Boyband VS Girlband | AU | Part 7

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Ashton’s is def. my fave tbh.


Living back with the boys was like moving to a whole new contingent again. The sudden smell of teenage boy and sweat filled their room so hard that it was almost like Luke wished for your fragrance to fill the atmosphere again and it was a whole new story mentioning Ashton’s snores filling the whole cabin and probably the rest of the camp comparing to the small breathing sounds you used to make, nothing special but Luke still found it very cute. He had already packed anything out from his case for the third time on this camp, suited himself in and was ready to go practice with the boys. Luke was standing with his head in his bag, trying to find his case with guitar picks as Calum was sitting on his bed, waiting for the blond haired boy to hurry up, Michael and Ashton already being in the music cabin to start off. “Y/N have you seen my fucking picks.” Luke raised his head fast as he realized what he spoke, looking slowly back at Calum to see his shocked face expression just as he had imagined. “Did you just call me Y/N?” Luke’s mouth went straight and his neck started to grow a dark shade of red as Calum crossed his arms, looking Luke up and down as he tried to compose himself. “I didn’t mean to,-“ “Dude what the hell is happening to you!” Cal interrupted raising his voice a bit more than what he expected himself. “I don’t know man.” Luke ran a hand through his hair in a nervous habit, giving Cal a rather small pout. “You know what I think?” He asked standing up from his bed making Luke shook his head, looking at him curiously. “I think you’re falling for her. By every single girl at this camp, it’s fucking her you’re falling for. And wauw how it doesn’t surprise me that it’s you who’s doing it.” “Cal I think you’re a little bit too harsh now.” Luke said in a more aggressive tone, being filled up with Cal’s smaller speech. “Listen, I don’t care if you wanna play prince Charming. As long as you don’t ruin it for me and the boys as we’re here to play music and perform on a stage, not playing Cinderella and her prince.” With Calum’s last word being said, he turned around on his heel before grabbing his bass case, opening the door and walking out leaving Luke behind, to Calum’s luck as Luke was this close to hit something. He had one source right now. Screw practice, all he needed right now was to see one person. And if he was lucky, she wouldn’t be turning him down just like one of his best friends just did.


"Why do we have to do this?" You groaned, your feet crunching as they connected with the earthy ground, willow and hero walking in front. "Because it’s Friday. And our camp doesn’t have as fun activities at Fridays as camp star.." "It’s just a cozy bonfire activity." You mumbled under your breath, squeezing your eyes as you watched far away the faint color of orange and red faint burning in the air. "It will be great. Fire, music and marshmallows!" Emma cheered, her mouth almost drooling by the thought of the crunchy burned marshmallow. “But!-” You barely managed to say before Hero shushed on you, “We know that 5 Seconds Of Summer will be there but who gives a fuck anyways, they think they can control us? Please.” Hero interrupted you making you shut your mouth again, keeping quiet as you walked closer and closer to the bonfire, noticing a few from your own camp but mostly theirs filling around on the stumps. With you walking furthest behind, the girls managed to take the seats that was far away on the stump from 5SOS, managing you to be left behind to sit next to no other than Calum who was more occupied by listening to Luke next to him playing on an acoustic guitar. “You’re kidding me right?” You whisper yelled giving them a death glare but all they could do was shrug, making you roll your eyes, holding in the groan that was determined to leave past your lips as you took a seat next to Calum on the stump, feeling his body tense up as you did. He looked down at you fast but didn’t keep the glare for long as his eyes parted away again and towards something else. One of the Camp Leaders from their camp walked towards the group of you guys with blankets in case of coldness, giving them out for you to use. Blankets were passed by and when Calum received his, without another word he placed the blanket over his lap before doing the same to yours to your absolutely surprise, your eyebrows knitting as you looked up at him in a question but without any respond. Calum continued on ignoring you like you were air the whole time as everyone either sang or ate marshmallows, Emma already looking like someone who could puke at any second. You and Hero got eye contact, her eyes looking at you in confusion in a reefer to the blanket you and Calum shared but all you could was shrug, looking back at the bonfire in front of you. A sudden jolt ran through your spine when Calum’s hand landed on your thigh making you look up fast, and at this point he was actually looking at you, only cocking a small smirk before he continued his conversation with Luke, leaving you dumb folded behind to think about either removing his hand or not.

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