Good Girls - 5 Seconds of Summer | Punk High School AU

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I have no idea what this have turned into so yeah x


She’s a good girl’
She’s Daddy’s favourite
He’s saved for Harvard
He know she’ll make it
She’s good at school
She’s never truant
She can speak French
I think she’s fluent

Luke pressed the pencil that was in between his fingers into the skin of his chin, furrowing his eyebrows as he watched the teacher in front of him boring the class with whatever he was teaching at the moment, Luke’s eyes rolling when he gave out some working papers that should be made in pairing groups of two. ”I’ve already made the groups in case of cheat or anything else. I’m not in the mood for any fools and jokes today.” He wrote the names on the blackboard, Luke’s eyes rolling when he noticed Y/N’s name next to his. ”It’s a crossword with French fruits, animals and weather seasons.” Y/N stood up from her chair and didn’t gave Luke a single glance as she took a seat next to him, throwing her pencil on the table and leaning forward so she could see what the task was about. ”Why are we even doing this?” She groaned mostly to herself, but Luke noticed and cocked his eyebrow by her small outburst. She took her pencil before skimming the page, before her pencil was on the paper, starting to write words around in the squares, Luke’s eyes going wide by her fast actions of what he would point as a very harsh task. He knew how good she was at this subject, but this was just crazy, they hadn’t been having this class for more than half a year and Luke could barely remember how to say, ”hello my name is Luke”. If it hadn’t been for his mom wanting him to take a language class so he could upgrade his school average, he had chosen nothing at all, leaving him behind with not much on his grades. But now, after half a year, Luke could conclude that it was almost better to not even had French because it was dragging all the other grades down and he knew his teacher was skeptical with having Luke in his class because all he did was to look out bored in the air or sit with his phone not even wanting to learn anything in the class. When Y/N finished the last of the crossword, she looked over at Luke for a second, her eyes going wide when she noticed how he didn’t even have gotten the chance to write his name on top of the paper. Of course, she could conclude that he wasn’t the most skilled at this, but he looked more lost than a camel in Antarctica. | ”Luke Hemmings and Y/N Y/L/N could you wait here for a second?” The teacher mumbled as the class was over, just the two of them being left by. ”Sure..” Luke mumbled, throwing his bag pack over his shoulder, Y/N stopping in track from being ready to leave the class. ”I think we all know that Luke’s French skills are lacking here and I’m starting to grow worried. Y/N with your expanded academic French skills I have a suggestion to you. If you wouldn’t mind, we would be happy if you could tutor Mr. Hemmings, not much, but enough for him to at least pass at the finals.” ”Tutoring? You must be kidding?” She glared Luke up and down before looking at the teacher pleading. ”Y/N!? Attitude!” He exclaimed, Luke’s eyes wide by her sudden attitude. She started to blush by her exclaiming, feeling guilty for almost insulting Luke by this. ”Sorry Hemmings. But I’ll need to consider this before I take any options.” This time Luke started to blush and bite down on his lip ring, the teacher nodding his head and looking rather skeptical at Y/N.


'Cause every night she studies hard in her room
At least that’s what her parents assume
But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend
Here’s what she told me the time that I caught ‘em

Your ear was leaning against the thick wooden door in your room, your eyebrows furrowing when the sound of the TV was turned off, your eyes going wide as you leaned away from it, breaking into a smile and sprinting towards your nightstand. You grabbed your phone from the charger, plugging it out and taking your jacket, putting it on and heading towards your window. Living on the second floor could be a pain in the ass at times. But after crawling out of the window a few times, you got used and were better at doing it without making such damage towards yourself or any noise. Removing your curtain, you opened the window in silence before sticking your head out, feeling how nice the temperature was. You stuck one leg out, before sitting on the window rack, reaching out towards the tree right next to your bedroom window, crawling out of the window and clutching to the tree, ready to let go so you could come down to the ground. By a sudden wind, you lost your balance, which made you jump down from the tree in a wrong way, landing on your knees in a rather painful manor. ”Fucking hell.” You cursed to yourself, waiting a few seconds until the pain disappeared. ”Well well well. Who do we have here?” The sound of Calum’s voice made you look up with a puzzled expression, lifting one eyebrow. ”What do you want?” You mumbled, standing up from the ground and dusting off the dirt that had appeared from your jump. ”Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just curious to why a girl like you are out here by yourself.. After 11PM.” He added, you crossing your arms and cocking your head. ”Since when did you know what my bedtime is?” ”We’re neighbors, I know more about you than you probably do yourself.” He smiled, mimicking you by crossing his arms as well. ”I don’t have time for this Calum.” You grumbled, walking past him to get away. ”Meeting up with Travis?” You stopped in track by the mention of him, turning around to stare at Calum. ”How do you know that I’m going to visit him? And even knowing his name?” Calum shook his head at you like you were stupid, ”Y/N, you don’t think people notice you guys at the hallway when you exchange mouth drool every third second.” Your cheeks rose up in a pink color by the mention, looking down at your feet. ”I wonder what your dad would say if he knew any of-” ”Don’t you even dare say it Calum.” You warned, looking up at him daring, his smirk only growing bigger. ”Why are you even out here in the first place?” He looked up at the sky before taking a package of cigarettes out. ”I was sitting at my porch taking a smoke when I noticed you. Not the first time it has happened but this time I thought I would approach you.” You nodded your head as you watched him lit up the cigarette and place it between his lips, inhaling the tobacco. ”Why was it different this time?” Calum blew the gray smoke into the air, a hand instantly coming in front of your mouth in disgust. ”I don’t know.” He shrugged, his pointing finger stubbing the cigarette. ”Curiosity took over me I guess.” You nodded your head as you eyed him, your teeth burning into your bottom lip. ”You know, maybe you should stop your addiction towards smoking, it’s ruining your health and messing up your economy and life.” ”Maybe you should stop pretending to be someone you’re not.” ”What do you mean, Calum?” Calum threw the cigarette to the ground, stamping on it until the fire extinguished, crossed his arms and leaning forward towards your body. ”A good girl.”

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