Pregnancy Series | Discussing Baby Names

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A slight bump from a hip collapsing into yours made your head spin up fast with furrowed eyebrows and a pout forming on your lips as you glared at Luke with death in your eyes, his big form next to you instantly starting to crack up laughing because he didn’t fail to piss you off. ”Stop.” You mumbled, yet it was harsh trying to hold back a smile as Luke kept on doing the movement, the smile on his lips never leaving, his tongue sticking out in tease. ”I’m just messing with you, you know that.” You gave him a glare but didn’t even wanting to hide the smile now, letting him place his hand on the smaller part of your back in reassure of protect, him and you following each other down the library hall you were currently walking at, trying to find the right session with books filled with suggestions for baby names. At this point you were actually really really happy. You and Luke were acting chiller with each other now. Throughout the first period of the pregnancy you guys somehow had been distant from each other. Not really having normal conversations with each other and mainly trying to avoid alone conversations because it would just get too awkward. But now everything had taken another turn. Luke was acting calmer around you and you guys acted more like before all of these events happened. Like the best friends you guys always had been. Whether it had been Liz taking him to side and giving him a speech or just his mind changing road, you couldn’t point your finger at, but all you knew for sure was that you were happy about it. Luke grabbed the first blue book he saw without any words said from you, taking it down from its place and walking with you towards one of the bean bags placed in the corner, away from everything else, you guys taking a seat and starting to dig in into the book. ”Any ideas?” He mumbled, starting to turn around the pages, your eyes scanning the names but none of them seemed to please you. ”I have no idea, honestly.” You shrugged, Luke going from the A session and going further down. ”We could call him Luke Junior.” He winked, looking down at you, receiving a glare from you, ”Not gonna happen.” You stated, opening up the K session and started to read the names. ”I think we should call it Y/N Junior.” You smirked, looking up at him, making him furrow his eyebrows, ”It’s a boy?” His question made your shrug your shoulders again, ”So what? He can be called Y/N anyways.” Luke tried to muffle his giggles that were so desperate to spill from his lips, his fear of having to get yelled at by the librarian workers making him press both hands to his lips, you starting laugh quietly yourself. ”That’s not gonna happen.” He argued, the both of you laughing and pushing each other in joy and teasing. ”I’ll guess we’ll find out when we see him maybe.” Luke mumbled, his hand coming down to your stomach, his fingers brushing lightly over the soft material of your blouse. ”Yeah.” You mumbled, enjoying the feeling of his fingers tickling your skin, him sending you a warm small smile.


Waddling your swallowing body into the living room where Calum was seated on the floor in front of your TV, you kneeled down beside him before throwing the full up chips bag, the thing you had raised yourself from the floor to pick up in the kitchen in the first place, before taking a seat on the soft beige carpet, looking around at the different folders that was placed around. ”How many names are there?” You asked, your eyes scanning around the white papers, trying to count them all but failing because of laziness. ”I think there is like 14.” Calum mumbled, placing the last folders around in front of you guys. ”How many did the boys make?” Calum looked down in thought, his mouth silence counting, ”About 10 of them.” He chuckled, making your eyes instantly roll to the back of your head. Since you and Calum were having trouble with finding a name for your baby boy you had asked help through the boys. Ashton, the ever so clever boy he was, suggested that you guys could make a lot of folders, write names down on it and pick one random. But since none of you guys had any inspiration for names, the boys had made the folders. ”I’ll take the first one.” Cal mumbled before taking a paper, turning it around and his eyebrows furrowing as he read, ”Rufus?” ”Not a single chance.” You stated, making Cal chuckle before he threw the paper behind him, you taking a new one. ”Dear god..” You mumbled to yourself as you read the paper, ”Michael?” Showing Calum the folder the Kiwi boy let out a muffled giggle, rolling his eyes by the terrific idea of his bandmate. ”Aint gonna happen.” You mumbled placing the folder behind Calum where the other was. Calum reached out for another one, reading the name and trying to muffle his laughing again, ”Abraham?” He showed you the paper, a ridiculous smirk playing on his lips by the not so seriousness shown from the boys. ”Why did we even ask them for help.” You said in disbelief, leaning back on your elbows and letting your stomach rise up in the air. ”Technically, we didn’t ask them for help. They did it by themselves.” He chuckled, taking a new folder as well. ”Maya?” ”That’s a fucking girl name, don’t they know we’re having a boy!” You scoffed making Calum laugh again, ”I guess they think it can be used on a boy as well.” ”I’m not calling our son Maya.” You took the paper out of Calum’s hand before throwing it behind him, giving him a small smile in tease whilst doing it. ”Do you even wanna know what’s under the rest of them?” He asked as you opened the chips bag beside you, shrugging your shoulders. Calum started to turn the other papers around as you ate your chips, listening to what he was saying, some of the names that the boys had suggested were actually good to your surprise, yet none of them seemed to please you and Calum. ”I guess we’ll wait a few months more then.” Cal mumbled as the last piece of paper was thrown behind his shoulder, no more folders left in front of you. ”Yeah, I guess so.” You shrugged, starting to pull yourself up from the floor. ”But this time, we don’t ask the boys for help.”

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