You Fall Asleep On Him

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A/N: Remember to check out my new Luke fanfiction called The Math Teacher!


It was like the day had hated you from when the sunrise creeped through the curtains right into your face. You hadn't got the right amount of sleep, your head was banging, your temperature was definitely over the normal and your throat was drier than the Sahara. Not to mention that it didn't make anything better that Luke had forgotten to wake you guys up in time to catch the tour bus driving from the hotel which meant that you guys had to sprint out with your suitcases barely closed and still in your nightgown. It felt like years to you before you could throw your suitcase to the luggage area of the bus and head towards the back area with Luke to rest. He had been trying to cheer you up all day and rubbed your back when he felt it was necessary but to you nothing seemed to go well planned. When you guys sat down at the couches and Luke plumbed a movie into the DVD player it was like peace filled your mind and you had to fight the chance to stay awake, even when the other boys came into the room and sat down to join you guys. "Look." Calum said and Luke looked up at him confused to see him motioning his head towards your now sleeping form. "All asleep now." Michael commented with a smirk and leaned his head against Ashton's shoulder. "She deserves it." Luke mumbled and pressed his lips against your hairline, feeling a bobbly feeling in his stomach by the fact that you had finally fallen asleep. You were never the person to fall asleep in places besides your bed but Luke's chest was just as comfortable. It was your comfort place, the place where you could relax the most. Luke adored you for that and loved when you would rest against his chest. It made him feel protective towards you and he couldn't hide the blush that appeared on his cheeks by the boys repeated out bursting awes.


"Y/N what in the world are you doing?" By the sudden sound of Calum's rather confused voice, your head rose up from the shoes you had been shushing at, and you looked at Calum dazed for a second before a lazy smile came to your lips. "Hey Calpal." You chuckled and lifted your arms forward, but that meant you had to let go of the dresser next to you and you almost collapsed onto the floor if it wasn't for Calum reaching out for your unbalanced body. "That went fast." You said stunned and looked up at him with dazed eyes, and he laughed and bit his lip while looking at your current stage. "Your socks are dirty." He commented as he looked down and you grinned and moved your head back towards to look at your shoes that were placed right in front of the door. "They were irritating. So I walked in them from the bus stop to here." Calum's eyes widened and he shook his head by your drunken state before he helped you to get into the living room, and your eyes lit up by the sight of the boys sitting at the couches. "Oh my god, it's a whole family reunion." You exclaimed and they all tried to hold in their grins, watching as Calum moved towards the couch and sat down with you on his lap. "She's a little drunk. I'll carry her to bed in a minute." Cal apologized and Michael had to bite his fist from laughing at you. "Hey! I'm not tired. I'm fresher than Dory was when she found out Nemo was Nemo." You slurred and pointed a finger into his chest before your head collapsed onto it, your eyes fighting the chance between opening and closing. "Looks like that didn't last for long." Ashton said with a grin and Calum looked down at your face before shaking his head, wrapping his arms around you and allowed you to cuddle into his chest, already gone in dreamland and waiting for the hungover to hit you tomorrow.


Michael's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the large TV screen in front of him, his fingers moving around fast on the controller he had in a tight grip, trying to beat whatever kind of zombie there was on the XBOX game. His long body was resting on the chaiselong of the couch with you in between his legs, your cheek resting against his chest while his arms were wrapped around you to hold the controller in front of him. To be honest, this wasn't the best day for you. Waking up with cramps in your stomach and a visit from little red riding hood wasn't how you wanted to start out your day. Cancelling work you had been walking around confused in your house with cramps, wanting to throw up and take enough pain killers for you to fall asleep. It was so bad that Michael couldn't even leave you for a day in the studio and he called the boys and cancelled. He had tried to help you with getting the pain away as much as he could, and he managed to find some pain killers at the drugstore you hadn't tried before and he could feel how it was helping you. "Yes, for fuck sake, look Y/N I've been waiting for this moment for a fucking half hour!" Michael exclaimed loudly and looked down at you proud but when he noticed your eyes closed his mouth pouted in realization of almost waking you up and he mumbled a small "Shit.". He smiled softly to himself in happiness of finally seeing you relaxed and he placed the controller next to him on the couch before grabbing the remote, changing the channel to some TV show that was played and he wrapped his arms around your body and placed a soft kiss to your forehead. He hated seeing you ill and to be the one to change that made his heart flutter and his stomach fill up with butterflies.


A big disappointed looked appeared on both you and Ashton's faces as you stared at the screen at the airport, looking at your flight where 'Delayed' was written with capitals, and Ashton groaned shortly to himself and took his phone out to check the time. "For how long?" You asked even though you knew he had no idea and he shrugged his shoulders and grabbed your shared suitcase before walking towards another screen just to double check and to his disappointment, the same word was written on your flight. "I can't believe we were in a hurry for a plane that hasn't even landed in the airport yet." You mumbled irritated and followed him towards one of the many unseated benches at the place, the airport almost empty. Ashton had been running around in the house to pack the last of your stuff before you guys were heading to LA with the early morning flight but now when it was cancelled, everything was pointless and you had barely gotten any sleep. "Come here." He requested when noticed your tired state and you plumbed down onto his lap and leaned your head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss to your hair before leaning his head against yours. "You can just sleep on me if you want. I'll wake you up if we get any news." You looked up at him and he nodded his head with a smile which made you smile too and you leaned your head against your chest, feeling your eyes become heavier and heavier. "I don't wanna sleep though." You mumbled with a yawn and it made Ash giggle by your action and you hit him lightly in the arm. "What are you guys doing in LA this time?" You asked trying to kill time and Ashton smiled into your hair and started talking but it was the result of you shutting your eyes and falling into a slumber while Ashton started to ramble. But when there was no answer he looked down at you with confused eyes but his face broke into a smile by you falling asleep on his chest and he wrapped his arms tighter around your body. "I'll tell you when we get on the flight." He whispered and planted one last kiss to your forehead before he grabbed his phone and started to make snapchats on the official band account.

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