"Mornings Like These..."

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So this was very randomly written while I was working on Mr. & Mrs. Hood! Took me about 15 minutes to write and it's very short but I hope you enjoy these quote preferences! I think they always turn out so fluffy!


"...Are my favourite because I get to wake up to your pretty face." He giggled into the crook of your neck, his lips ghosting over the tender spot. Small bruises of hickeys were decorated up against your skin and Luke carefully placed his lips to a spot that wasn't affected. You moaned softly into the pillow by the feeling of his lips, still worn out from last night and tired lingering in you veins. He goofily removed his lips from your neck and up to your cheek instead, pressing them against the soft skin and peppered you with kisses. "Why are you always so cliché in the mornings." You mumbled and wiggled closer to his warm chest, his hand resting right above your navel. "Because I love you so damn much you have no idea." He whispered against your ear and placed a final kiss right behind it with a satisfied smile on his lips.


"...Are rare. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy them to the fullest." He chuckled from your behind, his chin resting on top of your head and his back resting against the wall by the window seat. Both your eyes were glued to the ocean behind the glass, the sun creeping its way up from the horizon. Its colors were exploding like magic, creating a honey affect that was filling your whole Iiving room. The clock was striking past 4am but none of you could sleep, jetlag being responsible. His arms were draped around your waist, holding you close to his heart while you rested your face against his chest. The place was pure quiet besides your breathings and when Calum had something to say. But it wasn't even needed to say anything. Even if you guys couldn't sleep you were so overtired you barely managed anything. It was all about enjoying each other's company until the sun would rise again.


"...Are always so depressing but today, it's gonna be different." He yawned silently and raised his arms in the air to stretch. You chuckled lightly by his words and took a look down at your phone, the time illustrating 5am. Both your suitcases were resting on top of your mattress, yours still being open while Michael just closed his. A huge smile was embracing his face, something you rarely saw him do in the mornings. He was always tired, claiming that it was too early to function when the sun hadn't even risen yet. But for once he was showing a different side and there was a perfect reason for that. "Always having to travel away from you, waking up in the mornings without your beautiful smile next to me and your optimistically mind," He paused to take the small road from the other side of the bed to you. "Is gonna be different now when you're heading with me for tour. And I can't believe that none other tour can beat this because I get to see you every single day."


"...Are so spontaneously! But it's also so alike us, which is why I love it ten times more." He smiled brightly while swinging your intertwined fingers back and forth while walking, the slippy streets of London not preventing you from taking a morning walk. Nobody was in sight, everyone being home and sleeping in for the Sunday. Ashton didn't care about the time, he wanted to explore the city with you, enjoy the cold raindrops from the sky and share a lukewarm cup of coffee. You giggled up at him and leaned closer to his chest, wishing you had brought a jacket with you on the go. He noticed your shaking presence and didn't hesitate to take off his black sweatshirt, the warmth from his body overwhelming your cold one the second he embraced you with it. You smiled up at him in thanks, being overwhelming by his beautiful morning smile and ready to explore this rest of this town with him.

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