills me to see you like this suffering. I just want to make it better even if this is the worst situation of every month." He moved his head down to press a soft kiss to your temple and it made a pleased sigh escape your lips. "You know what?" You asked and closed your eyes. "What?" Ash asked with a little worried expression. "You're the best boyfriend I could ever wish for." You whispered and opened your eyes again, seeing Ashton showing off the goofiest smile he could possibly create, and he stood up from the bed and moved down to place another kiss. "Do you want chips or chocolate?" 

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