Boyband VS Girlband | Part 5

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The breakfast was soon over, camp students starting to head towards where their class would possibly be, you dragging your feet towards the cabin. Luke was already in the cabin as you arrived, sitting on his bed with his guitar. “So much for Isolation cabin.” You mumbled under your breath before grabbing a book, letting your mind flow in fantasy world throughout the whole day until the darkness had appeared outside.

“You wanna do something?” He asked breaking the silence, making you shift in your bed to get a better view of him. “Like what?” Luke raised himself from his bed heading towards the closet and roaming through it. “We could play a game or something.” He mumbled from having his head in it, searching. Your feet dangled against the bed as you sat up, eyeing him skeptical. “Truth and dare?” He suggested, grabbing a bunch of cards with an elastic band around it. “How mature.” You commented with a raised eyebrow, making him cock a smile. “With alcohol.” He added showing his other hand which was grasped around a bottle of vodka. “Where’d you get that?” You asked raising yourself from the bed. “I have my ways.” He smiled placing the bottle and cards on the floor before joining. “What are you waiting for?” He asked looking up at you, gesturing to the spot in front of him. “What if they notice-?” “They’ve already put us in isolation cabin, what’s the worst thing they can do now?” Luke questioned starting to mix up the cards. You hesitated for a moment but sat down anyways, watching his hands mix them up. “You start.” He smiled lying out a few piles. “If you reject doing a dare or tell a truth, you’ll have to take a sip.” He explained, leaning back on his hands. You grabbed a truth card wanting to start easily, reading it out loud. “Have you ever lied to your partner to avoid an intimate moment?” “No. I haven’t. I don’t even have a partner.” You grinned, placing the card down under the others. “Your turn.” You smiled, gesturing to the pile. He reached out for a card, his hands moving around before he grabbed a truth card as well, “What is the stupidest thing that you have done in front of a crowd?” “You see this?” He asked pointing towards his forehead. You nodded your head squeezing your eyes to look at the small scar. “I got it 3 years ago. The final competition was on a rainy day and I slipped on stage and hit my own head with my guitar.” He admitted making your hands fly up to your mouth, trying to muffle the giggles. “You were him?” You said slipping out a giggle. He nodded his head with a smile, shaking his head at how clumsy he had been. “Your turn.” He smiled, waiting for you to take a card.

The game continued for long, cards scattered everywhere now and Luke being slightly tipsy, you on the other hand more wasted than necessary. Somehow your head had found Luke’s lap, the cards were now forgotten and you had made your own game, Luke holding the bottle in his hands as he took a sip. “I didn’t think you would get this drunk.” He stated looking down at you. You only let out a giggle, reaching out for the bottle. “Uh Uh.” He said, holding the bottle back making you form a pout. “You have to deny a truth/dare then.” “Fine.” You huffed crossing your arms. “I chose dare.” He thought for a minute before he looked down at you, the faint sound of Blink 182 playing in the background from his’ speakers. “I dare you to kiss me.” He smirked, chewing on his lip. “Not gonna happen.” You giggled shaking your head, reaching your arms out for the bottle. “I’m changing the rules.” He announced, making your arms fall down. “If you want some from the bottle, it’ll cost a kiss.” You crossed your arms looking up at him. Your eyes flicked between his and the bottle unsure of what to do. “Kiss me then.” You said more quietly looking up at him. He formed a smile before placing the bottle and leaning down to place his lips between your bottom lip and over, kissing you sweetly and slow making your stomach twist with butterflies, a feeling you hadn’t felt in a long time. Luke pulled away seconds later but because of the alcohol in your veins it had felt like years. “Cheers mate.” He smiled giving you the bottle for you to take a sip. The feeling of his lips were still lingering on yours as you had zoned out looking at him, but was zoned out as the feeling of the cold glass against your lips was pressed, Luke waiting for you to take a sip. The now lukewarm liquid glide down your throat as you drowned a sip, the harsh feeling attacking your throat. “We should probably get to bed soon.” He mumbled twisting the lid around the bottle. “I’m not tired.” You said trying to mumble a yawn afterwards. “Fine.” Luke smiled before helping you up from the bed, stabilizing you to stand straight before guiding you over to the bed, your face hitting the pillow. “Night Lukey.” You mumbled into it as you felt him pull the covers over your body. 

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